View Full Version : Fed up of feeling this way! RANT!!

05-11-10, 10:28
I am so fed up of feeling this way! I am constantly on alert.
I am having these sudden jolts, as if I have dropped 100 feet at 0.1 second, I regularly feel dizzy and I have zero motivation. If I do attempt to do anything it goes wrong anyway and I feel i am letting everyone down, not to mention myself. I have so many worries at the minute, we are struggling to pay for our wedding, we are undecided on wether or not to sell our house and our son is due an operation to have his tonsils and adonoids removed. If I wasnt suffering with anxiety then these things wouldnt get to me, they would stress me out a little but not to this extreme. For once I am falling to sleep quickly at night but then I wake in a panic after 5 or 10 minutes with a heavy or numb arm, then i am reluctant to go back to sleep. I have so many things that are half finished at the moment and I dont know where to start. I am fed up of putting everyone else first but everyone else puts themselves first!! Why cant i be a bit more like them, be a bit selfish from time to time and look after my best interests. I struggle to wind down and relax, I am constantly chasing my tail and trying to get 100 things sorted at once. I know this is daft and I need to get some order but as hard as i try i cant seem to do this. I am tired and fed up and wish I could see some light at the end of the tunnel. I just wanted a rant so thanks for been there x

05-11-10, 14:40

firstly have a :bighug1:

Im sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment. I have those sudden jolts as well. iv never known how to describe them before buts thats what they are!! I get very spaced out/ light headed alot and like you i have no motivation.

Sounds like you have alot going on.

Wish i could give you some advice but im suffering similar myself at present and i dont really no how to help myself!!

Just wanted you to know you are not alone in feeling this way

love mandie xx