View Full Version : Dentist Today

05-11-10, 10:38
I have got a dentist appointment this afternoon, My throat is still killing like mad, What i want to know is can dentists look down your throat with lights or mirrors?
I'm sure dentists check the throat too as it's still classed as oral just like the mouth is.

I'm still considering going to A&E as i have bad bad throat pain and neck pain with some chest and stomach discomfort and last night i had blood in my stools.

05-11-10, 10:44
Just wanted to wish you good luck at the dentist hunni x

05-11-10, 10:46
Good luck for the dentists you will be fine
I dont like going to the dentist either that is one thing I am frightened of but it has to be done


05-11-10, 11:33
See what the dentist says, and then just gop down a&e. If ur in that much pain u need to see someone end of. good luck x

05-11-10, 11:37
If you have blood in your stools and do not have piles or fissures you need to get this checked out by your GP as soon as is practical. This is not a subjective interpretation of an symptom but is an objective presentation and your GP needs to make sure that there is a straightforward explanation for this.

05-11-10, 11:55
Well at least the Dentist will be able to check you out :yesyes:.I hope you find reassurance Eggy .As for the blood ,your Dr needs to examine you ,going to A&E is a waste of your time and theirs .They will tell you to go see your Dr .He will refer you if he thinks its down to something that needs investigating .Its probably down to piles or a fissure .Get some fybogel it will help by bulking up your stools and soften them .I was waiting for a reply on your other thread ,but I see its been deleted ? Im sure you will keep us informed of your Dentist appointment .Lets hope he can shed some light on your throat pain .Dont forget to tell him you are suffering with anxiety and are currently on Cipralex .All the best Sue x

05-11-10, 12:14
There's a walk in centre right next to the dental hospital, might pop in there whilst i am around that area.

But does anyone actually know on here if a dentist can see quite a bit of the throat or whether they can actually check the throat?

i love tea
05-11-10, 12:29
Why don't you ask the dentist?!

05-11-10, 12:39
Because i want to know if anyone on here has experienced it at the dentist or has had their throat checked at the dentist.

i love tea
05-11-10, 12:45

Eggy - it doesn't matter what other people's dentists have or haven't checked - YOU need to ask YOUR dentist. It's the only way you'll ever know the truth rather that drawing your own conclusions, which you seem to be very good at (but which cannot be relied upon)...

05-11-10, 12:49
All i want to know is whether it is possible for a dentist to examine the throat.

05-11-10, 12:55
The Dentist can see quite a lot of the throat more than the Dr anyway .Dentist s chairs enable the Dentist to see further down and their lights are very bright .If you have any infection or tonsil stones this will be easily detected and you will be given antibiotics .If you had anything like cancer of the mouth it would be obvious and you would be informed and subsequently reffered .Hope this answers your question ? Sue

05-11-10, 13:00
I was thinking about Throat Cancer more than Mouth Cancer, My GP said the other day that the roof of my mouth looks sore so that's another reason why i booked an emergency dentist appointment and because of the severe throat pain.

05-11-10, 13:02
I found my answer via Dr Google:-

How is Throat Cancer Diagnosed?

"Diagnose usually involves you and your dentist in discussion and performing some examination of your mouth. To help in determination whether the abnormal feelings that are appearing are cancerous, the doctor will take the small sample of tissue to examine it thoroughly.

Throat cancers are of the squamous cell type. They are firm and flat, and they form the lining of oral cavity and upper throat as well as the surface of your skin. As the squamous cell progress they invade deeper and may spread to your lymph nodes as well as the other part of the body".

05-11-10, 13:11
More or less what I said then ...thats reassuring ..Hope you can get something for the pain .The drop in centre seems a good idea for the other problem . all the best Sue

05-11-10, 14:37
I am in the waiting room now :/

05-11-10, 14:38
Good luck, hope it makes u feel better x

05-11-10, 15:51
How are you connecting to NMP from a dentist waiting room?

05-11-10, 15:56
hope you get on ok xx good luck xx

05-11-10, 15:57
How are you connecting to NMP from a dentist waiting room?

He could be using the internet on his phone x

05-11-10, 15:57
I found my answer via Dr Google:-

How is Throat Cancer Diagnosed?

"Diagnose usually involves you and your dentist in discussion and performing some examination of your mouth. To help in determination whether the abnormal feelings that are appearing are cancerous, the doctor will take the small sample of tissue to examine it thoroughly.

Throat cancers are of the squamous cell type. They are firm and flat, and they form the lining of oral cavity and upper throat as well as the surface of your skin. As the squamous cell progress they invade deeper and may spread to your lymph nodes as well as the other part of the body".


If I had wanted to stumble across a Google return for throat cancer I would have done it myself though...:whistles:

05-11-10, 16:02
Well the dentist had a good look in my mouth and didn't find anything wrong they said it's a ENT issue.

i love tea
05-11-10, 16:06
Well the dentist had a good look in my mouth and didn't find anything wrong they said it's a ENT issue.

ENT = Ear, Nose, Throat

Therefore, you have discovered that dentists cannot diagnose throat problems. And you can also see that Dr Google isn't always right. And neither are members of NMP.

05-11-10, 16:20
Well the DENTIST CAN see to the back of the tonsills and just beyond.This rules out certain things .Obviously he cant look down the osphageus .You need a camera to be able to do that . So you dont have mouth cancer ,Tonsill stones or any sign of infection ..Thats something .Did you mention TMJ and the pain in your jaw Eggy? Sue

05-11-10, 16:23
He could be using the internet on his phone x

A blackberry?

05-11-10, 16:38

as mentioned on your posts before i believe you are suffering from GERD and post-nasal drip as well as chronic health anxiety. Please google these conditions and match your symptoms. It is amazing what post nasal drip can make you feel and how bad acid reflux can make you feel too, you will bring acid back up, and post nasal drip will make your throat feel swollen, constricted, itchy, tight and can make you almost feel as though you're choking, as can acid reflux, this will extend to chest pain, muscle ache etc. Just because you do not have ALL the symptoms does not mean this does not apply to you.

Please start trying to listen to all of the good advice people are giving you here.

05-11-10, 17:06
A blackberry?

or iPhone.

In regards to not relying on info you find on the net. It comes from all around the world, so maybe in some countries Dentists have more of a role than they do here or vice versa.
As people have said, it's best to ask the person you are seeing and not rely on hearsay from other members, or the internet. By all means ask and digest the information given, but take it with a pinch of salt and not 100% fact.

05-11-10, 18:29
Well the DENTIST CAN see to the back of the tonsills and just beyond.This rules out certain things .Obviously he cant look down the osphageus .You need a camera to be able to do that . So you dont have mouth cancer ,Tonsill stones or any sign of infection ..Thats something .Did you mention TMJ and the pain in your jaw Eggy? Sue

This dentist knows abit about ENT he said my tonsils were big i said they have been like that for months but they aren't inflamed but he gave me some Amoxicillin to see if it helps at all.

I mentioned all my pains and he just said that i should see an ENT about my problems as they cannot do anything.

When i see the Gastroentrologist which will be very soon now i will probably have an Endoscopy to look at my stomach and esophagus.

05-11-10, 18:34
Your dentist have you antibiotics for your throat??

05-11-10, 18:38
Your dentist have you antibiotics for your throat??


05-11-10, 18:42
Good god i have never heard of that one before. I wasn't aware dentist were allowed to medicate medical matters. I have heard of them giving antibiotics for a dental abscess but never throat problems. That's bizarre lol x

05-11-10, 18:43
Yeah they can prescribe drugs Lisa

05-11-10, 18:44
I would have thought they would refer Eggy back to his GP about the throat though

05-11-10, 18:46
Yeah i have had antibiotics a few times from the dentist but only for dental problems. I wouldn't have thought it allowed to prescribe for medical problems.

05-11-10, 18:46
The dentist just thought it might help but didn't know what was causing my Throat Pain, He just said go back to your GP and get seen by an ENT but luckily earlier this week I was referred to one anyway.

05-11-10, 18:50
The dentist just thought it might help but didn't know what was causing my Throat Pain, He just said go back to your GP and get seen by an ENT but luckily earlier this week I was referred to one anyway.

So your tonsils are large but not inflamed or infected and he gave you antibiotics 'just incase' it might help, good lord!

Some people just have big tonsils, my son does. it's like some people have a bigger nose than others, some people have larger tonsils.

05-11-10, 18:58
So your tonsils are large but not inflamed or infected and he gave you antibiotics 'just incase' it might help, good lord!

Some people just have big tonsils, my son does. it's like some people have a bigger nose than others, some people have larger tonsils.

Yeah but when he looked in my mouth he said the tonsils are massive, his exact words, Actually only one or two are quite big.

I've started the Amoxicillin already and hoping it helps as that would make me feel better, Still concerned about my persistent neck pain that i have had for 10 weeks but i might start getting some answers now that i am seeing an ENT and a Gastroentrologist.

05-11-10, 19:08
I have massive tonsils apparently too but my dentist is used to seeing them that big.

I assume the Amoxicillin is ok with the other meds you are on?

05-11-10, 19:12
I have massive tonsils apparently too but my dentist is used to seeing them that big.

I assume the Amoxicillin is ok with the other meds you are on?

Yep i am ok to take them i asked the pharmacist if it was ok to take with my inhalers, omeprazole and cipralex and they said yes.

05-11-10, 19:55
I thought he meant that only one or two people have large ones lol

05-11-10, 20:17
:roflmao: I told someone they had large ones once and got a slap.

05-11-10, 20:42
All this tonsil talk reminds me of when I had quinsey about 5 years ago....anyone else had that, not much fun!!

06-11-10, 01:21
Only one or two are quite big? Just how many tonsils do you have Eggy, I thought just two was the norm? :D

lol lol