View Full Version : 5 weeks pregnant and terrified

04-11-10, 18:51
Hi all,

I am struggling a bit at the moment, found out last week that I am pregnant, it was planned so am delighted but I am terrified that something is going to go horribly wrong. I had a miscarriage four months ago and when they scanned me they found a 6cm ovarian cyst which I had removed in September the problem is since finding out I'm pregnant I am convinced I am going to have an eptopic pregnancy and either lose fertility or die of a ruptured fallopian tube. I have been getting twinges in the pelic region on both sides and my ovary (the one that was operated on) feels like it is tugging. To make matters worse I was diagnosed with a UTI on Tuesday which seems to be getting worse with bad pains in my side and back (about waist height) down into my pelvic region. I have been to the doctors 3 times this week and have to go back tomorrow to see how things are and get the result of the urine culture. As well as this I am feeling hormonal, weepy, sickly, have a terrible headache and just keep getting myself into an anxious state about it all, but I must say my main worry is about having an eptopic pregnancy.
Sorry this is so long winded, I guess I could just do with a bit of reassurance from anyone who's had similar issues.

04-11-10, 19:04
My cousin had a very similar complaint to you. After a miscarriage she was petrified of having an ectopic pregnancy. She was also trying to get pregnant, but when she found out she was, she was so scared of things going wrong. However she's now had 2 healthy pregnancies and 2 healthy babies and no ectopics.
Hope this helps x
ps - congratulations!

04-11-10, 19:20
Hi there, I had a lot of pelvic pain early on in all of my pregnancies, sometimes it was really very painful. I also get pretty bad ovulation pain too.

It is probably caused by the general softening of the pelvic ligaments and stretching the uterus. Try and remember that ectopic pregnancy is fairly uncommon, and it is far more likely that this will be a normal uterine pregnancy statistically speaking.

Oh, and congratulations!:hugs::hugs:

04-11-10, 19:55
First of all - congratulations!!! My daughter is also about 5 weeks pregnant (first) and is experiencing quite a lot of tummy pain. She is also weepy, washed out and very tired - difficult when you're a junior school teacher! After the miserable time you had before I am not surprised you are in a state. Take care and look after yourself x

04-11-10, 20:49
Hi and congratulations!! I just had my baby 4 months ago and I went through the EXACT same thing that you are going through. I was having such horrible pain that I was convinced that I was having an ectopic pregnancy. Then when I started spotting at 13 weeks, I completely freaked out and ran to the doctor. They did an ultrasound and all was fine. I didn't want to go through with the pregnancy because I was convinced that something terrible would happen and I would die, leaving my 2 little girls without a mommy. But guess what? I'm still here and right now I'm watching my little baby boy talk to his hand and swing in his swing. So what I thought was going to be the end of me turned out to be the best thing that's ever happened to me!

Enjoy your pregnancy. You have a doctor to worry about the medical part for you. You will be under constant care, so you have nothing to worry about! Everything will be fine!

04-11-10, 20:56
At your stage the awful sicky illness will just be the pregnancy. Feeling ill all the time is a GOOD sign everything is well.

Have you had your booking appointment with the Dr yet? If you have it coming up it might be worth mentioning your fears to them. They may be able to refer you for an early internal scan to see that everything is growing in the right places.

Congratulations and good luck!