View Full Version : Too anxious to enjoy pregnancy!

14-03-06, 17:41
It's the saddest thing. I am so panicky and constantly obsessed with the "what ifs" that I can't even enjoy being pregnant. I am so worried about our future that I can think of nothing else.
The unknown is such a scary thing to me, I can't stand it. I feel so guilty about not being able to enjoy my pregnancy, I know the anxiety is bad for the baby but how do you stop it? I just want to know when this will end. I want to enjoy this, to enjoy getting enormous, and not care. That's the least of my concerns right now. I just feel so bad for it.
This baby is wanted and yet all I can think about is the plane, the palpitations, the headaches. It just seems so selfish on my part! I know I sound awful, I just want this to end.


14-03-06, 19:03
Hi Tina

Congratulations on the baby, when is he or she due?

I had panic all throughout my pregnancy and now have a son who is the best thing that has ever happened to me

Hormones go all over the place when we are pregnant, dont be hard on yourself, your not selfish, Have you tired going to pregnancy excercise / water classes, I found getting really into relaxation helped and also took my mind off thinking over things too much,

Take Care

Wendy x

14-03-06, 19:18
The baby is due early September. Hoping for a boy but, perfectly happy if it's our 3rd girl.
I am doing hypnotherapy right now, soon to start CBT and other things as well. I find relaxation such a foreign feeling. It makes me panic.
I was very active with my 1st pregnancy. I just don't have the motivation to do anything right now. It's such a terrible thing...I feel like I am constantly doing the "poor me" thing. I hate it!
I just want to be able to think of my baby a little more often. I feel horrible for not being able to do it. My husband has even resorted to bottling up his ecstatic feelings for me.
I just want this baby to know that he/she is very much wanted. How can I do that when I let this anxiety crap take over?!

14-03-06, 19:40
I think that you are most defo thinking a lot about the baby (your post was all bout your baby in the first place). Your baby will know how wanted he or she is!

If you had positive feelings in your first pregnancy have you tired relating back feelings to this pregnancy?

Good luck
