View Full Version : STI?

06-11-10, 01:20
Does anyone know what the symptoms of chlamydia are? I've read the stuff on the internet but would it be possible for the guy not to have symptoms but the woman to have some???

Following on from my first post I've now found out from my best friend that my lover of eight years has found the 'one' (not me!) and has started a new relationship (wondered why he hadn't hardly spoken to me in the last three months). I now have to consider that my symptoms could be due to an STI. Don't know what to do, or what to get tested for - anyone any ideas? Symptoms are like cystitis but in the last few days I have a burning feeling down below too but no discharge.

I rang Marie Stopes and they were so nice so am thinking of going there as I don't have a GP but the choice of tests is huge! Anyone have any advice?

I feel stupid, embarrased and humiliated!

06-11-10, 01:37
I don't have a GP because I have a health anxiety and am scared of Drs/tests etc.

I know I could go to a clinic!

06-11-10, 02:30
You are very blunt - Just looking for some support 'cos I'm scared, upset and alone.

I would love to be brave enough to have a GP but I'm not - that's how my anxiety manifests itself.

06-11-10, 11:46
Hey Diva

To answer your question, yes, a man could have no symptoms of Chlamydia, whilst a women could experience symptoms. Although often it is symptomless for both men and women. But as you say, the symptoms you have could be cystitis - and to be honest, they do sound more like Cystitis to me.

I'm assuming you have had sex without a condom at some point recently, hence your thoughts re. Chlamydia? (I don't mean to pry and you don't have to answer this, but if you have always used a condom, I doubt very much this is an STI).

GPs don't do STI tests, so the fact that you aren't registered doesn't matter. GUM clinics are the main place to go for tests. Marie Stopes and Brook (if you're under the age of 25) are another option. I'm not sure all Maries Stopes and Brooks offer STI tests, so it's worth checking first. I don't know where you live, but if it's in London, there is Mortimer Market W1, which offers tests too. Another option is to buy a Chlamydia test yourself - you can now buy them in chemists or online: http://www.myonlinedoctor.co.uk/chlamydia.html. So you have that option if you can't face a clinic.

I would go along to your local GUM clinic and explain your symptoms and ask them what they think you should be tested for. They may tell you then and there that your symptoms don't indicate an STI, and they are urinary related. If not, they should be able to advise what you should get tested for. For Chlamydia, it is usually just a urine sample these days, so nice and easy.

I hope this helps a little. I can understand that you are scared - but one step at a time, eh? You don't know yet if you even have an STI. And whether you have cystitis or Chlamydia, both can be treated easily with a course of antibiotics. It's about finding a way of being tested that you are comfortable with.


06-11-10, 11:56
I feel stupid, embarrased and humiliated!

Diva, I just re-read your post and wanted to add something more!

Please don't feel humiliated. Anyone who sleeps with someone else without using a condom can possibly catch an STI. And very few people could say they have always used a condom. (I know this, because I have done a lot of research with young people about their sexual behaviour and attitudes towards STIs, for organisations like Brook).

GUM clinics and orgs like Marie Stopes/Brook deal with this every day, they won't judge you. They are there to help you.

Chlamydia is an infection, just like a chest infection or a throat infection. You get treated, and that is the end of it.

Feel free to PM me if you want to ask any questions or chat about it.

Dahlia x

06-11-10, 15:16
Hi there. if you feel up to it then pop along to a GUM clinic and ask to speak to one of the nurses. They really are lovely! I've been to a few clinics to get myself tested after stupidly trusting my ex!! Shouldn't have done, but we live and learn ><
Anyway, I went to one recently and the nurses were so kind to me. Even though I was anxious. It is 100% confidential. They won't pass on information to a doctor or ask your doctors details, so you don't need to be embarrassed about them asking why you don't have one!
I would advise you going to see them and getting all the tests done, so that you can put your mind at ease. I had cystitis symptoms and found out it was because I had an infected cervix, so the symptoms can be related.
Or if you really cannot do that. I think there is a test you can buy that you can do at home to test for Chlamydia. It might test for other infections too, but I'm not sure. You'd have to research it :)
Don't feel embarrassed either :p

07-11-10, 20:04
It is very common for a man to have chlamidia with no symptoms but the woman have them. There is currently no way of testing men for chlamidia so they can carry it for years. Women on the other hand, sometimes show no symptoms, but usually show abdominal pains and foul smelling discharge/bleeding. Chlamidia checks are really simple, they can do them at your gp and often do them whilst doing your smear tests. So long as you go for regular checkups and get the all clear theres nothing to worry about. You can usually get a chlamidia check from a GU Clinic walk-in centre. Its painless and easy. Theres nothing to be embarrassed about... the same with HPV... we dont meet men and have the ability to tell by any kind of inspection if they are carrying them, so we have to rely on checkups to make sure. Its no fault of yours and no fault of any guys unless they were aware they had it and didnt inform you... which is unlikely. Why not pop to a GU clinic for peace of mind. Takes about 2 mins for a check up. Dont fret... x

07-11-10, 20:06
Dont be afraid of the GP. They work for you, not you for them. Sweetie, if you were closer id take you, its really no big deal. x

07-11-10, 21:23
That is so sweet of you xx

I've made an appointment at Marie Stopes as I hear they are very compassionate and caring. It's the fear of what the doctor might say that scares me, or being sent for tests that find something awful.

I almost hoping it is an STI as I know that can be easily fixed but still in my heart of hearts think it's more serious. Just can't shake it - so scared and feel a complete baby. I don't know how these brave people deal with serious illness, they must just have so much strength.

Four years ago I had itchy nipples and convinced myself it was a rare form of cancer (courtesy of Dr Google) and it was eczema.

I am trying, I no longer google symptoms, don't watch Holby or Casualty and have am having CBT. From the counselling, it seems the problem may stem from overhearing my Mum telling someone on the 'phone that she had been told "you have to face it your father is going to die" (my grandfather) when I was seven, but never talking to anyone about it (he died of cancer of the tongue). I somehow knew what he had, even visited him in a hospice, but nobody actually ever sat me down and explained anything. Apparently seven is quite a milestone age for a child.

Anyway, 40 years on, I'm hoping the CBT will help and trying to be brave about the visit on Wednesday. I'm even trying to pluck up the courage to have a smear test while I am there - that would be a major step forward for me as I've only ever had one and that was 15 years ago!

Thanks again for your post - so lovely to know people care and don't treat me like I'm just stupid!


07-11-10, 21:48
It is very common for a man to have chlamidia with no symptoms but the woman have them. There is currently no way of testing men for chlamidia so they can carry it for years.

Men are tested for Chlamydia exactly the same way women are - via a urine test.

07-11-10, 23:02
Hi Diva, I suffer with cystitis frequently & my symptoms are very much as you describe, im sure whatever it is, can be treated effectively. Try not to worry, i know its easier said than done. :hugs:

08-11-10, 06:08
don't feel embarrassed!!! the people at the testing clinics are really nice, it's a good idea to have regular tests, shows your looking after your heath!