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04-11-10, 22:37
I doe get why certain people am prone to anxiety , and have to battle it all there life and yet other people lead a normal life with normal worries?? I envy people like that!!!

How come I've got high anxiety and all my family am fine?? It's embarrassing and really annoys me !!!

05-11-10, 01:15
There could be all sorts of reasons, from the way your parents brought you up, to your body chemistry and several other things. It is really annoying, I get so fed up with it sometimes, and it's then that I do things that I might not do any other time. Use your anger for energy to overcome it.

05-11-10, 13:46
you are leading a normal life... normal for you. stay focussed and why be embarrassed?.... we are all unique... embrace it x

05-11-10, 13:57
I keep asking the same question! Actually I do know loads of reasons why I am like I am, but it doesn't solve the problem - I would so like to be like my husband who is soooooo laid back I am surprised he doesn't fall over! We can change, or so my cbt therapist says, it just takes hard work, time and patience. Unfortunately he doesn't have a magic wand, but then neither does my hairdresser. When I ask my hairdresser to make me look younger he says he is a fairy, not a wizard!!!! Not very pc, but he said it, not me! And don't forget, lots of people who seem OK on the outside are probably suffering just as much. No one can believe that I have all this as I normally come across very together and confident! Little do they know. lol xxx

05-11-10, 14:01
Their problems and worries are more or less the same as yours .The only reason you feel like this is because you need to accept its how you interpret things. It has got you in negative place of fear and overthinking .It can be controlled .Accept this is who you are for now and learn all you can, to help yourself overcome this .Nothing stays the same forever . Many people put on a face for the world and its not necessarily the case that people have Normal lives .Theres no such thing as normal ..Take care Sue x