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04-11-10, 07:53
Hi there

Oh my god what a nightmare of a night i have had, i have been dreaming constantly and waking up in a sweat and panic, this morning as soon as i got out of bed i was sick.... hat happening to me...... im on day 23 tonight of taking citalopram,took 10 days at 10mg and tonight will be my 13th on 20mg.... i feel so low and panicky all the time, i thought this would be getting better by now

04-11-10, 08:19
Sorry you are feeling so rubbish, Jen. I don't know anything about citalopram as I am not on meds (actually, I did manage to take a diazepam yesterday) but there are loads of people on here that take it so I am sure they will post soon. In the meantime, try and stay positive. Take care x

04-11-10, 08:21
Hi Jen,

How very scary for you, I am on week 8 on Citalopram and hopefully I will never have to go through that again but believe me I,ve been there and it really knocked me off my perch! Its so much worse when you,ve been making progress, then suddendly out of the blue this Blip hits you like a sledge hammer. I was gutted and asked all the same questions, why now ? whats happening ?. Jen just try to calm down hun it will pass I know you are scared but I came out of the other side in a couple of days and I,m still here lol.
Try to see it as a small setback and stay positive. Please p m me whenever you want.

Take care,

Love and hugs Christine

04-11-10, 09:02
Aw jen sorry your feeling rubbish. I know hoe you feel hun we just have to stay strong and try get through this. We will benefit in the long run once the meds kick in. :hugs:

jaded jean
04-11-10, 11:22
Remember Jen , it has to get al your chemical levels to the right level in your brain hun. Iwill take time as you are in the process of upping your dose too. Dont worry about taking the diazepam either. You did it this morning. The cit well -you have to decide when you take it -we in chat this morning take it inthe morning.and it works well for us, Focus on the kiddies as they wil bring you thru it the mile stones they reach- the new words they say (good or rude haha) you will do it we have faith in you and you will find that hidden strength to keep you going. give yoursef a goal to work forward to- that will give you focus, do your deep breathing, If both kiddies go down for a nap in the afternoon - you have one as well, Speak soon xxxxxx

04-11-10, 13:20
Hi Jen, you are not alone im 4 weeks on it was getting a little easier but the past couple of days have been awful, we will get through this & come out the other side feeling stronger. x

04-11-10, 13:22
Thanks guys for all your replies.... its really good to know that you are not one of your own..... ihave just come over to my moms and she did me a sandwich and had an apple, not got a cup of tea, feeling slightly better :-)

carla g
04-11-10, 14:39
hay jen i just wanted to no do you get a wied spacey feelin on these tabs or since being ill i feel as if im goin to fall over all the time and it feels alot beta wen i am liying down iv had this since getting anxtiety/depression and just need to no that it the anxiety and not me x

04-11-10, 14:41
No i havent felt spaced out as such, just abit wierd, cant really explain it.... its all the anxiety hun i know its hard but just try to forget about it.....x

carla g
04-11-10, 14:46
iv had this for 2months now and not really good when i have 3 children i try and block it out so i can focus on being a mum but its so hard i feel like im leting them down being like this, i have a 6 month old and all i can think is i wount ever be abel to do anything fun with her and she wount have chance to see the real me. do you think this spacey feeling will go as the tabs kick in?x

04-11-10, 14:54
I know just how you feel about enjoying your kids, mine are 2.5 years old and 16 months old, it is hard, i have to try really hard not to cry infront of them as they say it can affect them........ im sure its just the side affects of the meds hun, try not to worry about it when are you due to see your doctor again? im due to see mine on Wednesday, you never know i might be better by then.... what mg are you on hun ? xxx

carla g
04-11-10, 15:12
i also have a 4 year old ans she has now pickd up that something is wrong with me and every morning when i get up she asks if im felling ok which breaks my heart, im on 20mg been on them for 9 days now and not due to see my doc for another 2 weeks x

07-11-10, 12:09
hi Jen sending hugs,
ive been on them 5 days now and have already noticed ive started feeling spaced out/weird like a few of you have described, i take them at night before i go to bed but always wake up feeling sooo tired even if ive had a decent nights sleep

I have 2 young boys too nearly 2 and 5mnths and its been so hard :( :(

its the mornings ive noticed have been the worst these last couple of days just feeling like a zombie....ive been having probs with stomach acid too with them xx