View Full Version : in a state once again

04-11-10, 23:51
sitting here crying, shaking now was feeling a little better but nope never lasts only takes on person to set me off again........... argggggggggggggggggggggg ive had enough of me being like this. wish these negative feelings, thougts would just go away..

05-11-10, 00:05

I know it's so so so hard when you are feeling like this, but please try and remember there are so many thousands/millions of people who are going through the same at this very moment, and you will make it through - just like you have before. IT WILL PASS.

Please take a deep breath, splash some water on your face and try and take a sip of cool water. Sit with a window open to get a cool breeze on your face. You will calm down eventually as your body will get tired and the adrenalin will wear off.

I know it is a horrible feeling but keep focused on the fact that it does pass and you will get relief.

05-11-10, 00:09
well managed to go away yesterday for weekend and you know what i really enjoyed it.

ljd - this is something

05-11-10, 00:10
Hiya moom thanks for replying.

wish it would hurry up and pass too much going on in my head and cant switch off ill try and do what you suggested, maybe that will calm me down. thanks tc

05-11-10, 00:12
I found on your posts. I find it relaxing and uplifting to think of a time when I have felt comforted through my depression and anxiety - for me it was a holiday in France which took my mind off it because it involved skiing for the first time and it scared the living daylights out of me - but it did the job in making me forget my depression/anxiety! I then realised afterwards that things like that CAN and DO lift you out of it.

Try and think about this comment you made and how you felt when you made it - you CAN and WILL do this again.


05-11-10, 00:15
awe moom thanks,

i have done it and hope i can get back there again... just up and down just now more down than up, doesnt help cos not sleeping make sit worse.

glad you got away and had a good weekend tc

05-11-10, 00:15
ljt are you on any meds at the moment or have you just started suffering from this? Sorry to be ignorant!

05-11-10, 00:18
I know what you mean - it really is horrible. I was diagnosed with severe depression/anxiety out of the blue for the first time in my life last xmas. I had no idea why it came on when it did, and it was put down to previous problems a year earlier. I thought I was going mad. But I have been on Citalopram since new year and it has pretty much destroyed all the depression and anxiety and given me an insight into things that I just couldn't see before - ways of dealing with the fear and pain of depression.

The fact you are on here and able to type is a very good sign - you are strong and are trying to help yourself get through this. And for that you will get through it.

05-11-10, 00:37
Hiya moom,

no im not on meds too scared to go to docs and dont like taking medication. i use herbal remedies and supplements which sometimes help. sorry to hear about your problem glad you rgeting better though.

its a hard slog to pick yourself back up, epsecially when your in it, were see if i can hope so and this isnt a downward spiral and i can get out of it before it gets out of control.
thanks tc

05-11-10, 06:08
your mind needs an escape:)