View Full Version : palpitations

04-11-10, 18:51
have increased over the last week or so, and I've had 4 or 5 within the last ten minutes, is that normal with a virus? I'm so worried I can't sit still, my CBT therapist said not to worry as the chances of anything being wrong are so slim, my mum says she gets this too and not to worry but I am worried. I've NEVER been tested other than that of a stethoscope and a heart monitor during an operation so I'm terrified something is wrong.. my left arm is tingly tonight too and I keep thinking something bad is going to happen, please help? It feels like my heart stops and then I cough and it goes away.. I'd pack myself off to A&E but I've got no money on me :weep:

04-11-10, 18:55
Coughing is the best way to deal with them.

Have you read the website page on the left and the posts in the forum dedicated to palpitations?

You aren't going to die of palpitations - they are scarey but harmless.

paula lynne
04-11-10, 19:06
Hi daisycake, youre not alone love, I get them everyday. Nic is right, coughing does help, and I sing sometimes! it takes the edge off..must be something to do with depth of breath or something. The palps thread is great x

04-11-10, 22:04
thank you both :) I have been coughing all night so not sure if that's what I'm feeling instead.. I'm so scared :(

04-11-10, 22:10
Yeah, I am so worried as I feel tired and disorientated too but I've felt like that all day, is it normal?