View Full Version : Dose anyone have endometriosis?

04-11-10, 20:33
Hi Everyone,

Sorry if anyone else has posted this, does anyone suffer this condition and what are your symptoms. ?? What sort of tests did you have to find out you have that condition. Sorry just was wondering.

Anita, XX.

04-11-10, 20:40
hiya, ihad really bad endometeriosis and a big ovarian cyst about 10 years ago, they did a laposcrapy to find out! it settled down afta they put me on the pill,(i couldnt handle the otha treatments!!!) and it worked, i then got pregnant and they both cleared up xx

04-11-10, 20:41
oh and ps symptoms were.. really,really heavy bleeding and terrible pain xxx

04-11-10, 22:43

bexy1970, many thanks for replying, just was wondering thats all. Im just suffering with the bad tummy and backpain, not suffering with the heavy periods at the moment just spotting (but everyday even on the pill :( ).

Anita, XX.