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View Full Version : Lump in throat - some advice!

04-11-10, 20:45
Hi there

1st post here so be nice:yesyes:

I've been suffering with this for weeks... It started when a crisp got jammed into my throat a couple of times, also hard food made the throat painful when eating hard food such as nuts or swallowing pills.

It got so bad I went to A/E and had a camera down there. Not nice.

Went back to the GP who didn't have much of clue in the meantime swallowing had become diffcult. They didn't didnt know what to do so paid £300 tp BUPA for another camera....:shrug:however they did not find anything.


In the meantime I tried some ultrasound treatment and laser as that worked quite well when I had problems with teeth grinding and what is know as TMJ - basically iritating the joints around the jaw:weep:

In the meantime back to the GP who said I had an ear infection so been taking eardrops.... my throat glands had also been swallon.

You know what this is I think?

It is also related to TMJ as the tube runs down from the ear beneath the jaw to the throat, I think it might well be the TMJ again so have been massaging this area

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVCumvhschs have a go at this massage and see if it helps. Generally Dr's don't have a clue when it comes to this stuff

Take care
