View Full Version : UTI

cook ie
03-11-10, 18:19

I have had two lots of UTI's in the last 4 weeks and have managed to persuade myself that I have kidney/bladder cancer. My last urine sample tested neg for the UTI but I had all the symptoms.

Has anyone else experienced this? I'm really scared.


03-11-10, 18:33
Yup. I'm a chronic sufferer. I would tend to get them after my period each month. I've had a few where the results came back negative, but I've had the symptoms of an infection. Annoyingly it would get worse and I would go back with another sample and get meds for it. It might seem like you've had 2 infections, but it could be the first infection making a recurrence. My advice is to drink plenty of water, wear cotton underwear and no thongs or g strings, and make sure to empty your bladder first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Cranberry juice and barley squash drinks are also good for bladder health.

03-11-10, 19:43
at the moment i feel like i have a uti but it doest burn to wee just the really heavy dragging ache in the bladder area also when i had a wee there was a tiny spot of blood on tissue can that happen x

03-11-10, 19:57
nature did not design the female anatomy to be friendly! Men get it so much easier lol

03-11-10, 21:02
Hi there

I have exactly the same as you and have had for almost 3 months.

Same results too, no infection! Same fears too and the anxiety makes the symptoms worse.

Have you been prescribed any meds?

Take a look at my thread starting 1 Nov (cystitis-like symptoms), lots of good advice and reassuring posts from the lovely people on the site.

You are not alone.


cook ie
04-11-10, 13:44
Thanks for the replies, it really helps.

I've been prescribed antibiotics twice (currently on second dose) and my symptoms have pretty much gone. It just worried me that it came back so fast (after first dose of antibiotics) when it seemed to have cleared.

I think googling and looking up cancer symptoms doesn't help.

04-11-10, 17:43
So pleased I have seen this. I have also started with a UTI this week, was given antibiotics but the pain, around waist height in my side and back has been getting worse, been back to the doctor today who is sending my sample off for analysis and have to go back in the morning. Have got myself into such a panic that it is going to end up as Kidney failure. I'm also 5 weeks pregnant so any pain in the pelvic region i'm convincing myself is eptopic pregnancy or misscarriage. Unsurprisingly the anxiety is making me feel 10 times worse, the usual, heart racing, aches and pains and convincing myself something terrible is going to happen.
I hope you are feeling better cook ie, you're right though google the dymptoms does not help, am currently seeing a CBT therapist who is working with me to stop doing that!

04-11-10, 19:10
Hi scanny. If you have got a kidney infection then the antibiotics will sort it out no problem, so don't worry about them kidney failure.
Maybe you could ask for an ultra sound to put your mind at rest? I'm not sure how early they can pick up a pregnancy on them, but they do use them to check out your bladder and all the pipes if you're having recurrent infections.

04-11-10, 20:09
i have the same as you
have had UTI's for 10 years...to the point where some antibiotics dont work!
ive had scans which rule out anything causing this apart from bacteria!
what do u think brings them on?

04-11-10, 20:27
My sister had months of cystitis problems earlier this year ... back and forward to the dr, even paid privately to have an investigation in hospital etc - all the tests were neg but the specialist said that sometimes the level of bacteria is so low it doesn't register. She was in a terrible state so I went to the dr with her and said that it seemed very strange that she was in such pain etc {she was nearly climbing the wall} when nothing was showing up. The dr agreed and put her on antidepressants and she hasn't mentioned it since! I think she was just in such a state with anxiety/depression (which she hadn't realised) that it just became her focal point. Anyway, she's really great now and has been a great help to me as I am having a tough time. She's a bit bossy though - and she's my younger sister -but I love her. She's only bossing me to help me through!
Take care x

cook ie
08-11-10, 17:39
thanks to everyone who posted somwthing, its amazing how hearing other peoples experiences can make you feel better (less like a nutter). I'm just going to wait it out now. If the infection comes back I will def try to get a scan, I may even pay for one myself. My dr has said if it does return she will put me on a low dose of antibiotics for a few months as maybe its chronic cystitis but I really don't fancy that - antibiotics for that length of time can't be good for you!


12-11-10, 20:19
Hi, I was recently prescribed antibiotics for a bladder infecion - but all I had was pain in bladder area, no burning/stinging/urgency ... although apparently this is sometimes the case. Trouble is I am still getting the pain off and on - a sharp intermittent pain - so it's niggling me :mad: