View Full Version : Posting again because of an awful pain in my neck & back of head

04-11-10, 17:21
As the subject says, I have been having an intense pain which I can only describe as in the base of my skull. My shoulders, neck and back have been in awful pain also.
Last night as I was drifting off to sleep I had an awful burning sensation in the base of my head/scalp area. I started panicking and was convinced I was having a brain hemorrage (sp?) or something.

I keep getting stabbing pains in my head and burning and tingling in various body parts.
The inside of my ear is also very sore and hurts when I touch it. It also keeps ringing.
I'm really scared now and I'm supposed to be going away tomorrow with my boyfriend. Help.

04-11-10, 17:47
please somebody reply

04-11-10, 17:58
It also feels kind of like I have tension in the back of my head and I feel very tense in my hands arms legs etc...HELP

04-11-10, 20:29

04-11-10, 20:33
could you be anxiuos about going away with your bf?
this could have brought it on x

04-11-10, 20:34
Hey,listen i have all the syptoms you have and have had them for a week of 2 now since my condition has worsened....always get a burning sensation on my skin in various places and have also had bad neck and shoulder pains....have been getting my g/f to massage for me.
I get the stabbing pains in the head aswell but i try not to worry coz deep down i know they are all symptoms of anxiety/panic.....trust me,your not alone as many of us have these pains so please please dont worry about it...your fine xxx

04-11-10, 20:37
I get those exact same symptoms too.
I am actually sat with a hot water bottle on my neck and shoulders at the moment they are so painful.
It is an anxiety symptom you may be getting stressed about going away.
Hope you have a good time, you will be okay anxiety likes to play tricks on us.

Vanilla Sky
04-11-10, 21:12
I have this right now actually and had the exact same thoughts as you to begin with , but common sense kicked in and it is muscular hun , the neck and shoulder pain does travel up to the scalp . And i have ear ache too , its not nice but it will pass . The reason we get aches and pains is because we are so tense . A hot water bottle is a good idea, just try to relax a bit xx

04-11-10, 21:17
I get nasty pain in my neck and shoulders and this can lead to the headaches and pain in your head that you describe. Hot water bottles/ heated bean bags/ warm showers are great relievers of this type of tension. I hope you enoy your time away.x

04-11-10, 22:36
have the same back of the head pains and my neck, jesus, its painfull. when i tilt my head back my back of my head feels like ive been bashed with a hammer. but if i tilt it forward again and get my fingers deep into my neck it relives it for a few seconds so im sure its muscular but who knows while were typing were fighting xxxx

04-11-10, 22:38
Sounds like the tension causing the discomfort. I get that too.

07-11-10, 23:44
gosh its like i have written this myself, i saw my doctor on 3 different occasions and i had a temp to and she said its stress and muscular related, and now ive stopped thinking about it its eased so much.

08-11-10, 03:36
I have been having this same thing for months. I get the ear and neck pain. I even get dizzy every now and then. My ears fill full and I get strange burning patches on my skin too. Anyway, I don't have answers but I seem to have the same symptoms. Good luck

08-11-10, 09:03
I suffer with the same and always worse at times of stress and anxiety, which unfortunately makes me more stressed and anxious. Mine is all down to muscle tension and I now recognise the signs and go to see my osteopath who puts me right straightaway. I agree with Scotty8 that applying pressure helps, but not always easy to do yourself as the tension will also be in your shoulders. I was really scared about pain in my face/head/neck/ears/jaw/back of the eye and went to see my GP who gave me a thorough examination' she couldn't find anything wrong apart from tension and really tight shoulder muscles. Also went to see my dentist and optician and again they found nothing wrong. After manipulation/massage the symptoms clear. :)

18-11-10, 09:16
hi, i also have had this alot this last couple of weeks! it is really painful all from the base of my skull, neck and shoulders, my ears have been painful too but i have just had a cold and im guessing its prob to do with it!
i also find a hot water bottle eases it alot! hope yours is better now and u had a nice break away :D