View Full Version : scared to sleep :/

06-11-10, 03:14
hey iv been sorta scared to sleep for a few months now dont know why or how it started.. its wierd cuz when im asleep i can sleep and i mean like 10-12 hours but im just scared to shut my eyes and just fall asleep just because of the black emptyness that i may never wake up from again? :/ is this normal? obvs not as human need sleep and i feel when im trying to sleep my thoughts wonder so i genraly get really anxtious and scared then just turn the tv on and watch that till im so tired that i fall asleep its like i dont like being left undirstracted or something :/ and i fear i may die in my sleep and get caught in that black emptyness, i hate it and i dont know why i feel like this about sleep cuz i like sleep, that dosent make sence but you know what i mean can any1 shed a light on this or what?:wall:

06-11-10, 03:39
I understand what you're saying, I sit up until I'm knackered and then when I get into bed I shove a film on and watch it until I fall asleep. It's normal, nothing wrong with the way you're thinking but you should really be seeing going to sleep as a pleasurable and relaxing experience, it's the end of one day and the start of another.
Try not to focus on the thoughts, don't go into them, if you get one then distract your mind.

06-11-10, 03:48
im exactly the sameverynight without faili think its all down to the anxiety :weep: i feel like im too calm most nights like my heart is beating to slow:scared15: and if i go to sleep ill never wake up xx:hugs:

06-11-10, 03:54
thank god for that i honestly thoguh i was the only 1 who thought that cuz iv never see or heard anything much about that kinda stuff glad im not the only 1 lol well that make me feel 100x better about it already thanks guys but yeh its hard but i guess its just 1 of those things you just gotta get past it for it not to bother you anymore my thought on it alot of the time is 'well i was thinking this 2-3 months ago and im still alive now so everything is ok if anything was wrong it would of most definatly happen ages ago lmfao' :roflmao: =]

06-11-10, 04:02
gladto hear your feeling better already :yesyes: i still dread bedtime everynight wellnot bed time but going to sleep lol xx

06-11-10, 04:18
init just it just feel like 1 whole big day and i think i has a really but effect on my memory cuz i forget like EVERYTHING and always have a really blank dull mind liek i know nothing even though i do like cuz i try to remeber what did i do 2day or this week even and struggle so think what iv done then i relise that i have actouly done nothing what so ever so there not much to remember lol

06-11-10, 05:08
I know i cant do anything either when i feel like this i havent been out the house for a week x

06-11-10, 23:43
yeh when i get like that i just try chuck myself in the deep end and go out even if i cbf so then i get the choise not my 'irratinal bit' of my mind