View Full Version : help needed x

04-11-10, 22:20
hello im new to this site, i have a doctors appointment in the morning about this certain something. im in the middle of writing a book about anxiety and how to over come these matters but this is totally new. every now and again i get an ache under my armpit my glands are the same size as they always have been, ive always been able to feel them as i am skinny and the doctors say this is normal for a skinny person to feel there lymph nodes. but i get an ache there its horrible soi i pinch my nodes all the time to see if there enlarged but no success. i can put my arm down and feel nothing not like a golf ball what people get when there enlarged. its wierd and now and then get the ache under my jaw too but no enlarged nodes. now my knee is hurting has for about 1 week now i cant stand up without support from getting to my feet. any answers be great thanks x

paula lynne
04-11-10, 22:23
Hi scotty, could you be aching from all the pinching youre doing!? Have you bashed your knee or anything? x

04-11-10, 22:30
im not to shore about the pinching i know it started 1 day then i kept pinching under there and its kept going everyday. and the knee i play alot of football but cannot remember getting injured but im lost at the moment. its just 1 thing to another x thankyou for writing back

paula lynne
04-11-10, 22:34
ok well, stop pinching the area for a start.
When you feel like pinching, clap your hands, or rub your nose or something.
Your knee could be a bit inflammed due to footy, even if you havent knocked it. Rest and deep heat rub should help x

04-11-10, 22:40
thankyou so much and i have just laughed out loud to your reply it was like talking to my mum hehehehe. she is always nagging on at me to get on with things but sometimes its hard. my phone bill is so high from asking my mum what a symptom is a cause of. again thankyou so much for your reply xx all the best hun

paula lynne
04-11-10, 22:42
YOUR MUM??? cheeky!!...hahah Im joking, Im like that with everyone scotty, its the nurse in me. x Get better soon!
And dont forget, STOP PINCHING!!! hahaha:D

04-11-10, 22:47
i wont dont worry lol, i called the nurse because of this and they had no appointments on wednesday but only if it was urgent i described it and she didnt seem to alarmed, she said naturally skinny people can feel there lymph nodes and other glands. but sometimes i also think the odd aches are to do with tension that im worried about those so there on my mind alot