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View Full Version : Flying Fear - Also thank you all!

04-11-10, 17:34
A few months back i had to travel abroad for work, it’s been quite a number of years since i flew.. Was on a prop plane, which i’d never been on before.. I had had a fear of flying before this, just wasn’t too fond on takeoff.. Nowt major.

I had what can be only described as a massive anxiety attack, in front of a colleague... While boarding.. Getting off the plane and ending up not going.. Embarrassing on a truly epic scale.. I was mortified afterwards.

Work were good.. My next meeting abroad they arranged it on the euro tunnel, as it was in central Paris..

Now i’m off to Switzerland for a meeting.. Felt the build up of nerves as soon as i was asked to go, really didn’t want to say no as it’s good for my career.. Would seem like opportunity missed.

I went to the doctors and got Propranolol which i’ve been taking twice daily for a couple of days, flight is in 4 days.. I’ve also got 5x 5mg tablets of Diazepam, which i am bit nervous about taking.. Even though i knew exactly what to get when i went to the doctors (Dad is a psychiatric nurse and recommended them), i’m still not big on taking tablets in general.. No matter how “fine” he says they are.

Reading some of your comments, how well so many of you have gotten on with Diazepam in regards a fear of flying.. Has completely put my mind at rest about taking these. Anyone suggest how long before a flight i should pop one of those down my throat?

Thank you all so much, this kind of place is invaluable when you’re worrying irrationally and need to gain some perspective.

eternally optimistic
07-11-10, 16:01

Reading quite a few of the posts that have been put on here regarding diazepam and flying, I would gauge that most people seem to find it a real benefit.

Like you, I had an experience whereby I didnt make the flight, I went into what I can only describe as a complete meltdown, I returned to be being a baby. Unable to cope with life.

I would go with the prescription of diazepam, you are not going to be using them for life generally, are you. Your dad is obviously a professional who knows what would be useful.

You go for it and I wish you well.

Take care.