View Full Version : worst dreams!!!!!!awakening nightmare and stress!!!

05-11-10, 04:32
hi. ive just woken up in a complete mess and confusion. i had a horrific dream. nothing really scary but it was very vivid and i remember everything! imy anxiety kinda all gone sinse i started back at uni. but only recently ive felt a massive build up of tension.we are been given so much to do and ive gone from doing nothing from my illness to taking on what feels like everything.! all things i would not attempt before. i seem to live life never allowing myself to be stressed out fear but i think i have not done myself any help. I ve been so so afraid that my panic and anxiety will come back but i cant allow it to. i wondered if my dream could have been all my stress coming out. in my dream all my family were opposites of their personalities. it was like a alternitive to my life!! i had to , in my dream, tell myself to wake up...ive never done that before, i dont know if that normal under stress and tiredness??
i woke up screaming and crying.
i s have faced all my worst fears recently and dealt with it so maybe the anxious old me is trying to get out.lol..
im very scared. can anyone talk about this.??

05-11-10, 09:43
Hi Holly, yes I get these vivid dreams when I am very stressed out. I know how horrible they can be, they seem to stay with you for ages and are hard to forget. I think your right, when too much tension builds up its like this is a way of your body telling you that your too stressed and anxious.

I think you need to do some relaxation or not take on so much. It would be so easy to just say that your not going to allow your anxiety to come back, but as we all know it doesnt work like that. Its almost like the more you resist and fight it, the worse it comes back to bite you! If you recognise now that your getting stressed and feeling all anxious, its the right time to take a step back, maybe do something that will help you relax and try to look at ways you can prevent yourself getting more stressed. Maybe you should go and see your GP even for some advice? Good luck x