View Full Version : Will this help?

03-11-10, 23:56
After 7 years with anxiety I'm finally trying to deal with it , I understand it more now I never liked to talk or read anything to do with panic attacks , that's my way of coping is to ignore it and eventually it will go away, but I've learned the hard way it's got worse over the years and now I'm restricted of what I can do , I feel more positive now I'm gonna do something new each wk / month. I'm gonna try lose some weight first , do u think this will help my anxiety ? Even tho the problems mentally ? Nat x

paula lynne
04-11-10, 00:05
Hi again Nat, a good diet is definately beneficial! Cutting down on caffine, sugar and saturated fat is a good place to start. Making small changes can really reap reward. Eating smaller meals every 2/3 hours, or healthy snaks, stabilises blood sugars, preventing a dip.

Its when those "dips" happen, that when adrenaline comes into play causing...yep...anxiety and panic.

I wonder if your gp can refer you to a dietician? If not, you can pick up leaflets on healthy eating from your gp, or have a chat to staff at holland and barrets etc.....

I know its scary facing it all, and making changes, but you are taking a pro-active approach, and you deserve a pat on the back for taking the first step to positive change.
:D well done x

04-11-10, 00:13
Thanks Paula , well Its a start , I don't eat healthley at all and drink coffee an coke and high sugar / fatty foods , maybe that's part of a reason I feel so low?? So a healthy diet and regular exercise will it help my anxiety?? It just seems to be worse ever since I'm trying to deal with it ! What else shall I do to try and control it then?? Nat x

paula lynne
04-11-10, 00:21
Yes Nat, food affects the way we feel, its been proven.
Start slowly with the exercise, find somthing you enjoy..walking..swimming..gym...
Exercise released endorphins, that makes you feel good, and also burns off the horrible excess adrenaline

You need to set realistic, achievable goals ok...small changes add up to big rewards.

Im sure youll notice a difference very soon.

Stop seeing yourself as ill. Tell yourself..ok..Ive got this..but it doesnt define who I am..I am pushing through my fears..I am getting better.

Stay focused, stick to the changes, youll feel improvement Im sure of it x:)

04-11-10, 00:26
Thanks Paula ok tomorrow is a brAnd new me lol, I've booked me into the dentist next week that's one of my fears am dreading it but trying to stay positive , I need to learn distraction techniques any ideas??

paula lynne
04-11-10, 00:35
Lavender, paper bag, music on ipod, positive self talk, Im sure youll be fine at the dentist, its never as bad as our imagination leads us to believe!

Get some self-help books, or tapes/cd...loads on the internet.

Got to say gnite now, eyes are closing! xxxxx:blush:

04-11-10, 00:38
Hi NataLie23

My advice would be to take things one day at at time and not put too much pressure on yourself. I have no doubt you can achieve anything you set your mind to .

I have found that setting little targets for each day can be a great help. Instead of having one huge big goal, break it down into smaller steps. That way you will always have little attainable target to reach on a regular basis.

I can really recommend walking as possibly one of THE best ways to get yourself started on a healthy exercise programme. If you can get yourself on of those little step counters. (You can get them in Tescos or Argos or Boots and they are very cheap) Pin it on your belt and just start walking. Build up the amount of steps you do every day. The benefits are 1. You'll give yourself a good workout while hardly noticing. 2. You'll lose any extra pounds you don't need. 3. You may sleep better than you have in ages and 4. Walking definitely helps ease anxiety symptoms.

I'll look out for you on here and look forward to hearing how you get on.

Very best wishes

04-11-10, 00:54
Thanks Rosie I will defo try your advice out . If my mind is focused on getting health and fitter I won't think of my anxiety well I'm hoping it will. Tbh I've never tried things to help my anxiety until recently and this site is really helpful too. Ive learned my anxiety ain't as bad as I thought since reading everyone elses problems . Just wanna get it under control now . Will keep posting any way.
XX Nat xx