View Full Version : Abdominal pain

05-11-10, 09:56
I'm a little worried at the moment regarding some pain I have had in my lower right abdomen now for a week or so. I used to get ovulation pain and thought it was this when it started but it has been a week now and I am on about day 20 of my cycle. I am thinking either cyst, ovarian cancer or appendicitis. When I pressed on it earlier by accident it really hurt me. I'm quite scared.

05-11-10, 10:37
Hi dodo

I get loads of gut pains when I'm anxious. Mine are usually over towards the left, and I suspect they're all related to the IBS that I've had on and off for years. This doesn't stop me fretting about them though! And of course, they're always, always worse when I think about them.... :wacko:

05-11-10, 11:44
My doctor poked me in the chest the other day (:mad:) and said that if it hurt when he touched it like that it sounds muscular.

Or is it like periodish pain? x

05-11-10, 12:22
It's always on the right around my hop area, just below and feels achy and hurts to stretch. I always worry about appendix problems when it's in that area. But with so many people posting on ovarian cancer recently, it's got me reassessing my symptoms.

05-11-10, 12:23
Sorry that should be hip area. And yes it's like period pain rather than stabbing or anything.

05-11-10, 12:30
Hmmm achy and hurts to stretch..does sound kinda muscular to me! Do you sit a certain way or sleep a certain way that might put stress on it? Out of all those people who posted about ovarian cancer, I bet not one of them has it!

Anxietys a funny little thing, sometimes I read threads and their symptoms list + self diagnosis and I'll go away and auto assume I have it if I have any of the symptoms they've listed. I'll stress about it constantly til my symptom lifts up and then it'll just start all over! You need to be careful about what threads you click on in the HA boards because some of them will set you off depending on what your main fear is.

Apendix problems is supposed to be absolouley excruciating, like rolling round on the floor crying pain so you would definatley know if it was them playing up! x

05-11-10, 13:16
I have seen about a grumbling appendix before when I used to get the pain and especially with all my tummy issues of late.
It's definitely like the ovulation pain I used to get/ ligament pain. Trouble is it's always on the same and and comes every month.

05-11-10, 13:17
Another thing I noticed yesterday was that when I'm anxious, I tend to twist my body into peculiar positions. I'd managed to twist my pelvis round to the left, no wonder it's uncomfortable :doh:

05-11-10, 16:36
Hi I've come on here 2 post similar question, my pain is on the left lower abdomen kinda across from my hip but only when pressure is applied cud this b trapped wind? I had a bad bout of it on Tuesday and wondered if its caused bruising? I've been on Dr Google all day not good!

Fly away Katie
05-11-10, 20:52
I get this every single month, before my period. ALWAYS terrible pain in my lower RIGHT abdomen. I once got it all month untill my next period aswell. You wont have cancer,or youd be VERY poorley, also if it was appendix, you wouldnt even be able type. Its periods. They SUCK!! x x x x

05-11-10, 22:54
Thanks guys

What does yours feel like fly_away_kate? I can feel mine sometimes when I walk, like a stitch.

06-11-10, 17:47
hi mines lower left stomach and mine sometimes feels like stitch and its sometimes painful when i walk or bend down and it hurts when i put pressure on the area

Fly away Katie
06-11-10, 23:22
OMG thats exactly what it feels like, a blooming painful stitch. THe feeling varies, stabbing, squeezing, sharp pains. And the stitch one!!! I cant believe it, we must have the same!!!!! x x x

07-11-10, 02:17
I'm a little worried at the moment regarding some pain I have had in my lower right abdomen now for a week or so. I used to get ovulation pain and thought it was this when it started but it has been a week now and I am on about day 20 of my cycle. I am thinking either cyst, ovarian cancer or appendicitis. When I pressed on it earlier by accident it really hurt me. I'm quite scared.

I don't think it's cysts or ovarian cancer. I have two cysts and they don't affect my stomach. If you had ovarian cancer you'd be losing weight fast and you would be in a ton of pain. Also when you go to the obgyn they feel around looking for lumps. Appenditis again you'd be in severebpain and you'd be throwing up badly.

Stomach pains come from stress, gas, the food you eat. Many things bring on belly pain.