View Full Version : insect in ear

14-03-06, 15:34
I have really begun to trust and respect the people on this forum, so I would greatly appreciate your reassurance that an insect which may or may not have crawled in my ear whilst asleep cannot get into my brain and cause a brain abscess, as this fear has taken over me and convinced me that this is whats causing my depersonalisation, even though GP looked down my ears and said all clear. Thanks guys x

Anxiety Is Evil

14-03-06, 15:41
I searched on google for your answer and here it is:

The ear is devided into three parts,External ear,intermediate ear and the internal ear,there is a tiny membrane (ear drum) separating between the external and intermediate ears, this membrane doesn't allow any thing to get into the deep structures of the ear unless it is perforated,and also the wax which present in the ear canal prevent any thing from entering in to the intermediate ear.
about the nose,there is no direct contact between the the nasal cavity and the brain,it's separated by the bones of the skull base.

Hope this helps :D.

Take Carexx


14-03-06, 15:49
Thanks and God Bless xx

Anxiety Is Evil

14-03-06, 15:54
There now you can forget about it - well done Claire for that reassurance.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.