View Full Version : Question for other women.

03-11-10, 20:16
Hi. I remember reading a thread on here a few weeks ago relating to periods and anxiety, but I can't seem to find the original thread so sorry for posting some of the same questions again.

I have noticed over the last few months that my anxiety really gets much worse about 10 days before my period, and my grandmother suggested that I go on the pill, and see if it can control the hormones somewhat. I asked the doctor about this and he said that he didn't think it would make a difference, but that I could try it if I wanted too. The last time I was on the pill was before I had anxiety, but I do remember my period pains and PMT going down quite a lot.

Basically, I was just wondering if anyone has gone on the pill for their anxiety and if it has made a difference, as I find it quite annoying having to suffer 2 weeks out of every month with very high anxiety. Any advise would be much appreciated.

03-11-10, 20:22
You could try using the search facility and put in some key words like "pill anxiety" or "period anxiety" and search "titles" only - that may find it.

paula lynne
03-11-10, 20:33
Yes I was put on the mini-pill (progesterone only) 6 monthes ago, for regulating my horrendous hormones, about 13 days before period. This made my panic and anx 100 times worse...I really couldnt function. 24/48 hrs after bleed, back to a managable level.
I must say there is definately improvement. Ive gone from a panic and anx level of around 9, to a more managable 4/5. Have you heared of oestrogen dominance? May be worth your while checking it out. xx

paula lynne
03-11-10, 20:54
I just re-read my post...first line doesnt make sense sorry. x
Im on the pill for HORMONE imbalance, which in turn affects my ANXIETY.At ovulation, day 14, all my anx used to kick off big time. It was only relieved at bleed.

Now, I still get dizzy at day 14, but other anxiety symptoms have diminished to a managable level. x
Hasnt improved my moodyness though x hahaha sorry hubby xx

03-11-10, 21:14
I take the combined pill. I was on it for years, then came off and started getting 10 days of pure hell before my period. My GP put me back on it, and I'm good again. It has definitely made a difference to my moods. He wouldn't put me on the mini pill, as he said it might make my depressive moods worse - however, other women on here have had success with it.
