View Full Version : Heart worries have me at the end of my tether :(

04-11-10, 13:37
so the past week I've been getting really bad etopic beats, at one point everytime I took a deep breath, past two days have been the absolute worse, ectopics that actually have like a mo
ent of sharp take your breath away pain had one last night which I wou
d up in the hospital for... ambos gave me that gt heart attack spray stuff which lowered my bp and made mr feel so awful as the dr said he can c no problems with my heart I had two ecgs there and bloods. tonight I had another take away my breath one out of the blue. sometimes it happens if I'm shaking my foot a sort of nervous twitch thing I have... I'm so afraid I'm just gonna drop dead because drs can't find out what's wrong with me... my chest feels like it's vibrating and heart constany fluttering. and a feeling in my chest like I'm just about to get a skipped beat a big one not a little one... I'm so sick of this... I'm dizzy/lightheaded all the time CT scan ruled out aneyrsms and tumors so I'm really thinking it's my heart which started really playing up last Friday/Monday my weekend was good. it's doing my head in Im really scared at the moment and don't wanna go to the hospital again cuz I know they'll just send me home saying my heart is fine... I had an echo last yr but for different symptoms so my gp is gonna try and get me another one... I am so scared as I typed this...i'm just praying the dr is right

04-11-10, 16:03
Sorry to hear that you're suffering so much at the moment. It might be an idea if you ask your doctor whether he/she would give you some beta-blockers for a while. They help slow down the heart and also get rid of some of the other horrible physical symptoms like shaking.

04-11-10, 21:06
If you can believe it, I was actually worse than you! I was convinced that I had a heart problem at the age of 29. I had every test that my insurance would pay for. I would have palpitations non-stop....24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every minute of the day. I lost over 50 pounds because I was such a nervous person. And then 3 years passed and I thought to myself....if I really had a heart problem, the doctors would have either found it by now or I would be dead. All of a sudden, my palpitations stopped and now I only get them once in a while. And when I do get them, I am able to just ignore them because they are normal and just a part of me, where before they ruined my life! You've had all of the tests to rule out physical problems, so now it's time to work on the mental part - that's where the problem is.

Next time you have palpitations, tell yourself "oh, it's just my anxiety acting up". If you chalk it up to anxiety every time it happens, you will start to believe it and start to understand that it's just anxiety. Give it a try. It will take some practice, but you need to get the focus off of your heart because there's nothing wrong with that. Put the focus on your anxiety, because that's where the problem is! It worked for me, so I hope this helps and good luck!

04-11-10, 23:34
thanks so much for your replies :).
I sucessfully lived through another night, but woken up with chest pain, but it's muscular I'm pretty sure... at least that's what I'm trying to tell myself.

also didn't wake up with racing heart and dizzy head like I usally do which makes that 2 times running which makes me very happy as I got this everynight for a week.

cheers again :)