View Full Version : Are these Panic Attacks?

14-03-06, 18:17
The first time I was diagnosed with a panic attack I was at the doctor's office and I must admit I had some anxiety. Next thing I knew it felt like I couldn't swallow. Then my foot started shaking. Then the other foot. Slowly the shaking moved up my body but then it turned into much more than shaking. If I were a third party observing what I looked like I would say I was having a seizure of some sort the movements were so violent. I could not swallow or breathe; however, I did not feel like I was having a heart attack but my heart was racing. Once the convulsions, if you will, were moving towards my upper chest (heart) the doctor gave me 3 shots of valium and it calmed me down, then I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital. There they diagnosed me as having had a panic attack. From what I don't know! I was pretty doped up by the valium and my husband picked me up and I slept the night away. The next attack was milder and happened in a dentist's chair to get a cavity filled. I hate dentist's from a bad experience as a child. I had had nitro gas to calm me down but was still full of anxiety. All of a sudden I started to shake (again) all over but not violently, heart raced, and my teeth were chattering and I was freezing. They could not do the procedure. I have had the nitro gas before to just clean my teeth so it was not from that. The dentist stated they would not do procedures on my teeth unless I was on valium or something like it to calm me down. It was that bad of an episode just not bad enough to go to the hospital. He was nice but you could tell he was frustrated with me. Are these panic attacks even though I don't feel like I'm having a heart attack as others describe? I have huge anxiety issues and I'm on medication for them. Any replies will be appreciated.


14-03-06, 18:23
This defo sounds like panic attacks / anxiety, Im sure many people will agree they get these symptoms
Has your doctor arranged any counselling / treatment for you?
Take Care
Wendy x

14-03-06, 18:27
I did some pretty wild shaking on occassions and once got called out to see a lady who really was having what looked like seizures but was in fact panic and this was the excess adrenalin working its way out.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

14-03-06, 18:45

It does sound like panic to me but you can get over it and can get better so don't lose hope ok?


15-03-06, 02:12
first of all welcome..
Second...panic and anxiety attacks have the same symptoms....what you described could be for both. The difference is that panic attacks happen usually without triggers..they can happen when you least expect it...anxiety attacks usually have a trigger....like if you hate dentists...and you dread going there and you are going there, your aniety builds and buils, and sometimes it builds so much you have an attack. You may be experiencing both...it is not uncommon for people to have panic and anxiety....often depression goes with both or either too. I would suggest that you find out what is really going on, but it does sound like you have one or the other or both....but I am not a psychiatrist so I cannnot diagnose you. Try seeking help....and when you do, seek different and various sources.....you may not find your answers from just one or even two sources.
Hope you find what you are looking for...and you always have a place to talk here.

15-03-06, 13:54
Hi Wendy,

I saw a psychiatrist for awhile and she said I had anxiety. I never saw anyone after the panic attacks. I stopped going to the psyc. because all she ever did was see me for 15 minutes to check meds. I basically now get my meds from an regular doctor. The only counseling I have ever had was for anorexia. Since I've had anxiety since childhood I doubt it will ever go away.


15-03-06, 14:12
Those definatly sound like PAs.
I hyperventilate, collapse shake and my body literally jumps like im having a fit sometimes.
Maybe you could try seeing a therapist or someone because you sound like there is a subconcious root cause to this anxiety that also caused your anorexia.
I actually suffer from anorexia and PAs too, i am currently seeing a counsellor to try and solve the underlying issues im struggling to pin point to help me to recover as im pretty bad - soon ill be at risk of heart failure.... hospital is looking like the only possibility if it doent work soon.

I don't fee like im having a heart attack or going to die when i have a PA either.

Hope you can sort this out...everyones here for you.


15-03-06, 14:47

I'm so sorry you are in such bad shape with your anorexia. I'm 48 and have had a battle of it my whole life. At 40 I only weighed 89 lbs. don't know what that is in stones if your british. I'm at a good weight now but please continue to get help. It is such a struggle and only those who suffer know how hard it is and what we see in the mirror others don't see. I know that it does affect my anxiety and visa versa. It is an endless cycle. I have alot of medical problems due to this disorder from having it for so long i.e., bones, thyroid, anemia etc. If you ever want to talk message me your e-mail address. I'm here for you. Thank God my heart has never been hurt. Take care, I'm thinking of you.


15-03-06, 20:56
yer im supposed to be on bed rest...so my counsellor is visiting me at home on monday.

Its annoying cause i cant go to school and im only 15 and doing my gcses.

I know that you probably feel really wrong with your weight and you don't like it at all at times...but welldone for making yourself more healthy!

I hope you find yourself in time and learn to love it.
