View Full Version : Not a good day

04-11-10, 22:32
Think most will understand how I feel,,a few good days then its back. Was told today I need another blood test,,got loads last week,,and its due to the other test I need another one. All thought going through my head,,had a panick attack,,but never took the diazepam,,got on the walker and the dog tried to walk with me at 1mph,,took my mind off it and I was fine,,well it came back tonight,,was very sick I know me being sick is due to the attacks,,husband want me to take the diazepam,,wont as need the 4 tablets I have for tomorrow,,bonfire night,,my dog has to be sedated,,im so scared he has a heart attack or dies tomorrow,,think the thoughts not helping me at all. Im in bits again,,wish I would not be sick as it makes me worse..another long post im sorry,,just hope the blood tests find out with is wrong with me,,hate being ill all the time.

04-11-10, 22:36
Hi Susan

sorry to hear you are not doing so good. Hope things pick up for you and please feel free to pm me anytime - I am in West Lothian too. Take care and :bighug1:to you.

04-11-10, 22:45
Hi,,im just falling to bits at the mo,,cant handle the pressure of the 5th,,the dog is like my child,,sent me a pm where you at,,kinda nice someone close had the same probs as me

04-11-10, 22:51
Hi hon

Have sent you a pm

08-11-10, 19:48
Well myself and my dog both got through bonfire night:yesyes:

Ive had to take a diazepam as the last few days have been hell. Sick all the time, headaches,just pure exaused. I did a bit of housework, took my mind off the panic, got my breathing going the right way again, but then breathing all over the place, got very dizzy and pins and kneedles on my face and hands. My feet still shaking, cant stop it, even with the tablet,,took it an hour ago. My head very relaxed, not bad thoughts,,just wish I could relax as im jittery from the second I wake up till I fall asleep. Got the doctor on Thurs,,should get the new blood results then also.

I know a lot going through the same as me.

Just wish we could all get back to normal:hugs:

08-11-10, 20:12
Hi Susan hope your ok and maybe feeling better now the 5th has been and gone. sorry to hear your not well tc

paula lynne
08-11-10, 20:39
Hi Susan, well done you got throught it, even though you were terrified. A big well done to you x:D

09-11-10, 03:54
woke up at 3-30am,,been sick again,,why im I being sick all the time,,niot even 4am and up,,panic sets in,,cant even sleep now,,why o why :shrug:

paula lynne
09-11-10, 09:36
Hi Susan, is it possible you have a virus/or some kind of bug at the moment? x

09-11-10, 21:31
Ive had loads of tests,,so hope to find out whats wrong soon,,im still being sick,,have all day,,now the other end joing in on the fun,,im never out the toilet,,cant sleep as if I lie down I feel sich,,so not slept all day,,Im shattered tonight. Got the doc on Thurs,,so should get the new blood results. This is not a virus or bug,,its just how I feel:mad:

paula lynne
09-11-10, 22:31
Good luck thursday x
Plenty of water ok, you will be dehydrated with the dia and vomiting. Hopefully sleep will take over soon x

10-11-10, 23:00
Been very ill all day,,am ready for bed as im so tired. Im much the same,,mother in law got taken to hospial today,,she the same as me, but she is 77yrs old, so need looked after. Got the doc first thing tomorrow, she should have the results of the last blood test, so should know more tomorrow.
I have not eaten well since this panic started around 7 weeks ago,,im so tired, Husband wants me on a drip,,no chance, im notgoing into hospital as they dont let you out and fill you with drugs to keep you sleepy, had pnt 10 yrs ago,,was in hospital for months,,not going there again.

Hubby helped me fill a form in from the doc,,he looked up the results and im high anxiety and border line depressed,,Im not depressed, just sick of being sick and the feeling I cant eat.

Okay off to bed night all

10-11-10, 23:10

so sorry you are having a bad time of it. Hope you get a good nights sleep - you did so well the other night looking out for Robbieand hope your blood tests come back ok.

:hugs:Lesley x :hugs:

11-11-10, 20:12
Wee Robbie doing great, he's my wee pal and follows me around the house :yesyes:
Got the blood results all good,,so dont need to worry about them, Doc has no idea why im being sick etc, she sent me to doc at hospital,,the ones I used to see 10 yrs ago, he did a blood test for calciam,,im fine there too, he has changed my tablets to mirtazapine.
The doc's think me being sick is down to my anxiety now, so a step forward I think.

Know I know ive not got something thats going to kill me,,,my best friend has a brain tumer,,so those thoughts did go though my head.

Im still on edge a lot,,very tired feel drained, but Im a fighter and will beet this for me and my family. Long road ahead, but im sure good times will come back in time. Thanks for all your support, this forum has helped me over the last few weeks, love playing the fish game :yesyes:

Everyone take care xx