View Full Version : polycistic ovaries

03-11-10, 16:45
hi ive just been diagnosed with polycistic ovaries and was just wondering if anyone has thesame and what there sysmtoms are :unsure:xx

03-11-10, 17:20
I was told I had poly cystic ovary syndrome

Excess hair,spots,mood swings, wieght gain and its hard to lose.:ohmy:

03-11-10, 17:30
yes im the same do you have trouble with your periods aswell ? x

03-11-10, 17:35
Hi Kaleigh

I sort of got told the same, with me they said they couldn't tell me I deffinately had it or not. They (the specialist said basically if anyone asks just say you have it). I do however have loads of the symptoms, facial hair, periods all over, finding it hard to lose the weight, depression and things like that.

What symptoms are you getting??

Anita, XX.

03-11-10, 17:40
hi anita
ive had loads my skin has gone really bad and imm sure ihave depression which has led tome having panic attacks everyday for the past 2 months... my periods are terrible lasting sometimes upto 8 weeks they are often really light to start with then they go really really heavy its awful do yousuffer from that ? and i also get sudden sharp stapping pains which seems to feel like its in my ovary :weep: its awful i just wish they would hurry up and do something xx

03-11-10, 17:43
Hi, Kayleigh,

Yeah my periods like used to be really heavy and lasted a long time. Now at the moment they are not cos im on the cerazette pill. I just get constant spotting, but with lots of tummy and back pain and feeling sick.

It isn't nice, hugs my friend.

hi anita
ive had loads my skin has gone really bad and imm sure ihave depression which has led tome having panic attacks everyday for the past 2 months... my periods are terrible lasting sometimes upto 8 weeks they are often really light to start with then they go really really heavy its awful do yousuffer from that ? and i also get sudden sharp stapping pains which seems to feel like its in my ovary :weep: its awful i just wish they would hurry up and do something xx

03-11-10, 17:47
its just the sudden stabbing pains that are worrying me xx

03-11-10, 17:51

How often do you get these pains?? Next time you go to the drs I would mention it or something.

its just the sudden stabbing pains that are worrying me xx

03-11-10, 17:52
Hi I have PCOS, im 38 and had it since i was 19. I get a period about 3 times a year but when they do come they can last up to 8 weeks and are quite heavy.

I find it really hard to lose weight and get pain sometimes at bottom of my stomach.

I get over symptoms as well

mandie x

03-11-10, 18:00
not very often anita but ive been getting them on and off since last night night its just a sharp stabbing pain then it disappears i mentioned it to the doctor last time but he didnt think it mattered ?? xx

hi mandy
my periods are quite regular but very messed up i have been on my period since thursday and it was normal to start off with then it went really light now nothing at all but i know tommorow or maybe the day after it will go REALLY heavy :blush:
i just wish they would hurry up and sort it or do something its ruling my life i have to wait to the 22nd for a rescan sosurley they cant thinkits urgent can they ori would have been seen much sooner i got my results about 2 weeks ago ?????? xx
sorry to go on it just worries me :weep: xx

03-11-10, 21:27
hi no need to say sorry its a horrible thing to have.

i hate the fact u never no when period will start, u think its stopping and then it starts again. sometimes get the pain, the mood swings etc but period never comes.

there are things to help yreself like if yr overweight losing weight can lessen the symptoms, but i find it hard to lose weight when u have this condition

mandie x

03-11-10, 21:32
Wow, I just wanted to send a hug to all of you ladies. Having normal periods is bad enough.

03-11-10, 21:49
My Dr thinks I might have this as my periods have been a bit messy of late - I think down to coming off the pill but I don't know.. She's organised me to have a full blood test, and an ultrasound - not a transvaginal one thank God as she said it would hurt too much seeing as I'm still a virgin! The only symptoms I have are tiredness, ectopic beats, dryness/itchy/sore down there, acne, I'm overweight and my periods (in the last 6 months) have gone a bit odd, plus I've always had them heavy with bad period pain, but lately they've gotten lighter to the point of stopping and starting - though like I said I only came off the pill a month ago...

More worried about whether I have some kind of cancer to be honest :unsure: or that I'll have problems having kids in the future :S


03-11-10, 22:15
I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries some 15 years ago. My period was a couple of times a year and I was having trouble conceiving. I had a double dose of a fertility drug called clomid and got preggars...this must have sorted me as I now have 4 kids!!

03-11-10, 22:30
hi ladies :D
yes i too had to have an ultrasound whichis when they found the cysts..... im now waiting on a second scan but im not quite sure why ?? i had a full blood tests done and they found my testoterone was pretty high and my iron levels were low ive been on folic acid now for a couple of months......
does anyone else suffer from the sudden sharp pains that feel like they are in your ovaries ?????

03-11-10, 22:44

Why don't you just take notes for now of whats going on when you are getting the pain, for like future reference.

hi ladies :D
yes i too had to have an ultrasound whichis when they found the cysts..... im now waiting on a second scan but im not quite sure why ?? i had a full blood tests done and they found my testoterone was pretty high and my iron levels were low ive been on folic acid now for a couple of months......
does anyone else suffer from the sudden sharp pains that feel like they are in your ovaries ?????

03-11-10, 23:03
it comes and goes its only there for a couple of seconds its weird xx