View Full Version : i think ive suffered a stroke

14-03-06, 20:55
please read last posts about i think im going mental.... when i weigh up everything ...the eptopic beats and what happened to me yesterday i think that i have suffered a stroke... i really do all those signs show this

ash x

14-03-06, 21:02

Ok calm down and try not to panic. This can be easily detected with an ECG and some tests. Why don't you get yourself to the docs and they will reassure you.

No point worrying when a simple test can reassure you.


14-03-06, 21:12
i may actually call my sister and ask her to come over for a while i go to a and e---
i am in a state about all this i just cant stand it... anxiety is one thing nicola, but what i experinced yesterday was a completley different kettle of fish... i ant felt well for a while now... maybe the eptopics are all connected to me having a stroke .
sometimes my movement is uncomftable,,, like it dont feel right etc etc--- im often getting a strange smell, and after what happened yesterday well it does add up...yes i agree that the anxiety is part of it... but i think theres a underlying problem ...seriously i do.

How can i take medication , when it could be somethink different im expericing..

ash x

14-03-06, 21:25
Do you know what- I'm very new (in fact I only joined up today) So I hope you don't mind me offering some feedback; I started getting bad attacks again after a respite. I've had these for 12 years on and off and my symptoms are just like yours and last week I was absolutely convinced that I'd had a stroke. I woke up several nights in a row in the small hours, shot out of bed like a rocket with NO feeling on my right side; in fact my arm was completely dead! And Ectopic heartbeats- don't even get me started. I've had them on and off for 15 years but i had an episode the weekend before last that had me very worried; in fact I think it's what has started me up again.
I was reading the paper perfectly relaxed, (apart from a bit of a hangover!) when from out of the blue my heart didn't jump or skip or anything but it was almost like quivering or trembling for 3, 4 maybe 5 minutes NON-STOP! I felt my pulse (as you do) and my heartwas beating very rapidly yet faintly like raindrops almost. I was on the verge of dialling 999. It did stop as immediately as it started but it scared the bejesus out of me, I can tell you. The ectopics I can handle; almost used to them but this scared me so much that i haven't touched a drop of alcohol or smoked one ciggie since(and I was a regular 25 a dayer and 1 or 2 glasses of vino most nights).

14-03-06, 21:29
Can anyone relate to what I've just described. Am I being paranoid? Am waiting for a 24 hour ecg (my second- I had an echo-cardio as well when I was pregnant 3 yrs ago- result? all well!) Does this sound like a variation on our old friend -the palpitation or could it be something more sinister. Please HELP!!!

14-03-06, 21:33
I hear you all, i really do- and thankyou for all your kind and helpful words... but its like nothink is going in this brain of mine.
I have so many wierd things going on inside me, i even have weird sensations when i move, like an impairment in my movement.
Today i went to get my son and this must of been the wierdest feeling i have ever ever had i tell you... i was waiting for him and i felt a bit shaky and smelt this funny smell, it was a wierd kinda sensation(bear with me .. it does all sound nuts) and then i started to feel shaky and a jelly feeling in my knees, my left side of my face went numb and i could hardley speak... man it was the nastyest ,wierdest , feeling i have ever ever had, i thought i was going to collaspe i thought well this it it, everyone will actually know what was wrong with me now, i could harldy talk seriously,,, this wasnt like i have ever had in 15 years of anxiety

maybe i do really have something and its epilepsy--- thing is i know you will all be thinking its anxiety... but friends i dont think it is... its far too weird...tis went on for around 50 mins at the most ,my pulse race wasnt mega mega fast , i was oviuosly panicky because of the way i was feeling., but not like before --- i was so slow and slurry..

oh i cant stand this...any longer ... you guys try so hard for me... maybe you should all give up on me...and thats not me feeling sorry for myself... i just dont think i do belong here anymore, because its not anxiety i have ..its an illness ...properley epilespy..OR A STROKE




14-03-06, 21:35
PLEASE DONT TAKE no notice of me... im going through a hard hard time ... so please darling dont freak on my behalf... the thing is if you are suffering like this / and others are too, there properley isnt anything to worry about...me im just very lost and afraid right now x

ash x

14-03-06, 21:41
Pls try not to worry. you probably think I'm making this up but I get that slow feeling. I feel kind of empty and have to think or concentrate really hard just to speak.
If you feel that bad get down to a and e if nothing else to get some tests done to put your mind at ease for now. But long term you need something else cos those tests will only ease your mind for so long.
Please try to slow your breathing and relax (I know easier said than done!). It really might help

14-03-06, 22:24

I never think people are faking things or making it up and i am concerned about you.

I wasn't flippant in my comments about seeing the doctor atall. I really do believe you should see a doc as this could be something that needs sorting out and not everything is anxiety based.

Please try and see someone to get it looked at and let us know how it goes. Hope you will be ok.


14-03-06, 22:33

The hangover may well have had something to do with yours . Very glad to hear you have stopped smoking. Hope you get your 24 hour tape and all is clear soon

Hypoglycemia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=189)
Gi Diet (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3179)
sugar addiction and our moods. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6908)
Low GI foods and furit juice! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7553)

alcohol and panic-do they mix? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2409)
Alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4783)
Anxiety and alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5142)
Alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5347)
hangovers (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5825)
Panic attacks and alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6371)
horrible cycle (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6359)
Anxaiety after drinking alcohol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6960)


So you didn't collapse or have a fit then or since.

Were you able to walk /drive within that 50 mins?

If you are still experiencing symptoms then do pop down to see your GP and discuss it with them but do write it down so it comes out in the right order.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

15-03-06, 01:11
Dearest Nicola,

my dear i just read back on my posts ,, in this topic and i noticed that i may of come across a little snappy with you,i really wasnt - and if i seemed that way i am so sorry love, your a great help to me and all ya lttle team are too,and i think its wonderful what you have done here for people,im so sorry if i came across like that .. but i write like i speak...and it can come across in a different light sometimes....sorry... i do take ya advice,i did see my doc earlier and he noted all i said- for the heart specialist ...so he has all me notes ...ready for wheni get my appointment through.
He has given me anti- depressants for the times when im ultra bad(diazipan) and told me to try them and to comeback and see him in three weeks, he wants to see if this is going to work--im scared though i really want this to be anxiety , or whatever ..but not an illness... i wish it was just that, somethink has been telling me different ,,,it really is .

I do still get a few of those weird symtoms at times yeah, and when i have got any of them,, i have said no im alright and calmed myself out of it, and that makes me feel well maybe it is me head....but yesterday freaked me so much... when the kids go school in the morning im going to a and e to get an check -up because this freaked me all too mcuh, i wonder if the beta-blockers made me like that, thing is i was on such a low low does that i dont reackon... i dont know all i do know is that i am pooying meself...

thanx nic,and sorry babe again xxx

15-03-06, 01:26
dear ashley,what a state we can get ourselves into aye.i was the same[and sometimes still am!]i remember it too well when i read your posts.diazapan wont harm you i have them as needed,they are a mild tranquiiser.thats all but my god they are such a life saver,i have found them so anyway!we are here for each other aren't we ash?So post away sweetie.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

Ma Larkin
15-03-06, 09:48
Hi Ashley, I take Diazepam. They really work for me, I only take 2mg as & when needed, but they really take that edge off for me. I can't blame you for thinking its something other than anxiety/panic. I've been the same since Saturday night. I haven't slept for a few days so went to the docs last night & he's changed my meds. I feel so much better knowing that I did something about it rather than just carry on taking meds that weren't really doing the job for me. Diazepam has been my lifeline in the past 12 months, but like I say, I only take it as & when needed, after about 15 mins the panic calms down.

Please get it checked out if you are so worried, it'll only make you worse mate. I feel great today (that'll be a first lol!!)

Les, xx

15-03-06, 17:38
hi all... guess what... (she pinches herself) im alive..
Thought i had better post as i know you have all been worried and i thankyou so much for being caring like that.
I didnt go to the hosptal... i do have to try as bad as it is... and i have been mega mega bad today...but i am still fighting,im just so weak , its unreal.
Let me be clear coz i was nuts yesterday and i properley didnt make myself clear.
I went to went to the docs and he noted my nasty experince to send to the heart specialist .... plus he gave me cito something or other,there anti-depressants anyway, he wants me to start using them to see if that makes the difference with me...and also i have to wait regarding my appointment at the hosptial---- so its a matter of trial and error.. Hate to take anti-depressants there bad man but i cant get any worse than this

If it isnt any thing medically.... then it is defintley on the edge or i have suffered a mental breakdown seriously,i do...im no doctor or mental health expert but i do think that, because i have been experinceing the dark side of anxiety...it was what i went throgh last year -
ash xi wnet through hell and this could well be the breakdown from it,, it was a frightening frightening experince that i had to hide within myself... and the man who did this to me ...still lives inside my head now.

i will let you guys know of my progress, lets hope huh..

Robert i will get that photo of my children and on the otherside put my poitive things down... i think my feelings with everything have been supressed... last nite i got my daughter and said come in my bed darling and we just cuddled and cuddled until at last around 4.30am we went asleep... i love my kids with all my heart and soul... isnt that a masif positive..

love ya all ya wicked man


ash xxxx

15-03-06, 18:11
u make me cry ash when i read ur posts, my mum holds my hand wile i try sleep at night just so that if i ever wake up suddenly i know my mum is still there.

i wish i could meet ya ash and tell ya everyting will be ok if youve experienced this horrible thing before you can experience it again and SURVIVE cause thats what we all are survivors

love ya ash xxx

15-03-06, 18:30
Hi Ash

How are you feeling now? A stroke is my biggest fear so totally understand how you feeling, Your a strong lady and give out such good advice you will get through this!!
Wendy xxx

15-03-06, 19:26

I didn't think you were snappy atall - I thought you were very scared and it would be silly of me to fob you off and say "oh it is just anxiety again" so I really did want you to get it looked at by a doc.

Glad you did and things are looking up a bit now.

Thanks for the PM as well - I really wasn't offended or upset atall ok?


15-03-06, 22:32
Hi Ash,
I'm glad you're seeing things in a positive light today. Your postings really got to me last night cos I go through exactly the same feelings as you and as a mother of 3 myself I know that all you want to do is be 'normal' and enjoy your kids but it's so hard with all this s*@t going on in your head all the time.
Chin up mate

Shiv x

16-03-06, 01:08

I have seriously had that exact thing happen to me. The strange smell and all. I went right to a neurologist to get examined... He said it was a migraine. I guess they can present that way at times. After the strange numb feelings I would feel just kind of not myself for a few days afterwards. Its very scary.

I also have the ectopics pretty bad. Thats what my main issue is right now. I cant understand how the ectopics are okay.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________
"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

16-03-06, 17:10
Hey Ashley

I wish I could say something to make you feel better because I know what it's like to be scared and confused, just hang in there, OK? With anxiety we always feel like we're very different from everyone else and like we suffer from a unique and rare condition and like what we experience cannot be a result of anxiety because it's so awful and overwhelming, it's hard to believe things that are so scary and weird happen because of anxiety.

Ectopics - had them, severely and intensely, I still do sometimes

Feeling slow and slurred - had it, and still have it quite often actually. A sensation of being "slow" and like I can't pronounce the words right, finding it hard to speak, like it requires too much effort, numb and weird feeling in my mouth and tongue. I have had fears that I will be unable to speak at all. I refused to talk on the phone with anyone for a very long time because of this.

Slow pulse - yes, and I have worried that maybe my heart will just stop

Confused and unreal - oh yes, especially when I'm out, and yes, I have thought that maybe I will forget my address, my name, my phone number and get lost and be unable to come home, I have thought that maybe my mind will just shut down completely and that I will zone out forever and never come back to reality. I often feel unreal, "not there", "not me", confused, feel like I think very slowly, I can't remember things I did like 5 mins ago, I often feel disoriented and confused and weird. I have felt so unreal that at one point I felt like I have no body at all and I have felt so detached from myself that I couldn't relate to my name at all.

Strange smell - yes, I've had that too

Uncomfortable movement - yes, and I have often felt that I'm swaying at one side, I have felt that my hands are very very heavy and I can't control them like I should, legs and hands feeling weird, movement being hard and uncoordinated, just not feeling right. I also have jerky movements and sometimes I'm afraid that I will develop tics.

Getting agitated easily - yes, I have had that too quite bad. I couldn't stand any sounds, no TV, no music, no Internet, I couldn't even stand people talking to me. I couldn't get out of bed and I couldn't function at all.

I think a panic attack doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have fast pulse etc ... I think feeling slow physically and having a slow pulse but feeling really on edge mentally is also a way anxiety manifests itself.

So .. at least you know you're not alone with what you experience. I have had it all, every single thing you describe.

16-03-06, 21:02
You have all been so kind,sweet, and caring thankyou for your posts i really appriecate your kindness- and may i say a very kind thanyou too to lotus... that was very cool writing all of that for me... i shall keep this post and refer to it, when i really am bad.
you all so great ,all of you x
love ashley xxxxx