View Full Version : hi

04-11-10, 21:13
Hi i am wade

Im quiet even at home. I am kind I dont swear unless things are really bad (which they are) im loyal. Im looking for other quiet and just genuinely nice people who seem so hard to find.

I developed social anxiety at age 8 after death of grandad. For the next 12 years woke up every morning completely exhausted. Out in public sweating, unable to concentrate (even at home). Only due to me having best parents in world that got through academic study. Citalopram did nothing for me. Meditation i have given a good go and did nothing (with or without meds). Paroxetine has saved me. I still have no confidence but at least i am awake and able to stay awake all day (not like a zombie). The past two years on paroxetine have easily been my most enjoyable.

My hobbies include cycling, running, art, ancient and medieval history, geography, seeing new places, biology, health (naturally) architecture, italian renaissance, british kings/queens, watching wrestling (wwe/tna). I love the new series of nxt season 3. Watching athletics and watching tour of italy, tour of france.

04-11-10, 21:16
Hi wane

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-11-10, 21:33
Hi Wade, I have just been trying a new thing called TFT have alook see what you think due to see practitioner in a few weeks for a session of it. I have bad anxiety had it whn i was 21 and now has come back I'm 33 will fight through it again, no joy with meds just get paranoid they'll make me worse or crazy. Anyway HIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and positive energy to you. Rach. x

04-11-10, 21:40
hello every body I'm egyption the best country in the world and I want to make more friends from different countries.thanks

paula lynne
04-11-10, 21:50
Hi Wade and welcome aboard x:welcome:

Vanilla Sky
05-11-10, 21:19
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

06-11-10, 10:18
Hi Wade welcome to NMP.:)

Veronica H
06-11-10, 23:48
:welcome:to NMP Wade.:bighug1:


Fly away Katie
07-11-10, 10:42
Helloooo and welcome to NMP x x x

margaret jones
07-11-10, 11:57
Hi Wade welcome to this fantastic site hope you find what you are looking for there are some fantastic people who use this site