View Full Version : Comfort eating

04-11-10, 15:57
I've noticed loads of posts from people who can't eat due to anxiety. I have had this at times, but at the moment it seems to be in the other direction for me and I find that I'm comfort eating (she said, eating a biscuit :doh:). Do many others suffer from this problem?

04-11-10, 16:31
Since my first full-blown panic attack a couple of months ago, I've been at both ends of the eating spectrum. To begin with I could barely eat a thing and pretty much lived on toast. Then I felt more comfortable and began eating a lot of snack foods such as Twix and Malteasers on top of my regular meals. However, then I would have a bit of a blip with my anxiety, so I went back to barely being able to eat again.

I've been up and down for the past couple of weeks, especially as I've grown more concerned about my heart. Having said that, I had a greasy kebab last weekend, so that's not going to help.

paula lynne
04-11-10, 16:39
Hi Ive put a lot of weight on over the past 10 years, since my anxiety began. It may be due more to the fact I have agoraphobia though, and get bored at home, and lack of exercise maybe...she says...chomping a bag of pickled onion monster munch! x:D

04-11-10, 20:21
I used to not be able to eat much due to anxiety but as i've improved so has my appetite, unfortunatly I passed out about 2 years ago cos i hadnt eaten all day and now i freak out if i dont eat every 2 - 3 hours - now im a fatty!! :doh:


10-11-10, 09:53
HI i m new to this forum , due to anxiety i could nt eat, now i ve been on cipralex for 10 weeks and helped me a lot. my apetite has gone up, really up, i have to eat something every 2 hours or so, but than i go to work cycling so i try to keep the weight down, exercise also helps with anxiety.


10-11-10, 11:26
yeh im a real comfort eater but it has to be certain food.... like stuff thats bad for you... i recently went in for an operation and the anx was so bad before it i ate one of those sharing bags of crisps, a whole packet of haribo gold bears and one of the big block bars of cadburys caramel, and thats on top of my normal meals and all my wee treats thoughout the day...having to fast before it was hell cause i didnt no how to handle not having sumthin in my mouth....
im recovering at ma parents house and mum is monitoring what i eat which is helping me get back a normal eating pattern but the second im on my own again i know il slip. im lucky im not massive but it still makes me feel bad about myself.

sorry thats a big blah but wanted to show u that your not alone...i dont really know how to fix it though....mums just brought me up a banana.... how ironic :)
