View Full Version : fearfighter

05-11-10, 15:52
hi everyone, just got back from the docs, she is going to refer me to the online fearfighting plan for my panic and anxiety/depression.
just wondered if anyone else has had success with this and how long does it take to get, with it being through the nhs :huh:
thanks :D

05-11-10, 15:55
Hey you, haven't heard of it, sounds interesting though, keep me posted! What else did the doc say?

05-11-10, 16:05
hey hun, god it was a nightmare in the waiting room :scared15: 20 mins wait! it felt like hours! but didnt do a runner lol!
as i was waiting, trying to distract myself there was a poster on the wall right in front of me with fearfight web site in massive letters, so focused on reading that :wacko: strangely enough this is what she reccomended after i babbled everything out! it sounds like it could be the thing for me, you get a support person helping you over the telephone and i think its over 8 to 12 wks therapy! i guess its just simular to cbt online but with phone chats to help? will give owt a go just bet i have to wait a while :weep: hope not.
staying positive!
she also said she thought i made the right choice not taking the cit! as she thinks i would benefit better from this x

05-11-10, 19:09
Good luck with that hun, let us know how you get on. xx

05-11-10, 19:20
hey. I've just been to the doctors today as well and she recommended the fearfighter plan as there is along wait to see our practice counsellor. i'm gonna give it a go because she has said it has helped some of her patients previously and that she would like to try it before she tries me with any meds. keep me updated with how your finding it x

06-11-10, 13:37
yeah will let you know when i get it! hope its soon xxx
let me know how u get on with it too jenny :)

22-11-10, 19:38
well got my assessment today, and i am starting it tomorrow, how quick was that!! :D hope it helps, nothing ventured nothing gained!
9 wk programme here i come

22-11-10, 19:43
Good luck jo!! xxx

23-11-10, 08:07
Good luck jo!! xxx

cheers munkey :D xxx

23-11-10, 09:06
well got my assessment today, and i am starting it tomorrow, how quick was that!! :D hope it helps, nothing ventured nothing gained!
9 wk programme here i come

Good luck hun! xx