View Full Version : Shooting/Stabby aches in wrist and under forearm with weakness

06-11-10, 12:18
My weakness has now escalated into sharp pains in my wrist and under forearm, they r verrrry painful, and come in waves, ive had it all day since i got up at 8am. Strangely, only right arm/wrist.

I also cant seem to focus on things properly, it goes blurry after a few seconds and i have to shut my eyes and readjust my vision. I know this is probably anxiety and tiredness though so not too worried about that.

It hurts to walk today too, i got pain radiating down my thighs and inner left thigh. I havent pulled a muscle as it feels nothing like that sort of pain, and it isnt constant. Its intermittent.

I got doctors monday so il see what they say, sorry to bother you all again i know im annoying, im just so scared right now :(

06-11-10, 12:33
hey there,
i too get shooting pains in my rist but it's my left and aches in my thighs. have it a few weeks now. bothered me at first but i put it down to extra stress.