View Full Version : Changing symptoms?

04-11-10, 17:52
Does anyone find that once they have got hold of a particular anxiety symptom, it changes and manifests in a different way?

I have just started getting head zaps. I was freaked at first but once I read up on them I was happier to know it is most likely anxiety.

I feel like my anxiety is a living beast that wants control of me. I win part of the battle by accepting my palpitations as anxiety.....as an example....but this beast-anxiety-has different ideas and hits me with a new symptom.

I have lost count now of the amount of anxiety symptoms I have or have had but it seems like the list of possible symptoms are endless. I am trying hard to tell myself that these head zaps are anxiety (of course, worry of seizure is there) but when I do completely accept that I am ok......along will come another symptom to fight me.

Anyone get what I am on about?


04-11-10, 18:24

Have a read of this thread. You will find a link in the 3rd post that talks about symptom shifting.

04-11-10, 18:48
omg yeah i get taht all the time and different thoughts of whats going to harm me my councilor has just told me to constantly remember even though its new its the same thing xx

paula lynne
04-11-10, 18:54
Hi Happy one, Ive had it ten years, and only in the past 2 years had pals, only in the last year had pins and needles, and only in the last week had the brain zap thingy!!!....itoldyouiwasill-great link by the way!:)

04-11-10, 18:58
i just read that link too and its made me feel great defo one people with anxiety should read x