View Full Version : 4.55 am woke up in full panic mode:o(

05-11-10, 05:47
Justwoke up having terrible palpitations and my heart racing, i feel sick and i'm shaking like mad, i wasn't having a bad dream but in my dream i was having the palpitaions...

I'm scared stiff, i'm sure it's my heart...I have been stressed lately just found out my dad has leukemia so trying to convince myself it's stress related but this feels really like it's my heart and i can't relax.. :o( x x

05-11-10, 10:08
I feel like that most of the time, some times are worse than others. I was convinced I was having a heart attack the other week and my doctor just told me to come back in 2 months for more tablets - I hardly go to the doctor's - it's not like I am there all the time! Has anyone got any ideas to try and make you feel better?

05-11-10, 14:33

Have you worked out what makes you anxious? Is it relationships, work, or life in general.... maybe that would be a start to talk to a therapist.

Personally I try and relax before sleep, listen to some talks on Youtube or relaxing music.

Some people watch ghost movies or violent films not a good idea before sleep:weep:

05-11-10, 16:14
I can anxious about a lot of things but this time the flair up is caused by my dad i think... In april he was diagnosed with a blood disorder called MDS, which can eventually turn to leukemia, then he got and abcess in his elbow due to a midge bite which then caused sceptacemia, now we have just found out his mds has infact turned to leukemia.. he can have chemo and i'm sure he'll be o.k but the stress is just awful... The last time i felt as bad as this i had not long had my youngest daughter who is 6 i had post natal anxiety...I felt fine when i went to sleep lastnight just woke up feeling like this, the palps have been constant all day so i'm off to the doc's which i usually avoid cos i have health anxiety too x

05-11-10, 18:15

You might not have much time but try and create some moments when you can listen to some relaxing music, or do some relaxation of the mind - e.g thinking of a nice place you have been on holiday to or a nice family memory.

My dad is now in a rest home and doesn't walk at all (he is 78) not much we can do but hope

06-11-10, 13:15
Sorry to hear about your dad....

I ended up in hospital lastnight, not my own doing i went to the doc's just for reasurance but he ended up sending me for an ecg and they kept me in, i was petrified..I still have the palps but they have said it's prob stress related, could be my tablets i'm on or my thyroid but they've took some bloods and we'll see but more likely anxiety x