View Full Version : Severe weakness :( petrified :(

03-11-10, 21:57
i can literally hardly type... my hands and arms, god im so scared, i an barely lift them :( it started earlier completely out of the blue :( i gotta sharp pain behind my shoulder that sent a strong sudden weakness and numbness down my arm and hand, then it all wentfrom there really :(

its not goin away, my breathings fine i dunno wots doing this :( i was fine chattin away to my mum!!

03-11-10, 21:58
it feels like an EXTEME effort to clench my hand or use my hands in any way :(

03-11-10, 22:11
Don't panic hun, I suspect this is to do with tense neck/shoulder muscles. I have these and I get a lot of problems in my arms and hands x

03-11-10, 22:21
I was experiencing this last week and I can only put it down to tension in the shoulders and neck. Try not to stress and get a good nights sleep.

03-11-10, 22:40
Could be a trapped nerve in the back or neck

03-11-10, 22:57
just try strech it off that might help

05-11-10, 11:32
still happening...im considering a&e... its not going away :( they feel heavy/weak, and im struggling to use my hands properly as they are sooooo weak, and if i go to grab something i either completely miss or my arm/hand goes all floppy :( i can still feel it but it just feels sort of numb...im so scared!!

05-11-10, 11:34
my legs felt extremely heavy and weak a couple of nights ago but i left it and it went away eventually, i could hardly walk tho...how is that normal???!!! My hands just dont feel right, i keep making mistakes when im typing :(

05-11-10, 13:24
One of the things that helps with neck and shoulder tension is to lie on the floor. If you lie flat, put a smallish book under your head and then bend your knees until you feel the base of your spine touching the floor, you automatically realign your spine into a "proper" straight position.

I learnt this one when I did a bit of Alexander Technique at college years ago. If you get yourself comfortable like this, lie on the floor and breathe easy for about 10-15 minutes (as in, don't exaggerate deep or slow breathing, just let it come naturally). After this, get up from the floor slowly by rolling over on to your knees and then stand by keeping your spine as straight as you can.

This helps a lot with neck and shoulder tension as it helps all those tortured muscles relax a bit!

05-11-10, 13:30
Why are you considering A&E when the GP is still open?

05-11-10, 16:16
Cant get an appt til monday at 4:30pm!! its getting rly baddd :( i felt very faint earlier but i know prob down to worrying :( i cant blv how extreme this is though... never ever had such severe weakness :( its really frightening me :( :( :(

i can barely clench my hands, and if i do somrthing as simple as butter some bread like i did earlier, my hand ached and went so weak so much i had to stop. it was literally stopping me from using my hand :( if i hold something its like i cant lift anything coz my arms cant handle it, it feels like io gotta flop my arms down and keep them there as i cant do anything with them:( Im getting twitches all over my arms and my sharp pains in my neck where my enlarged node is, i got more in my groin and keep getting strong sharp pains in that area too :( im worried sick this is cancer or sxome muscle disease :( scared out of my wit. what should i do??? a&e were fab last time, but dont want them to think im just there for the sake of it, but i dont know how much longer i can deal with this :( i have a 2 year old and am a lone parent :(

05-11-10, 18:12
The doc would have seen you as an emergency.

Why not call NHS direct and ask them

05-11-10, 18:21

I hope you don't hate me for this, but I want you to read this...


You were such an inspiration back then, and we had CBT (and recovery!) at the same time...

I am posting this thread only to help you...please try and stop for just one moment and remember you have been here before and you got better! Use some of your CBT techniques, you were brilliant at it.

05-11-10, 23:36
I know :( But ive never felt this bad... i know its anxiety but i do think thees sumthin else harbouring itself.. i have too many extremely bad debilitating symptoms to be just anxiety. The symptoms have brought back my anxiety and i totally relapsed, but the symptoms have never gone away and have just got sooooooooooo bad :(

I hate my life right now i cant cope :(