View Full Version : is there any one else on here like me

06-11-10, 12:41
hi im 54 and have been suffering with anxiety for a few years now and has just started my first session of cbt last week and was told ive had anxiety for over 20yrs. i am struggling with dealing with the anxiety as ive got social anxiety health anxiety and general anxiety,and just dont know how to get my life back as im divorced and been single for 7yrs now all my children have grown up now exept my 14yr old daughter who lives with me but i have no friends and i dont work because the anxiety has been so bad so i dont go out or meet new people. i do go to see my children and grandchildren but i cant relly talk to them about how i feel or ask them wat i should do as they dont really understand anxiety very well so i have no one to really talk to , and i just feel that everyday im just going through the motions off getting thro the day . i know people say to start to go to diffrent places and do something you really like .i.e hobbie or join a club or volantry work,but i feel so lost that i dont even know who i am anymore and dont even know wat id like to do any more . i know all this might be trival to alot of people but would just like to know if there is any one else on here that feels like i do and how they do and have coped with it ,and any tips how to get my life back as i feel so lonely and isolated thk you

06-11-10, 13:11

I would imagine there are loads of folk on here like you so you are certainly not alone. I’m lucky I guess in that my anxiety comes in short bursts and between ‘attacks’ I’m fine and get on with things but I can appreciate how you must feel.

Have you had a look at the section at the top of the home page ‘meet ups and get together’ is there someone on here near you that might meet you for a coffee or something – just and idea.

In the meantime have one of these from me:hugs:

06-11-10, 14:17
Hi Tricia - you are certainly not alone, that's for sure! It's great that you are getting some cbt and I am sure you will find that your therapist will help you to start re-building your life. It might even be possible to have some group therapy in the future. I did some of that as part of a research programme and we still have the odd get together for a bite to eat. I think one of the hardest things about anxiety is the loneliness, as it is very difficult for people who don't suffer to even begin to understand what goes on in our heads!!!! How can they when we don't know ourselves!!!!

Although I have 'suffered' most of my life, on and off, it has definately been worse since the kids left home - I realise now that my whole life revolved around them. I was always so busy being 'Mum's taxi' etc so there was always a focal point in my life. It was my 'raison d'etre'. I am not a great 'joiner' - it's not that I am not sociable, it's just not my thing. I've just bought myself a digital slr camera to kick start a hobby. I've only got as far as taking hundreds of photos and putting them on my computer, but it's a start. Next year I will try and do an evening class on photoshop.

Don't be too hard on yourself. It's great that you have recognised that you need some help, but remember it is just one small step at a time. You will get better. Take care x

08-11-10, 16:17
hiya i to am same as you i never go out with out my daughter the panic takes over its part of my life now i am on anxiety managment to try help me cope so heres hoping just remember your not alone and anytime you want to talk just come on here it helps me alot :bighug1: