View Full Version : is this GERD?

03-11-10, 21:58
Hi everyone,
for a couple of days now i've had difficulty breathing, scratchy throat and feeling the need to belch all the time.
i've been stressed with college and a few other situations, i do suffer from severe anxiety and i've been thinking its maybe GERD/acid reflux causing this?
i've actually had this feeling for a few years now from when i was little and doctors have just said its anxiety related, though im sure if it was something serious i'd know by now?
just the last couple of days seems pretty bad, im constantly belching after some things i eat, paticulary pork and bacon and any fizzy drinks.
it can be okay during the day then at certain points it will hit me, its usually at night too.
i have been worrying a lot lately and i've always suffered from extreme anxiety.
im really scared its going to be something serious :(
i find i have to get a big breath to breathe properly, i CAN breathe without but i just feel the need to. i dont have any pains ,just chest ones but i think thats due to me needing to breathe deeply. i feel i need to yawn to get a decent breath and sometimes i cant even finish my yawn!
it seems to be worse when i'm tired too as its fine during the day when i'm full of beans. it does ease a bit too when i'm lying down.
i do have a lot of sugar in my diet and fat, im thinking that won't be helping too much either.
i do have meds from a bit ago from a panic attack i had that opens up my airways, which actually helped for a while but not for long. (about an hour or so)
i feel quite out of breath too, but i think thats because i'm worrying too much about it. it just seems odd its gotten quite bad all of a sudden. the only thing i can think of is a build up of anxiety.
please help im only 16 and im really scared its going to end up to be something like lung cancer or a collapsed lung :(
i can do usual day to day activies, i can still talk too and walk.
and its also not so bad that i think i'd need to go to A&E with it, it is actually bearable as it goes after a while but when it happens its awful.
im just hoping it isn't wishful thinking that i have GERD even though all my symtoms match the ones of GERD :(
i've also found myself shaking aswell, though thats something i usually do when i have a panic attack. it just feels like a constant panic attack i can't get over i just want to cry so much even though i know its probably nothing and me focusing on it won't be helping either.
and i also forgot to mention im on the pill which is causing me to eat more, im thinking this could possibly be a factor too?
please help im going mad here i dont want to die :weep:

03-11-10, 23:11
anyone? i cant sleep im too worried :(

paula lynne
03-11-10, 23:13
Hi Holly, I dont know much about this. Have you tried typing GERD into the search option? Hopefully youll find some reasurrance there x

03-11-10, 23:23
Hi Miniholly

If all your symptoms match, I would say it is likely to be GERD. GERD can be caused by anxiety, as you know, and quite a few people on here have it. I had it for a time, and like you, always later at night. It would stop me sleeping. I think fizzy drinks and fat can worsen it?

Pop along to your GP and explain your symptoms. There are medications you can take for GERD, which will make you feel better.

Please try not to worry though - as you rightly said, if it was something serious you'd have known by now.

Dahlia x

03-11-10, 23:35
thank you both :)
im going to try make an appointment with my doctors soon.
i've found rennies and drinking water is also helping at the moment though it is quite bad still hoping it'll be better soon! its awful but ive calmed down a lot now and it also seems to have helped, just hoping my panic attack doesn't start again xx

04-11-10, 16:16
hi darlin i know what this might be or have a good idiea, i had this for over 2 months stomach flarted up running to the toilet often and feeling of sickness, it is through anxiety which will flare something so small into a big sittuation. belching top and bottom (bum & mouth) sickness, dizzyness, dhiorria. its all the symptoms of helibactor pylori a really common stomach infection and is cured with a week of anti biotics. if not cured you will live with it for the rest of your life which my doctor said straight faced. i dont get indegestion or belching any more but has led to ibs most days. its a simple stool test very easy no hassle and pain free. take up that option with the doctor its nothing to worry about but in older adults ie. 50 plus is 25% more chance of contracting ulcers or stomach cancer. please do get checked as it will be a week of your life then fully cured xxxx all the best and let me know if this was the case im 75% sure thats what it is short name h.pylori xx scotty