View Full Version : S.A.D

paula lynne
05-11-10, 12:08
Hi guys, is anyone else feeling particularly low and depressed at the moment? I know these can be symptoms of seasonal affective disorder, but I dont know anything else about it.

For the past 3 days Ive been stuck in the house because of the weather, and feel really low at the moment, no energy, and sleeping is completely out of sink...didnt go to bed til 3am last night, woke at 11am!

Feel very tearful too. I dont know how to pick myself up, so anyone feeling like this or who has it, any advice would be much appreciated. Love P x:weep:

05-11-10, 12:27
hi paula, yes i can totaly relate to you, i have thought the same, i seem to have more depression pretty much as soon as the clocks change.
also if the weather is bad i dont go out either. as i look after my 1yr old neice 4 days a wk its hard cos i dont want to take her out and get her all freezing cold and wet. i think that the more i have stayed in through the wk the more my panic sets in for the wkend when it comes to going anywhere in the car with my hubby.
And as for sleep, well i dont really sleep! so that just makes the days go so much slower to me.
i am off to the docs today and im gonna metion SAD to see what she thinks.
to pick myself up i normally do some painting, or reading, or if i really am desperate HOUSEWORK! lol :D
hope you start feeling better soon x and hope this blooming weather picks up too xx take care xx

05-11-10, 12:35
Difficult but I think you've got to force yourself to go out..... remember there's almost exactly the same number of daylight hours now as there was a week ago... just start a bit earlier so perhaps the answer is to get up earlier and go to bed earlier..... sometimes easier said than done lol!
On a slightly different note, what makes someone a "senior member"?...... I've tried to work this out but am baffled.... could it be the number of posts someones done?

margaret jones
05-11-10, 12:40
Hi Paula yes getting out seems to help even if it only for a hr or two thought about getting a light box anyone used one ?? roll on spring xx GEOFF re senior member it is based on the number of posts you submit ( i think ) xx

paula lynne
05-11-10, 13:14
Thanks all, Im hoping to visit my daughter later, a 20 min drive.

The weird thing is...Im agoraphobic, but feel Ive been TRAPPED INSIDE because of the weather, ie-I cant make a CHOICE to go out....does this mean Im getting better, is this a sign of recovery? Dare I hope........

05-11-10, 13:27
Hi Paula, I dont know much about sad myself, but i know my father in law really struggled with this & he used a lamp of some desciption, which really helped him. sorry i cant be of more help & i hope you feel better x:hugs:

05-11-10, 13:32
I know I have a tendency to this as well - I suspect that I've had it for ages but it was identified by my GP about 10 years ago.

I notice it most particularly when the clocks go back. For the first couple of weeks of GMT, it feels as though the world has become eternal night, which I find quite distressing. I then seem to get used to this for a while, then become aware of it again when the days get very short. I'm sure some of this goes with me not liking Christmas, as of course the shortest day and Christmas are very close together.

The usual symptoms I get is that I want to hibernate and not go out, and it gets very difficult to motivate myself. I'll also get upset more easily than usual, almost like a form of PMS, but that lasts three months!!

I find myself just waiting for the short days to be over, which is a bit crap as it's wishing your life away.

I did try antidepressants for it for 2 or 3 winters, but then I got rather fed up with having to take medication for it. A few years ago, I bought a light box, which I've found very useful. If you sit by one for 1-2 hours a day (I used to put mine by the computer) then it does seem to make a difference in terms of feeling less tired and depressed.

Also, it does help to get outside whenever the weather is reasonable. When we're outside, we absorb far more of the sun's rays than if we're indoors sitting by a window. Evidently the sunlight acts directly on the hypothalamus to help us produce more serotonin (if I remember rightly!)

paula lynne
05-11-10, 13:41
Thank you so much...so my first port of call is to get out then...cant today though, as by the time hubby gets in its dark. I suspect going out to see my daughter will at least help me get out of the house at least.

I will definately get out tomorrow, even if its raining. I know thats what makes Wales lush and green, but this is bordering on the ridiculous, its rained heavy for 5 days now.....hurumph.....

I wish I could shake this feeling, low, depressed I think, doesnt help that I'll be ovulating soon, and the blooming vertigo is going to start again, happy days....

Thank you everyone, much appreciated x:wacko:

paula lynne
05-11-10, 14:46
Sorry to go on, has anyone here had a difinative diagnosis of S.A.D, and how are you coping, how is your gp helping, is it only light therapy that works? x

05-11-10, 14:47
Oh the joys of living in the British Isles pfffft

I suffer really badly with SAD. It affects my pain levels and chronic fatigue when the clocks go back and we have this unpredictable and generally gloomy weather.

I think the best answer is to keep busy. Even if you're stuck in the house you can find lots of things to do, but obviously getting out - even if it's a short walk to the shops - is the ideal solution to getting as much natural daylight as possible, along with keeping physically active. I don't think there's anything worse than stagnating and retreating into yourself...

Hope that helps and you feel better soon Paula.

paula lynne
05-11-10, 15:18
Thank you Melancholia, I will try to get myself up and out as soon as I can x

05-11-10, 15:45
I suffer with this too.It does make me lethargic and I dont sleep as good either .I didnt get to sleep until 3-30am this morning .I do find getting up a bit earlier and going to bed an hour earlier helps a bit .Providing you sleep that is..Keeping busy and starting a few projects helps the winter to pass quicker .You get a sense of achievement too .I take cod liver oil 1000mg inthe winter months as it gives you the vitamin D deficiancy you get if you dont get out in the winter sunshine much .I have a sun lamp I use to relax under ,this makes me feel good for a while afterwards .This year will be a testing time for me ,as Ive cut down on my Citalopram by half .We shall see by the end of December how well its going .:scared15:Ive been very up and down this week and Its hard to tell if its SAD or a combination .Not really an Ideal time of year to reduce I know ,but it will be better to find out how I am at my worst time of year .Light boxes are pretty cheap nowadays ,and Mel told me you can buy Bulbs for ordinary lamps as well .So well worth trying I think Paula .Heres to a better winter :yesyes:Luv Sue x

paula lynne
05-11-10, 15:55
Oh THANKS suz, thats really helpful! Cheers luv, will try anything really. Hope you feel ok yourself too xxxx ps...I cant take tablets, does cod liver oil come in liquid form? Yuk I know...but cant swallow those big capsules! xx Thanks xx

05-11-10, 16:02
Difficult but I think you've got to force yourself to go out..... remember there's almost exactly the same number of daylight hours now as there was a week ago... just start a bit earlier so perhaps the answer is to get up earlier and go to bed earlier..... sometimes easier said than done lol!
On a slightly different note, what makes someone a "senior member"?...... I've tried to work this out but am baffled.... could it be the number of posts someones done?
Hi Geoff it is easier said than done. I am usually up at about 6.30am for work and it is still dark then. Are you seriously suggesting that we get up earlier than this? Going to bed earlier is sometimes an option usually to read and a hot water bottle very cosy. Dear Paula I'm a seasonal depressive too but I am on meds which seem to keep the very worst of the depression at bay. It is like someone flicking a switch when the clocks go back then it is dark, dark dark until after Christmas. I'm sorry that you can't get out much. I would start(and do) to plan some things to do in the New Year. That way you have something to look foward to. I am already looking foward to the bulbs coming up. It does seem to get brighter after the shortest day 21st December. Take care. I'm thinking of you. EJ.

paula lynne
05-11-10, 16:07
Thanks EJ, I planted my daffodils 2 weeks ago, and cant wait to see them. I enjoy books so think I will get to the library and get a stash for the next couple of weeks x
Hope you are ok too x

05-11-10, 16:07
Oh THANKS suz, thats really helpful! Cheers luv, will try anything really. Hope you feel ok yourself too xxxx ps...I cant take tablets, does cod liver oil come in liquid form? Yuk I know...but cant swallow those big capsules! xx Thanks xx

Yes you can get the medicine .but it tastes nasty .Be brave ...:roflmao: sue xxx

paula lynne
05-11-10, 16:11
ooooh hurl...yuk.....I will try.....had worst things in my mouth! yuk, never mind, will ask hubby to pick some up from asda later. x cheers me dears x

05-11-10, 16:13
Hi Paula,

Sorry you and the weather aren’t too bright at the moment. Today’s the first day it’s rained here for a while, but nonetheless I’ve still spent them all cooped up indoors. Now I’m kicking myself for not getting out in the garden sooner :doh:

Some people do suffer from SAD at this time of year – think it’s to do with the reduced hours of natural daylight. You can get special ‘light boxes’ to compensate, which some people find helps. Think they’re quite expensive though.

I always feel down this time of year, but I don’t think it’s SAD. Although a beautiful time of year, I find it’s also a sad time with everything dieing and coming to an end. The gardens and the pretty flowers, and the countryside. Everyday I spot something else that’s dead of dieing, and I know that tomorrow there will be more :meh:

Suppose also it’s because I always manage to waste so much time each year and never get all the things done that I planned. Earlier in the year it’s not so bad because there’s always tomorrow, but now the tomorrows are running out. It’s like fighting a losing battle trying to get things done :meh:

Then there’s the thought of dark nights, cold weather, loads of rain, snow (eek!). And events too. I don’t like birthdays because each one means I’m another year older and marks another wasted year of non-achievement. That’s September, so it marks the start of my gloomy period. It was also the month Dad died :sad:

I don’t hate Christmas and enjoy it when it’s here, but never really look forward to it, and that in itself makes me sad because it feels like I’m missing out on something. Then it’s New Year – another time to reflect upon another wasted and unproductive year. I want to make plans for a better one, but after... well, quite a few now, I can’t believe anything I say I’m gonna do :meh:

The reason I don’t think it’s SAD is because when the first signs of spring appear I start to feel more optimistic again, even though the daylight hours are still short. I like it when you see the catkins, and the first snowdrops, then the early crocuses, and a few buds starting to grow. It’s like things are coming back to life once again. And it’s the opposite of autumn – each day when I spot something new I know that tomorrow there will be more of it. there’s a whole new year stretching out before me again, with plenty of tomorrows... for now... :)


paula lynne
05-11-10, 16:42
Nigel thats IT exactly, I will feel better by spring, even though its still darkish...maybe its just the "blues" at the moment. Mum loved xmas, and Im mot looking forward to it without her. Maybe thats part of the problem. I will have a good think about what youve said.

And as Ive said before...you ARE an achiever, you achieve things here, major-life changing things for some....Id call that preety special actually. You never give yourself enough credit...BRING ON THE DAFFODILS - EVERY DARK DAY NOW IS A DAY CLOSER TO SPRING! xx Thanks mate xx

05-11-10, 16:49
I’m sorry about your Mum :hugs:
I’ve read little bits that you’ve written, and it may well be a very big part of the problem.

“And as Ive said before...you ARE an achiever, you achieve things here, major-life changing things for some....Id call that preety special actually. You never give yourself enough credit...”

Aww thanks :blush:

It’s just that they’re not the things that have always been important to me.

paula lynne
05-11-10, 16:51
no suppose about it, completely accurate and totally true....:D

05-11-10, 16:53
Suppose... :winks: :D

05-11-10, 16:57
I know this isn't a hug thread but I thought I would give ya a hug anyway.


Failing that, if you don't cheer up I shall have to send you some rude jokes. :whistles:

paula lynne
05-11-10, 16:59
oh that feels better....lovely x thanks ladybird x:)

eternally optimistic
07-11-10, 15:53

I've often thought I suffer from SAD, never had it diagnosed.

The last couple of weekends I have been really peculiar, I dont have too much to worry about that is serious, although still usually find something to bother me LOL

I am sure my "moods" are affected by the shorter days, I am sure of it.

Ive been out with the dog early afternoon and felt nearly great but now feel unsure, unsafe and not really understanding my feelings.

paula lynne
07-11-10, 16:06
Hi Jay ann, when you next come online, can you explain this "peculiar" feeling? x
You sound like you are going through a rough time of it yourself too, I hope you feel better soon x

07-11-10, 17:00
Hi Paula, been feeling pretty low the last week or so myself. Never been diagnosed with SAD, not sure if my GP 'believes' in it. Just wanted to say the last time I saw the naturopath I go to, she said intends to have me off Prozac in the spring - she made an absolute point of saying she would never encourage anyone to come off ADs at this time of year. She is a very wise and clever lady, so I really think something goes on as we head into winter, whatever the actual reason. Not sure if this is any help :doh:

eternally optimistic
07-11-10, 17:45
Hi Paula

I am feeling really unsure about myself, almost depressed, although I am sure I am not truly depressed.

I used to call it the Sunday blues.

Its like a silly nervousness in my stomach, like I am starting a new job or something.
I have been worrying about my son a bit which I know isnt anything to be worrying about but I just cant get anything into perspective.

Its the ups and downs in a day I cant hack.

That probably doesnt tell you much, I know.

Soz Paula.

12-11-10, 13:20
I have been recommended this light by a friend, its not cheap but its supposed to really help, I really hate this time of year, when it is so dark.


paula lynne
12-11-10, 13:21
Thanks ladies, it all helps xxxx:)

21-11-10, 01:56
I suffer from SAD along with my depression and anxiety (joy) I do have a SAD lamp,which i should add cost me a small fortune! I have been using it for a couple of weeks now.........not really sure if its working :shrug:

21-11-10, 18:34
I am totally same. I hate dark nights. Start october i go through horrible anxiety and depression. I miss my country india and want to go back but unfortunately i can't as my children are in school. My body starts aching and i cry a lot and i relate my every ache and pain to cancer. I don't know what will happen and how long will it lasts.