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05-11-10, 20:24
My gp sent me to the hospital to have bloods taken as I couldnt get down to my surgery in the mornings only. My partner took me after work to the hospital - I am agoraphobic.
I got myselt really psyched up, as I hate hospitals - lots of bad memories, plus just the whole agoraphobia thing, went to the blood tests unit, and the gp had only sent me in with the boxes ticked wrong on the sheet for the tests that I needed!!! :mad: I noticed this and asked the nurses to change for the various tests that I needed but they couldnt without my gp saying! Therefore I had to come back and phone the gps reception to get my gp to phone the hospital. The nurse took my blood for one of the tests.
Things like that really irritate :mad: It makes me lose faith...although I lost a lot of faith some time ago. If gps make mistakes like this, then how do you know what they diagnose you with is correct?
Maybe this post should be in the Complaints thread???

Hazel B
05-11-10, 20:37
So sorry to read this, let's hope it gets sorted for you soon.

Take care. x

05-11-10, 20:54
Hi Hazel
How are you?
Thanks for your reply :hugs:
Gp checking me for hormones - maybe perimenopause, plus anemia - as I have pernicious anemia - supposed to now be taking Vit B12, but rarely do due to side effects. I prefer the injections. I also have kidney problems which have to kept a check on.
I think the gp had got my sheet mixed up with another patients! :scared15: That makes me worry :unsure:
Will let you know how I get on.
Thank you again for your reply. :)

Hazel B
06-11-10, 11:25
No problem, I've been off Propranolol for 9 days now, taking it easy but hope I've turned a corner.

Take care of yourself and make sure you get what you need from the doctor.


paula lynne
06-11-10, 11:28
Hi Poppy x
Im agoraphobic too, and like you, am having bloods soon to check for peri-menopause (Im 39), due to tingling in hands and feet. Luckily, Im having bloods taken at my gps, which is 5 mins away in the car.
I hope everything gets sorted for you soon, let me know how you get on.
Best wishes to you x:)

06-11-10, 19:15
Thank you for all replies. :)
I have nothing to complain about really - A friend of ours, has just found out she has breast cancer and its quite advanced. I feel a bit bad about me going on about trivial things.
Paul - lol @ bourbon creams and a nice nurse stroking your hand! :roflmao:
I don't mind needles. I know lots of people hate having them though. I have had so many of them, that it doesnt bother me now, and yet taking any tablet and I go into a panic sometimes :wacko:
I get my test results on Tuesday. I hope I am going through hormonal changes, even though I got told by the nurse at the hospital, that she thought I was a bit too young for that, however women can go through perimenopause/menopause at different ages, can't they.
I hope it is that which is making me feel as I do. I have my anemia amd B12 levels checked cos I have pernicious anemia, plus I have a yearly kidney check.
I get anxious if I feel unwell - I always think the worst! Good old anxiety!
Love to you all X