View Full Version : Brain Tumour - Help

05-11-10, 17:23
Hi all

I have been suffereing from nasty headaches around my eyes, in the eyebrown and the top of the head and forehead, like a heavy weight hanging on my head. This has been going on for about a week, recently I have ben having really bad health anxiety and am back on propanolol although only taking it when really needed. I am actually quite prone to headaches, mostly in the afternoon.

With my headaches, im also feelng very anxious, nauseas and a lot of pressure on my face. I became sevelerly convinced that I had a brain tumour as I would wake up with a headache and go to sleep with one.

I finally went to the doctor begging for a brain scan but the doctor spent about 10 mins talking about my headaches and symptoms and did a full neurological exam and eye test and said there was no need to have a scan and that she wouldnt be referring me to one as she has no doubt there is anything wrong.

Can I just accept this or shall I return asking for a scan??? Im in such a state at the moment which is making my headache worse. I am now getting dizziness, lightheadedness and depersonilasation :(

Any advise?

Thanks, Katie xxx

05-11-10, 17:30
Headaches are rarely a sign of a brain tumour.

Believe the doctor - they know best.

It is probably a tension headache or maybe your sinuses - did she mention either of those?

05-11-10, 17:33
StillyKat .... try and take on board what your doctor has said. It does sound as if you have got yourself into a right old state (I recognise that - I do it all the time!). Stress headaches are notoriously difficult to budge ... the more we think about it, the worse it becomes! Try putting some lavender oil on your pillow, in fact just sniff some. Origins Peace of Mind is really good too - it's just a nice minty smell, but clears the old sinuses too!
Look after yourself and try to relax (ps if you find the secret to relaxing, let me know!lol) x

05-11-10, 17:34
Thanks Nicola, she did mention tension or sinuses, said to take ibuprofen. Could it be sinuses even if I dont have a runny or congested nose?xxx

05-11-10, 17:37
Yes the sinuses can cause pressure but not a runny nose etc.

If you can inhale steam over a bowel it helps. Add some drops of olbas oil or something similar.

05-11-10, 17:39
Thanks Nicola x