View Full Version : anxiety management class

05-11-10, 20:51
hello to you all,

has anyone been to one of these? How did you find them? I know when i go im going to have............ anxiety! DOH!:scared15:

06-11-10, 00:41
I went to one. I found it quite useful. They tend to just hand out advise sheets,and teach you breathing techniques and so on, but I also found that it was quite good at getting me out of the house, and easing my anxiety about that. But I also found that it was good to be with other people who were going through the same thing as me, and understood more than my family did.

06-11-10, 00:52
:winks:hi i am currently doing alternative therapies and have stopped taking medication as i was getting unpleasant side effects and were not suitable for the type of work i do as its very physical and requires maximum concentration,so i see a therapist who specialises in sensory therapy where it involves soft music and sounds breathing techniques and aroma therapy too,i also have massage for my stress and muscle tension which helps ,its ongoing though and i am considering hypnotherapy too but i am not sure just yet. Ant classes are a good thing though.

06-11-10, 21:42
I found my classes very useful. It really help me get on top of my sleep problems.

The first class was scary for me, but I felt comfortable after the first one. I got lots and lots of handouts. Be ready to do your homework.

06-11-10, 23:02
i liked mine! it's good to be around people in similar situations and it gave me a bit of confidence just being and speaking around people etc....