View Full Version : G'afternoon

04-11-10, 13:57
I'm not very good at long posts n' stuff, but lately I've been having bad panic attacks. I ended up in hospital twice thinking I was having a heart attack. I live in England, 18 years old, erm, what else should I be writing here? Nice weather we're having. Well, it isn't really that nice. Quite the opposite in fact.

I thought I was getting over my panic problems and then yesterday I was minding my own business when Mr. Panic decided he wanted to pay me a visit. Three in a row I had, and it wasn't until I got home that I felt okay. My boss doesn't understand and neither do my parents. But erm, yeah that's basically it.

paula lynne
04-11-10, 13:58
Hi Raver welcome aboard x:welcome:

04-11-10, 13:59
Hi Raver

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-11-10, 14:05
These panic attacks n' stuff have been kinda ruining my life..

I've been under a lot of stress lately with money etc, but surely it shouldn't cause me to freak out about everything. I get really concerned about my heart too. I went to the doctor's this morning to pick up a cardiomemo. I get it for a week to record my heart, even though the doctor at the hospital told me there was nothing wrong with me. Managed to convince myself I had a brain tumour at one point..

04-11-10, 14:05
Hi Raver,

Welcome to NMP!!

Sorry to hear that you have been suffering with panic etc. Its hard for others that have not experienced it first hand to understand, especially when its your parents....do you have anyone that you can talk to that does understand?

We are all in the same boat here and have suffered at some time in our lives so you are not alone.

Hope you enjoy your stay here and make friends along the way.

Hope you feel better soon.


04-11-10, 14:07
Hi Raver,

Welcome to NMP!!

Sorry to hear that you have been suffering with panic etc. Its hard for others that have not experienced it first hand to understand, especially when its your parents....do you have anyone that you can talk to that does understand?

We are all in the same boat here and have suffered at some time in our lives so you are not alone.

Hope you enjoy your stay here and make friends along the way.

Hope you feel better soon.


Yeah, I can talk to my uncle, he used to have panic attacks from smoking weed. He had his washing line in his kitchen 'cause he didn't wanna go outside.

carla g
04-11-10, 14:10
do you take any kids of meds? x

04-11-10, 14:12
No, and I really don't want to. The doctor recommended anti depressants but I told him I want to do it without tablets n' stuff.

carla g
04-11-10, 14:29
iv just started anti depressants i thought my doctor thought this would be a quick fix for him as he has not askd me to try anything else first and just shoved me on them, what kind of things have you tried doing yourself and have any helpd?x

04-11-10, 14:32
Basically I just try to keep active and keep my mind off it. I stopped smoking yesterday but I'm not sure that was such a good idea, 'cause I'm more on edge now. I left my baccy at home too and I'm at work. When I start having a panic attack I just tend to ride it out. I'm only 18, I don't want to take tablets that alter my mood. x

carla g
04-11-10, 15:01
i stopd smoking when i first got really bad they say you should stop but im not to sure cos i still feel as bad iv only had this for 2months and im only 22 i rushd strait into a quick fix you must be alot stronger than me as i couldent cope with it on my own x

04-11-10, 15:02
I don't think I'm strong at all. I'm probably just an idiot =)

carla g
04-11-10, 15:06
lol im sure your not how long have you had anxiety for?x

04-11-10, 15:08
It's only been a few weeks, but it's startin' to control my life. How about you? x

carla g
04-11-10, 15:23
just over 2months now i thought i wos geting back to myself then my doc put me on anti ds and they hit me hard but they do say this can happen for a few weeks but after that they work great for you, i think if i dident have kids i would of tried to stick it out but because i do i need a quick fix that i no will help in the long run, im only 22 so i kind of no how you feel to go from bein a normall teenager into something you carnt controle i feel like m life is on hold at the moment x

04-11-10, 15:38
That's exactly how I feel. The only time I feel normal is when I'm drunk. :D

So I just get smashed every weekend. I REALLY look forward to the weekends now.

carla g
04-11-10, 15:46
lol i wish i could have a drink or 2 but iv heard drinking on my tabs can make you feel alot worse for a few days and i dont think i would cope with that, how do you find going out do you still enjoy it or do you hav2 push yourself in2 it x

04-11-10, 15:48
Na, after I have a couple of beers I'm okay. The hangover day is worse for my anxiety n' stuff though, but I don't mind if I have a good night.

04-11-10, 15:55

hope you dont mind i have been nosing through your conversation lol.

i drunk on my tablets the other day carla, it didnt do anything to me. if anything it actually stopped me from getting drunbk lol. im only 23 so know how you both feel. cant believe how much my life has changed from when i was 19 and didnt have a care in the world and probably was at my happiest i have ever been, seems to have all gone downhill from 21 lol.

raver... if i was you i wouldnt give up the smoking just yet, if you are feeling bad with anxiety then the pressure of giving up smoking is going to make you 100 times worse, maybe give it a couple of weeks longer see how you go then can maybe try again or cut down? i just thinking giving up the smoking as well maybe to much for you, just a thought hun xxx

carla g
04-11-10, 15:56
haha i need to start thinking like you i think im letting this controle me hopefully my meds will kick in soon and il feel like going out iv missd half my life haveing kids and when i start to get it back this happens x

04-11-10, 16:02

hope you dont mind i have been nosing through your conversation lol.

i drunk on my tablets the other day carla, it didnt do anything to me. if anything it actually stopped me from getting drunbk lol. im only 23 so know how you both feel. cant believe how much my life has changed from when i was 19 and didnt have a care in the world and probably was at my happiest i have ever been, seems to have all gone downhill from 21 lol.

raver... if i was you i wouldnt give up the smoking just yet, if you are feeling bad with anxiety then the pressure of giving up smoking is going to make you 100 times worse, maybe give it a couple of weeks longer see how you go then can maybe try again or cut down? i just thinking giving up the smoking as well maybe to much for you, just a thought hun xxx

Hmm, I do REALLY need a fag right now. I regret leaving my baccy at home.. When I get in from work I'm gonna smoke like a chimney. :D x

haha i need to start thinking like you i think im letting this controle me hopefully my meds will kick in soon and il feel like going out iv missd half my life haveing kids and when i start to get it back this happens x

What I do is think to myself "If anythings going to happen, let it happen."

It helps me, but then again my anxiety levels aren't that high. It's just when I have a panic attack, they're really bad ones. x

carla g
04-11-10, 16:11
hay rach your makeing me want a drink now lol i no im goin to want one when the weekend gets hear so i myt just let myself have a cheeky one hear and their and see how it gos im guessin i wount feel any worse that i did in the last week of being on these, and raver thats a really good way of looking at things i do try and tell myself that it carnt hurt me but the feeling i get over power me and i just give in x

04-11-10, 16:14
Just sit down and breathe, that's what I do. In through the nose, hold for 5 seconds, slowly out through the mouth. It works for me usually. It's just scary when it doesn't. x

carla g
04-11-10, 16:19
i have tried some breathing things but they dont seem to work for me i am always short of breath well feel like i am x

04-11-10, 16:24
Hmm, someone told me to breathe into a paper bag but that makes it worse for me. x

carla g
04-11-10, 16:28
errrm never heard ov that one but how does than help and ud hav2 carry a paper bag on you all the time lolx

04-11-10, 16:30
It helps regulate your breathing I think. Yeah, people do carry paper bags on them for panic attacks. Stops you from hyperventilating I think. PM me anytime you want x

carla g
04-11-10, 16:38
i never new this i have seen people over the years doing this but never really needed to no y so dident ask questions, and same 2 you im on hear most days carnt seem to get of it lol x

04-11-10, 16:39
Lol at least people on here understand x

04-11-10, 17:09
No, and I really don't want to. The doctor recommended anti depressants but I told him I want to do it without tablets n' stuff.

I used to feel the same way, but you can get to a point where anything is worth a try.

Welcome, by the way.

04-11-10, 17:17
I gave up smoking the first time I had a panic attack, as I know nicotine is a stimulant, that was about 11 weeks ago. I am a caffeine free zone as well and I don't drink, I need to find a vice! :wacko::D

04-11-10, 17:18
I gave up smoking the first time I had a panic attack, as I know nicotine is a stimulant, that was about 11 weeks ago. I am a caffeine free zone as well and I don't drink, I need to find a vice! :wacko::D

Jigsaw puzzles?

04-11-10, 21:26
Had another episode on the train on the way home from work. That's 4 in two days, I thought I was slowly getting over out but apparently not. :(

carla g
05-11-10, 10:08
hi raver have you ask your doc if theirs anything he can give you which isent to strong you myt just need a push the ryt way, also are you takeing vitamins iv been told that you really need them to help with our nervous system im on vitamin b complex and omega fish oil also try and gt a relaxin cd and listen to it at nights iv heard this can help, anything is worth a try x