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06-11-10, 13:42

If you are in need of prayer, Put your prayer request here.

I will pray for you, and if anyone else wants to pray as well your very welcome to.


06-11-10, 13:50
Praying for my friend, her friend Bea has just went through major operation removed her bowels, etc... she also has cancer, we are praying for a miracle that she will pull through.

06-11-10, 15:05
Praying for anyone feeling pain and coping with something that is traumatic to themxxx

What a lovely idea for a postx

06-11-10, 15:19
I would love if you could pray for my uncle who will find out this week if his cancer has reduced from treatment. It would be great if you could do that :)

06-11-10, 15:36
what a wonderfull thing to do well done god bless

06-11-10, 15:54
What a thoughtful idea Yvonne. Pray that you get all the good things you deserve my friend.

09-11-10, 17:44
I would love if you could pray for my uncle who will find out this week if his cancer has reduced from treatment. It would be great if you could do that :)

Hi Vixxy,

Sorry to hear that your Uncle has cancer, I hope it's reduced due to the treatment. I'm praying for your uncle. hope its good news for your uncle and your family.

Father God I put Vixxy Uncle into your hands, I pray that the cancer has been reduced due to the treatment he has received.
Father God I also pray that you are with Vixxy and her uncle and their family at this time, give them all strength, patience and wisdom.

I pray this in your precious name Jesus amen.

Yvonne :hugs:

margaret jones
09-11-10, 18:17
Please pray for a very dear lady whos husband passed away last week they where a truly devoted and wonderfull couple

Thank you x

09-11-10, 18:46
Please pray for a very dear lady whos husband passed away last week they where a truly devoted and wonderfull couple

Thank you x

Hi Margaret jones,

Sorry to hear that the lady's husband passing away, he has went to a better place.

i will keep her in my prayers.


09-11-10, 19:21
This is such a relief to be able to share our beliefs, I am a great believer in the strength of prayers and compassion towards our fellow humans, I am becoming more aware that life at the present is teaching us to share more understanding, hold out a hand for others to feel real care.

My love to you all Crissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

09-11-10, 20:59
Please pary my week at work gets better and i find th motivation to study and work and do my best and not let others bring me down. thanks. I will alo pray for others to tc

09-11-10, 22:44
Really great to see prayer on here.
I have been a christian for 24 years now.
Could you pray for me please for my anxiety and panic attacks and also my 13 year old son who has just been diagnosed with post traumatic stress.

I will be praying for the prayer requests that get posted on here

paula lynne
09-11-10, 22:58
Hi Yvonne, what a wonderful thing to do for everyone, so thoughtful x Thank you x:)

09-11-10, 23:04
Hi yvonne

I know you are keeping me in your prayers so wanted to thankyou and also thankyou for your lovely kind pm. Xxxx

10-11-10, 10:33
Hi Vixxy,

Sorry to hear that your Uncle has cancer, I hope it's reduced due to the treatment. I'm praying for your uncle. hope its good news for your uncle and your family.

Father God I put Vixxy Uncle into your hands, I pray that the cancer has been reduced due to the treatment he has received.
Father God I also pray that you are with Vixxy and her uncle and their family at this time, give them all strength, patience and wisdom.

I pray this in your precious name Jesus amen.

Yvonne :hugs:
Thankyou Yvonne. He's at the hospital today to see his consultant, so I'm hoping it's good news!

10-11-10, 13:02
For my little granddaughter please, so that docs can find out what's wrong and start to get her better.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers too.

10-11-10, 16:45
Please pary my week at work gets better and i find th motivation to study and work and do my best and not let others bring me down. thanks. I will alo pray for others to tc

Father God I pray for ljd, that ljd has a good week at work, and has motivation to study and work do their best. I pray that you give ljd strength, motivation, peace of mind and peace of heart, that no one causes ljd any stress. I pray this in your precious name Jesus, amen.


10-11-10, 16:49
Really great to see prayer on here.
I have been a christian for 24 years now.
Could you pray for me please for my anxiety and panic attacks and also my 13 year old son who has just been diagnosed with post traumatic stress.

I will be praying for the prayer requests that get posted on here

Hi Loveletter,

yes I will pray.

Father God I pray for loveletter, I pray that loveletter's has peace and no panic attacks, and is able to stay calm, Father God I also pray that you are with her/him son, I put this family into your hands Father God, give them your strength and guidance Father God. I say this in your precious name Jesus Amen.


10-11-10, 16:50
Thankyou Yvonne. He's at the hospital today to see his consultant, so I'm hoping it's good news!

Hi Vixxy,

Please let me know what the news is, I'll keep him in my prayers.


10-11-10, 16:53
For my little granddaughter please, so that docs can find out what's wrong and start to get her better.

You are all in my thoughts and prayers too.

Hi Ladybird64,

Yes I will also pray for your granddaughter too,

Father God I put ladybird64 granddaughter into your Hands,
Father God I pray the the docs will find out what is wrong, that they will be able to make ladybird64 granddaughter better, I pray that you give them both strength and encouragement and your guidance Father God.

I pray this in your precious name Jesus Amen.

Yvonne :hugs:

10-11-10, 16:54
hugs to everyone! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

11-11-10, 16:32
praying for my cold, this cough is so irritable causing me to use my inhaler a bit more than usual, plus breathing is a bit difficult.


11-11-10, 17:29
Hi Vixxy,

Please let me know what the news is, I'll keep him in my prayers.

Hi, it's not great news. The chemo did reduce the size of the tumour, but the cancer has spread to under his rib cage. They're going to operate at the end of the month and then he's got to have another session of chemo.
I was really hoping it would be good news for him. He's still being up beat about it, but I cannot imagine how scared he must feel :(
Thanks again for continuing with the prayers. It means a lot :bighug1:

11-11-10, 20:18
Hi, it's not great news. The chemo did reduce the size of the tumour, but the cancer has spread to under his rib cage. They're going to operate at the end of the month and then he's got to have another session of chemo.
I was really hoping it would be good news for him. He's still being up beat about it, but I cannot imagine how scared he must feel :(
Thanks again for continuing with the prayers. It means a lot :bighug1:

Hi Vixxy,

Glad to hear the chemo has reduced the size of the tumour, that's better than nothing. Sorry to hear that the cancer has spread to his rib cage, I will keep him in my prayers and you too. please keep me posted. :hugs:


11-11-10, 23:23
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
That's what I pray for myself Yvonne, and I pray this for you also. :hugs:x

11-11-10, 23:35

Can you please say a prayer for my sister-in-law she has breast cancer and really struggling with the chemo. On the plus side though - her hair is starting to come through - she is in Canada and my hubby misses her so.

thanks in advance :hugs:

12-11-10, 00:12
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
That's what I pray for myself Yvonne, and I pray this for you also. :hugs:x

Hi Maj,

Thank you for your kind words of prayer, very much appreciated, May Father God Bless You Abundantly.


12-11-10, 00:16

Can you please say a prayer for my sister-in-law she has breast cancer and really struggling with the chemo. On the plus side though - her hair is starting to come through - she is in Canada and my hubby misses her so.

thanks in advance :hugs:

Hi Missy007,

Sorry to hear that your sister-in-law has breast cancer, and it good that her hair is growing back in.

Father God I pray for Missy007 sister-in-law, that you give her strength, peace of heart and mind, be with her each day as she goes through the chemo therapy and be with her brother and the family, give them all strength and gudiance. Father God, I pray that when trouble times on the sand you are carrying them, and when good times this is when you are dancing with the whole family, dancing and skipping together through all the good times. I pray that you bless this family with the power of your holy spirit and put peace in their hearts.

I pray this in your precious name Jesus Amen.


12-11-10, 00:22
Bless you, Yvonne

Many, many thanks for that


12-11-10, 14:16
Bless you, Yvonne

Many, many thanks for that


Hi Missy007,

You are very welcome. :hugs:


12-11-10, 14:18

Wish everyone a lovely weekend, I pray that everyone will have a very blessed weekend, I have been praying for all the people who have asked for prayer, I pray that you all have peace of mind and heart, in Jesus name. Amen

Hope you all have a good weekend.


13-11-10, 16:10

praying that my dad is not going to be so nasty in the words he uses to my sister and I, we should know much better, as he has not changed. My dad thinks he has nothing better to do, than to be nasty, which is fun in his eyes. I pray that he is not like that for the next couple of months. small steps.


13-11-10, 19:34
Healing and Health for our family members. Many to name, and God knows them all.
Thank you.

paula lynne
13-11-10, 19:43
For you Yvonne, may God see into his heart, and make him a better father with His love and spirit.

"For I your Lord God, am Grasping your right hand, the one saying to you, do not be afraid, for I, I myself will help you"

13-11-10, 20:13
For you Yvonne, may God see into his heart, and make him a better father with His love and spirit.

"For I your Lord God, am Grasping your right hand, the one saying to you, do not be afraid, for I, I myself will help you"

Hi Paula lynne,

Praise Father God and thank you, very much appreciated, thanks. May Father God Bless You Abundantly.

Yvonne :hugs:

14-11-10, 14:34
Father God, I pray that you bless everyone who gave me wonderful support last night and everyday on here nmp. Father I ask that you give them your love, strength, peace of hear and mind. Father God give them your guidance as they are all your precious sons and daughters. I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen

14-11-10, 14:38
Father God Thank you for my friends on nmp, facebook, bebo, gathering of Christ church, and my friends at St. Ninains Church of Scotland. Father God I pray that you bless them with your love, kindness, peace of heart and mind, give them strength to see each day through. Father God guide them in what path you want them to go down.
Father God I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen

14-11-10, 14:41
Father God Thank you for all the people who suffer from Cancer. Father God I pray that you are with each and every one who has cancer, I also ask you are with their families too. Father God I also ask that you give the people who have cancer strength, courage and wisdom. Father God give their families the strength, peace of mind and heart. Father God I pray that you pour your holy spirit and overflow the cups. I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.

14-11-10, 15:00

I wanted to let you all know the lady I'm prayng for, I received and email about how she is doing below.

Thank you for praying for Bea. She is still in ICU but is off the respirator and breathing on her own. She is still on Oxygen though. She is now awake and able to converse although her throat is still quite sore from the breathing tube and so can only talk in a whisper. They have begun to give her liquids. Her vital signs are stable. She is still a little confused and doesn't really understand what has happened to her. It doesn't seem to be registering when we tell her. The nurses have to give her instructions 2 or 3 times before it registers with her what she needs to do. Please contine to pray for her. Thank you.

I'm going to continue to pray for Bea, prayer has helped her through to this stage, need to keep praying. Please can you all help pray for Bea, she needs all the prayers she can get.

We would very much appreciate this, thanks.

Father God Thank you for Bea, Father God I pray that you are with Bea, give her your strength, peace in her heart and peace of mind. Father God I also ask that Bea gets better, and that she will be able to understand and take it in what the nurses and her friends and family are saying to her, I pray that you Father God will put your healing hands on her and heal her that she will be able to come out of ICU, and to recover from this illness. I pray this in your precious name Jesus, Amen.


paula lynne
14-11-10, 17:11
Youre so lovely Yvonne, thinking of everyone while you go through terrible trauma and flashbacks yourself, youre so thoughtful and incredibly kind. xxxx

14-11-10, 17:26
Youre so lovely Yvonne, thinking of everyone while you go through terrible trauma and flashbacks yourself, youre so thoughtful and incredibly kind. xxxx

Hi Paula lynne,

why thank you, for your lovely kind words, very much appreciated, thanks. Your very welcome.



14-11-10, 23:56
Yvonne, I know you have a lot on your plate, but a family friend of ours, Kenny, is very ill in hospital. His sons are only 18 and 15 and I'm really worried about him. I'd love it if you would say a prayer for him. Thanks xx

15-11-10, 09:25
Hi Yvonne, I'm so glad I found a post like this ! I've been so lost in the last 18 months with a lot of trauma.. I don't know how I'm still living, things are really tough. My anxiety and depression are so high and I just want relief from this nightmare please pray ! thank you so much !!

15-11-10, 18:05
Yvonne, I know you have a lot on your plate, but a family friend of ours, Kenny, is very ill in hospital. His sons are only 18 and 15 and I'm really worried about him. I'd love it if you would say a prayer for him. Thanks xx

Hi JaneC,

Thank your for your kind words. very much appreciated,.

Father God thank you for JaneC your precious daughter, Father God I pray that you give JaneC peace of heart and mind, that I pray for Kenny who is ill ask that you are there with him, Father God you know what the illness is that Kenny has, I put Kenny into your hands Father, Father god I ask you to be with his sons as they need your comfort at this time Father. Father God I also ask that you give each of them your love, kindness and patience, fill them all with your holy spirit to overflowing. I say this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.


15-11-10, 18:07
Hi Yvonne, I'm so glad I found a post like this ! I've been so lost in the last 18 months with a lot of trauma.. I don't know how I'm still living, things are really tough. My anxiety and depression are so high and I just want relief from this nightmare please pray ! thank you so much !!

Hi Spacey,

Father God Thank you for Spacey, Father God I ask you to be with Spacey, through the tough time and the good times. I pray that you give Spacey strength, courage, your love, guidance and fill Spacey with your holy spirit to overflowing Father. I pray this in your precious name Jesus, Amen.


15-11-10, 18:10
Father God thank you for this wonderful day today, thank you for answering my prayers and giving me my tall order for this morning, I very much appreciated this, thanks.
Father God I ask that you help take the pain away, and heal me of that bug that I have picked up, it's totally draining me. Father God I place myself into your hands. Father God all the honor and glory go to you father. I pray this in your precious name Jesus, Amen.

15-11-10, 21:44

This song below, link, fits when you have troubles, and Father God is there with you in the bad and good times.



15-11-10, 22:00
Bless you Yvonne :) you sound a lovely person, it's funny when I see your name I remember my best friend's mum, who took her life when my friend and I were four, she was a lovely person too and I wonder if she'd have been someone like you :) praying for everyone on here, family, friends - just basically everyone lol! :) xx

15-11-10, 22:15
Hi Daisycake,

Thank you for your kind words, very much appreciated, thanks.

Father God thank you for Daisycake and her kind words, Father God I ask that you give her your love, kindness and patience. Father God I pray that you fill her cup overflowing with the power of your holy spirit, I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.


15-11-10, 23:51
I thank you Yvonne for providing a place to ask for prayer and pray for others.

Father God, we know that you hear us when we cry out to you for help. We ask for wisdom and guidance to walk in the pathway you have for us, in every need we have.

16-11-10, 00:33

Thank you Daybyday, you are really blessed.

Father God Thank you for Daybyday, Father God Bless Daybyday with wisdom, guidance and show daybyday how to walk the walk with you father God. I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.

16-11-10, 00:43
Yvonne, I really appreciate you for praying for Kenny. The last I heard, there might be some hope, so thankyou xx

16-11-10, 01:19
Yvonne, I really appreciate you for praying for Kenny. The last I heard, there might be some hope, so thankyou xx

Hi JaneC,

you are very welcome, I'm glad that there is some hope of Kenny, Praise Father God. Amen.


16-11-10, 01:26
Father God Thank you for the discussion on misc, the thread called Jesus saves me, Father God I ask that you are with the people who were offended by this, Father God I also ask that you bless them, forgive them, as they are only protecting other people on this website, so many people who are lost. Father God I forgive myself for judging some of the people, I release myself to you and any bitterness, angre, revenge I may have towards these people, I pray this in your name Jesus. Amen

Father God Thank you for the people who created this website, the gift that you gave them to help people, and they give beautiful support father. Father God I also ask that maybe in the future they could have people come in and give their testimony about how you set them free from bondage, what you did in their lifes. Father God it's very hard to believe that people would reject you, and not read your whole book, you being the author. Father God I forgive myself for thinking that people would reject you. I ask you to forgive me and cleanse me in my heart.

I pray this in your preicous name. Jesus Amen.

Going home
16-11-10, 01:36
So for nicola and her staff....it wasn't actually their experiences with anxiety and panic that led them to create this website, it was your father god who gave them the power to do it? Its only a pity that he chose not to help nicola when she was ill and suffering, and by that I mean her heart attack and subsequent illnesses...where was father god then, punishing her maybe? Its a very emotive subject as you can see.

Take care
Anna xx

16-11-10, 01:58
Hi Anna,

Sorry that nicola had a heart attack, you can blame father God if you want to that's your choice. did anyone pray for nicola when she had a heart attack, if someone did pray what was the outcome. I have christian friends, they teached me a lot about Father God, and they told me never ever blame Father God, he not to blame people have freedom to choose. Freewill. you being a christian would know that, or maybe you dont know that. What church do you go too?


16-11-10, 02:02
Hi Anna,

did I offend you in anyway, if I have I am very sorry to offend you. I hope I have not offended you.

when you says I had got a bit confused, I was trying to answer so many people at one in my comment, I forgot to put their names next to the answer I was putting, sorry about that.


16-11-10, 02:06
Father God gives everyone gifts, through time we use those gifts through our experiences that we go through, we may not use the gifts right away.

16-11-10, 02:07
Why did I not see this website a few years ago, when I needed a website like this to help me through the trauma that I was going through.

16-11-10, 02:12
The trauma that I was going through this website could not deal with it, if you want to know what they were, you can find them in:

thread, flash backs from the past on citalopram, you do not have to read them if you do not want to. your choice.

16-11-10, 02:21
Father God, thank you for Anna, Father God I ask you to bless your precious daughter Anna, give her your strength, love, kindness and patience. Father God I pray that you pour your holy spirit into Anna cup to overflowing unconditionally. I pray this in your precious name Jesus, Amen.

Father God, I never blamed you when my mom had a heart attack, my mom got so anxious about the job center pushing her to take a employment training program, that she was to start in the next week, Father God it did not matter to my mum that I tried my best to explain it was not like what she thought it was, because of my mom worring and getting herself so stressed this cause her to have an heart attack. this was never ever Father God fault, this was due to worry and stress and anxiety going mad, Worry and anxiety and stress can cause you to have a stroke, that's not Father God's Fault. Father God I thank you for being there, when I needed you, thank you for sending people with the gifts you give them, to help support us when we need them. I pray this in your name Jesus Amen.

Going home
16-11-10, 02:21
No you haven't offended me at all yvonne, I was just asking why father god is selective in what he chooses to do or doesn't do to help people...there are always excuses if he doesn't help people. I didn't say I was a christian by the way, only that I'm aware of what goes on in the faith.

I also realise that as vunerable people on this kind of forum with mental health issues, they would find alot of comfort in God, that's perhaps a given and for this reason its not fair to convert vunerable people to any one religion or faith. You obviously find comfort in yours and that's great, and some members seem to share that with you.

I hope your faith helps you to overcome whatever demons brought you to the forum in the first place.

Anna xx

Going home
16-11-10, 02:23
...and nobody has ever thanked God for me before yvonne, so thanks for that :D

16-11-10, 02:34
I hope your faith helps you to overcome whatever demons brought you to the forum in the first place.

Anna xx[/QUOTE]

Hi Anna,

Thank you for your comment, it was Father God who guided me to this website, because I pray and ask Father God what he wants me to do, and I talk to him all the time, so he knows that I would like feedback. On the internet I went to google, as usual, I asked a question, same question I asked a few years ago, up came no more panic, I asked Father God why did I not see this website when I asked the same question a few years ago, Father God says was not the right time.

I Felt that from my heart, that what Father God was saying to me.

when you walk the walk with Father God, and your on the right path then the devil has a real go at you, and keeps having a go at you.

you feel your being attacked by the enemy the devil.

the devil does not want you to walk the walk with Heavenly Father, so he will give you a hard time of it. I think this is the reason we only to Fear God. all Christians know this to Fear God, as my christian friends told me.

Hope you have a good night sleep, sorry if I got it wrong that you not being a christian.


16-11-10, 02:37
...and nobody has ever thanked God for me before yvonne, so thanks for that :D

Hi Anna,

You are very welcome, you are precious to Father God and I think you are precious too.


Yvonne :hugs:

Going home
16-11-10, 02:38
Yes you sleep well too Yvonne.

Anna xx

16-11-10, 11:26
Father God Thank you for good night sleep. Father God I pray that this bug that I have picked up goes compeletly today. Father God I also pray that you give me strength to be able to look after my dad, now that my sister has an employment training to go to, looking after my dad falls on me, though I do have my son who can go twice in the week only in the evenings, as he is working. Father God I need your help through this. I can not do it on my own, only through you Father.
I pray this in your name Jesus. Amen

17-11-10, 10:10

been praying for the people on here, I have been praying about moving on, knowing that you all need prayer, maybe someone will start a prayer request up again, or maybe someone will take over and keep this prayer request going. I hope someone will.

I'm not in a very good place right now, at the present time, nmp aint helping. though they have been very supportive, friendly and kind, I'm grateful for this website and the people who are friendly.

People should never try to change someone because of their beliefs, it's enough to put someone off coming here for help and support.

though at present you have freedom to choose, that's going to change, the government are in the middle of changing the freedom bill. I came across the freedom bill being changed by accident, it is well hidden. with the new world order coming into place round about 2013, being forced to do thing that you do not want to do, you will have to do them or be punished, and the punishment is not fair at all.

Same with the Benefit system it will not be fair when the new universal benefit comes into place in January 2011. Between 2011 to 2013 everyone will be on this universal benefit, everyone will only get up to £500.00 a week, this includes housing benefit, council tax benefit, child benefit and money to live on. this is all facts, and this bill has been passed. Plus there are going to be sanctions put on this benefit, plus they have made it even harder to pass the medical test, and they are making it harder to pass the appeal.

I'm not trying to worry you, I just want you to be aware of this. plus some of us get paid every two weeks, this is to change to every month. It will take time to do everyone and change you all to monthly and change you all to the universal benefit.

Housing benefit has been cut and affects the whole of the uk, same with morgages this has also been cut, the support that you would get.

plus the rent in council housing and housing associations their rent has to come in line with private sector rents expensive rent.

Plus from January 2011 there will be no free school meal, no free prescriptions, no free eye test or dentist check ups. this have been done away with.

I feel that everyone should be made aware of this.

my sister just phone me, she got a letter from her housing association, they want to fight this that the rent has to be made the same as the private sector, the housing association know about what has happened in America, tent cities etc... this is happening in England, I searched this and it's true, plus I have a friend in England and she confirmed this. I'm not making this up. it's true. I have got prepared for this. I know that the roof over my head soon will not be a roof over my head, we be homeless. I know what lies ahead. don't take my word for it do a research. You will find out the truth about what is happening.

I am sorry if I offend anyone, this is not my intentions.



17-11-10, 12:14
Yvonne..you are a woman with a kind heart who did a kind thing by starting this thread.

If you feel the need to move on I can understand that but please be careful of what you move on to.

I won't get into politics here but I also have a friend who talks incessantly about the New World Order, he is also a great admirer and follower of David Icke. :lac:

I hope you don't mind but I looked online at the conference you are going to. I sincerely hope that you find what you are looking for but feel that it is at odds with "Father God"..as far as I know the Bible doesn't talk about the irreputable proof that alien lifeforms exist.

If you believe in God then you do indeed have the right to choose.

All I ask, as a fellow NMP'er, and someone who respects you very much, is that you keep an open mind..I hope you find the peace of mind that you are looking for. :hugs:

17-11-10, 12:38
Yvonne..you are a woman with a kind heart who did a kind thing by starting this thread.

If you feel the need to move on I can understand that but please be careful of what you move on to.

I won't get into politics here but I also have a friend who talks incessantly about the New World Order, he is also a great admirer and follower of David Icke. :lac:

I hope you don't mind but I looked online at the conference you are going to. I sincerely hope that you find what you are looking for but feel that it is at odds with "Father God"..as far as I know the Bible doesn't talk about the irreputable proof that alien lifeforms exist.

If you believe in God then you do indeed have the right to choose.

All I ask, as a fellow NMP'er, and someone who respects you very much, is that you keep an open mind..I hope you find the peace of mind that you are looking for. :hugs:

Hi Ladybird64,

no I dont mind, Thank you for your kind words, very much appreciated, thanks. I do believe in God, and I dont believe in Aliens, I know the truth, as I have done the research found out a lot, I know a lot of the stuff that they are going to talk about, I know some of this stuff going to be scary, that part I have over came. it can be scary. I have listened to David Ick's videos, he is very good. there's no such thing as Aliens, I know that the government wants to convince people that there is Aliens. dont ask me to explain that, dont take my word for it, research it for yourself. if you want to that is. I will keep an open mind. I had to have an open mind when I started searching this stuff. Since my search I have bought the Old Version of King James 1611 bible, I found out a lot, now I have changed the way I do things.

A lot has happened so far with preparing for the new world order. I could go on, i dont want to scare anyone on nmp. if I went on, lots of it would scare people. just that I know that when the new world order comes into place, there will be a one world religion and to be expected to worship and believe in this new God. not the one I know off. I mean not the one I worship and give honour and glory too.

I will be refusing, I know what my punishment will be, tells you in the bible what that is. there would be a one world government, one world army, one world police force not what we know of now, much harsher than now.

Yes I will be careful, moving on, is taking the next step in faith, i will keep my account open, so that I can come back if I need to. I will pop in and say hi to everyone. Maybe once I have found the church that worship Father God on Sabbath. not a Sunday. that's the beginning of the week.

sorry I went on a bit.


17-11-10, 18:36

If anyone needs prayer, leave your comment, I will get back to you and pray for you.
I'm going to my dads this evening, will be back tomorrow.


18-11-10, 15:34

no one needing prayer, well my friend Bea still does.

Father God Thank your for your precious daughter Bea and Father god thank you for Heather too. Father God I pray that you are with Bea, and help her to get better and eventually come home from hospital. I pray that you give Heather your strength to cope with what ever her friend Bea goes through, that they both are there for each other. Father God I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.


19-11-10, 00:47
Father God, Thank you for bottleblond, Father God I ask you to be with bottleblond going through this tough time preparing to move, then move to new home, Father God I ask that you give her strength, guidance, and show her that this is the right thing to do, that she is going to a new safe place, new home and it's a small stepping in faith, though seems huge, it's not really. I pray that your Bless her and her son with your abundant love. I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.

paula lynne
19-11-10, 05:21
Hi Yvonne, could you please pray for my family, as we just lost my gran. Please pray that I can get to Coventry for the funeral, and that I make it through without getting ill. Thanks so much, love Paula x

19-11-10, 08:26
Hi Yvonne, could you please pray for my family, as we just lost my gran. Please pray that I can get to Coventry for the funeral, and that I make it through without getting ill. Thanks so much, love Paula x

Sorry to hear about your Gran, Yes I will pray for you.

Father God Thank you for Paula lynne, Father God I pray that you are with Paula lynne and give her strength, wisdom and peace of mind and in heart. Father God I also ask that you help her to Get to Coventry for her Gran's Funeral and put a covering of protection over Paula lynne so that she is safe and does not become ill. I pray this in your precious Name Jesus. Amen.


20-11-10, 22:55
Would really love some one to pray for me and my 23 year old son.
I have been quite bad with panic attacks for about 3 weeks have had them on and off for over 20 years and have never been able to leave the house on my own or travel very far but the last 3 weeks have panicked really bad been breathing all wrong and felt like I was going to collapse all the time.

Was in bed 7am Wednesday morning neighbor come banging door down.
Went to door thinking something was wrong with her and she was just screaming it is your son.
Her daughter had just gone to get the bus to go to collage turned the corner and found my 23 year old son unconscious. His eyes where rolled in his head she tried to move him to put him in the recovery position and he was as stiff as a board.
Neighbors would not let me go to him as it was so bad.
Paramedic come to door said he was not responding, I really thought I had lost him and I lost his dad 3 and a half years ago age 40 and I just can not put into words what I felt that morning.
Thank God he is now home. He was suffering from hypothermia as he had been laying there for 6 hours.
He has a broken collar bone.
They think he most probably had a epileptic fit and knocked himself out when he fell.
I thank God for his life as he could of died from the cold and if he had of collapsed earlier on his walk home it would have been in a field in the middle of now where.

Please pray as I am struggling with the thought of him being there 6 hours in the cold on his own that is the bit that keeps making me cry.

20-11-10, 23:10
Oh my love, I'm so sorry, what a horrible experience, what a relief though that your son is still with you. In my thoughts and prayers xxx :bighug1:

21-11-10, 00:11
Prayers for a speedy recovery

21-11-10, 15:34
HI Loveletter,

Sorry to hear about your son, that was awful. I'm glad to hear your son is home now. Yes I will pray for you and your son.

Heavenly Father Thank you for Loveletter and loveletter son, Heavenly Father I pray that you give them your love, kindness and patience father. Heavenly Father I also ask that you be there with them, give them both more power of your holy spirit.
I pray this in your name Jesus. Amen.


21-11-10, 15:36
Heavenly Father Thank you for jj76, Heavenly father I pray for jj76 has a speedy recovery and that you are with them through their recovery. Heavenly Father I pray that you pour your power of your holy spirit and give jj76 peace of heart and mind. I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.

21-11-10, 21:21
Heavenly Father thank you for Poppyc, Heavenly Father I pray that your are with Poppyc for her loss, give her your peace of heart and peace of mind also give her wisdom Heavenly Father. I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.

21-11-10, 21:30
Thanks Yvonne, I was just about to ask you to do that xx

21-11-10, 21:58
Hi JaneC,

You are very welcome. I hope she will feel better soon.


22-11-10, 10:06
Heavenly Father thank you for this cold morning, heavenly father I pray that I manage to finish my meeting at 2pm, as at 2pm I have a driving lesson, plus I want to remember to ask this afternoon for a couple of driving lesson to be in the morning, so that when my driving test comes, I'll be able to cope with the early morning drive. Heavenly Father I ask all this in your will be done, what you want me to do heavenly father. I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen

22-11-10, 23:14
Heavenly Father thank you for this busy day today.. Heavenly Father I pray that I'm trading my sorrows, pain and suffering and giving them all over to you. I'm laying them down at the foot of the cross. I pray for your guidance, in your precious name Jesus. Amen.

23-11-10, 00:32
Heavenly Father thank you for Paula lynne and Mandie, Heavenly Father I pray that you are with your two precious daughters, give them both strength to carry on the tasks that comes into their paths. Heavenly Father I ask you to be with them when tough times comes, just like in footprints father you are carrying us through our tough times and when we walk beside each other that when you are dancing and skipping along together through the good times. Heavenly Father I put these two lovely children into your hands. I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.

23-11-10, 18:14
Heavenly Father thank you for the shop that I choose to use tomorrow. Heavenly Father I pray that the shop will have all the things that I will need from the tall food order that I will be asking them to make. Heavenly Father I leave all this in your hands. in your name Jesus. Amen.

23-11-10, 21:14
Heavenly Father thank you for Paula lynne, Heavenly Father I pray that you are with Paula lynne, Father guide her to not do any more selfharm, Give her strength, calmness, peace of mind and peace in her heart Heavenly Father I place Paula lynne into your hands. I pray this in your name Jesus. Amen.

24-11-10, 10:22
I have prayed for the disaster in nz

24-11-10, 21:49
Thank You Yvonne for your prayers. That is so lovely of you to do that X

25-11-10, 00:32
Hi PoppyC,

You are very welcome.


25-11-10, 16:39

here an up-date for my friend Bea who i have been praying for and still praying for.

Thank you for your continued prayers. Bea has been out of ICU for a week now but her recovery is slow and is going to take a long time. Her throat and vocal cords are partially paralized due to being on the respirator. Because of this she is not able to drink liquids but has to have everything thickened. She is very weak and doesn't have much of an appiitite. With help she is able to get out of bed. Soon she is going to be transfered to a rehab centre. Please pray that God will speed up her recovery and that her throat will return to normal soon.


25-11-10, 16:42
Heavenly Father I thank you for Bea, Heavenly Father I pray for a speedy recovery for Bea, that you are with her Heavenly father. I pray this in your precious name. Jesus. Amen.

26-11-10, 10:27
Heavenly Father thank you for lovely morning, Heavenly Father I ask thee to bless everyone with a good weekend. I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen

27-11-10, 21:26
Heavenly Father Thank you for Paula Lynne your precious daughter, Heavenly Father I pray that you put your healing hands on Paula Lynne take any kind of pain away, fill her with your peace and love heavenly Father, I also ask that you give her wisdom. I pray this in your precious name, Jesus. Amen.

27-11-10, 22:16
pray for our friends daughter abbie, who is 6 weeks into treatment for leukemia. shes 6 years old and is a total inspiration. they are our good friends and next door neighbour. we have been with them tonight and although shes going through hell laughed and played all night with my daughter (who is her best friend) and played and laughed with my 8 month old baby. the family are an inspiration. pray for them all x x x

27-11-10, 22:21
pray for our friends daughter abbie, who is 6 weeks into treatment for leukemia. shes 6 years old and is a total inspiration. they are our good friends and next door neighbour. we have been with them tonight and although shes going through hell laughed and played all night with my daughter (who is her best friend) and played and laughed with my 8 month old baby. the family are an inspiration. pray for them all x x x

Yes of course I pray.

Heavenly Father Thank you for Abbie, your precious daughter, I pray that you are with her every step of the way Father, I also pray that you give her and her family your guidance, wisdom, strength and peace of heart and in mind too Father, Father I thank you for such an inspirational family. Heavenly Father I say this in your precious name. Jesus. Amen.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


27-11-10, 22:24
thankyou x x x x x seeing it on a screen like this makes it all the more real! and shows u how precious life really is x

27-11-10, 22:52
you are very welcome Dreena.

28-11-10, 02:02
Hi Yvonne_uk_98
You're an inspiration to me- I am in awe of your generous spirit and I think it is incredible that you give so much of your day to help everybody.

I'd like to join in prayer for Dreena and others


28-11-10, 02:26
Please say a prayer for mum. It's been a year without my dad and all she wants to do is die and be with him. It's so sad and she's getting weaker by the day. Can you die of a broken heart? My nana died on a Saturday, my uncle on the Sunday, my grandad on the wednesday - it was so bad all in one week last year. Then in October I lost my dad. Just want my mum back again. Love her so much.

28-11-10, 02:30
Hi Bluebelle,

You are welcome to pray for Dreena and others, your are very welcome too.

Yvonne ps, thank you for your kind words, very much appreciated, thanks. :hugs:

28-11-10, 02:37
Please say a prayer for mum. It's been a year without my dad and all she wants to do is die and be with him. It's so sad and she's getting weaker by the day. Can you die of a broken heart? My nana died on a Saturday, my uncle on the Sunday, my grandad on the wednesday - it was so bad all in one week last year. Then in October I lost my dad. Just want my mum back again. Love her so much.

Hi Alfie1967,

So Sorry to hear of all your loses, I will pray for you and your mom, So sorry that your having a rough time of it all. I hope things get better for both of you.

Heavenly Father Thank you for Alfie1967 and Alfie1967's mom, Heavenly Father I pray that you will be with them both, give them your strength, love, kindness and wisdom. Heavenly Father I also ask that you guide them both in whatever way you want them to walk heavenly Father, I put these two amazing children into your hands heavenly Father. Heavenly Father could you put an angel to watch over them both, and give them reassurance that you are there with them always.. Heavenly Father I pray this in your precious name. Jesus. Amen.

lots of love & take care of your mom and dont forget to look after yourself.:hugs::hugs::hugs:


28-11-10, 02:58
Thanks yvonne. Your words are encouraging. I just want my mum back. We went to church today for a Christmas tree festival and we had a tree for my dad. It was so sad but lovely. I miss him so much. Could you please say a prayer too for my husbands mum who has got lung cancer. So frightened of losing her as well. Thank you xxxxx

29-11-10, 01:27
Thanks yvonne. Your words are encouraging. I just want my mum back. We went to church today for a Christmas tree festival and we had a tree for my dad. It was so sad but lovely. I miss him so much. Could you please say a prayer too for my husbands mum who has got lung cancer. So frightened of losing her as well. Thank you xxxxx

Hi Alfie1967,

of course I pray for your husbands mum.

Heavenly father thank you for Alfie1967 husband's mum, I pray Heavenly Father that you are with the whole family, and Alfie1967's husband's mum, give them strength, peace of heart, peace of mind and your guidance heavenly Father. I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.


29-11-10, 01:30
Heavenly Father thank you for the cold snowy day today, Heavenly Father I ask that you are with my sister tonight, comfort her, give her strength, wisdom and peace of heart and peace of mind. Heavenly Father put your arms round Maria and give her the biggest hug, to let her know that you still love her at this time that we are going through. I pray this in your precious Name Jesus. Amen.

02-12-10, 22:59
Heavenly Father Thank you for the driver for reporting to us that he could not do the van driving for us, I ask that you are with him and heal him. Heavenly Father I ask that we find another driver asap as for tomorrow, we need to empty this flat by monday. I ask that through you Heavenly Father we will find someone.

I say this in your precious name Jesus. Amen

02-12-10, 23:16
I want people to pray that I regaing my mental confidence and can be relaxed enough to cope with Christmas as i've not had a good year....but also for those who have had a tough time this year as well as it isnt just 'all about me'...this is what i find soooo frustrating as if I was free of all this rubbish...id be able to give my all in helping others, not what I feel to be 'token gestures'..although those ive doen things for would say I do quite a lot

thank you and god bless

For by his wounds we ARE healed

02-12-10, 23:18
also we should pray for those who have lost loved ones and have uncertainty hanging over them...they too must never be forgotten

03-12-10, 22:27
Hi STevesinelgin,

Thank you for your comments, yes I will pray for you.

Heavenly Father thank you for steveninelgin, Father God I pray that steveninelgin has strength and confidence to cope through the whole of Christmas and new year. I also pray that you give stevenielgin your guidance, in your name Jesus. Amen.


paula lynne
03-12-10, 22:34
Oh Bless you Yvonne. Its my grans funeral monday, and your dads soon after that.
Its so hard to deal with it all with anxiety isnt it.x
I pray that you and I will have the strength to endure it, without being ill ourselves. I also pray for those who are lonely, hungry, cold, in need, and suffering tonight, and I leave this prayer to my Heavenly Father, in Jesus name, Amen x

03-12-10, 22:44
Heavenly Father thank you for the snow. Heavenly Father I pray for everyone who has lost a loved one, that you are with them at this time, give them strengh and wisdom. I pray this in your precious name Jesus amen

03-12-10, 23:49
Hi Yvvonne
I don't usually pray but I pray that you will be looked after at such a difficult time.
I lost my Dad almost 2 years ago (20 Dec) and I don't know how I got through it all, but I did somehow.
Love to you Yvonne - you sound like such a good person, praying for others, when you are going through such a diffcult time yoursel. f X

jude uk
04-12-10, 07:12
I love the idea of prayer because not only do I believe it works but I have seen it work.
Here is a fact......Those who go to church/ pray have less anxiety than those who dont

04-12-10, 08:32
Oh Bless you Yvonne. Its my grans funeral monday, and your dads soon after that.
Its so hard to deal with it all with anxiety isnt it.x
I pray that you and I will have the strength to endure it, without being ill ourselves. I also pray for those who are lonely, hungry, cold, in need, and suffering tonight, and I leave this prayer to my Heavenly Father, in Jesus name, Amen x

Hi Paula lynne,

Thank you for your blessings & prayer, very much appreciated, thanks, I pray also that we both have the strength, wisdom and peace of minds and in our hearts on Monday & Tuesday. I hope you have a good day for your Grans Funeral despite the snow. I pray we both have good days and it's not soo cold on Monday & Tuesday. Heavenly Father I pray the your pour your holy power spirit over Paula lynne and I, be with us, give us your guidance. In your precious name Jesus. Amen.


04-12-10, 08:35
Hi Yvvonne
I don't usually pray but I pray that you will be looked after at such a difficult time.
I lost my Dad almost 2 years ago (20 Dec) and I don't know how I got through it all, but I did somehow.
Love to you Yvonne - you sound like such a good person, praying for others, when you are going through such a diffcult time yoursel. f X

Hi PoppyC,

Thank you for your kind words, sorry to hear that, thank you for your encouragements, very much appreciated, thanks. helps me to get through this to pray.

hope you have a good day today, thank you again.


06-12-10, 23:18
Heavenly Father thank you for this snowy weather, Heavenly Father for all those who are stuck in the snow, I ask that you are with them, help and guide them home safely, comfort them and keep them warm. Heavenly Father I also ask that for tomorrow make it run smoothly, that people are able to turn up, people are able to go to work, buses, taxies are on, that people have your comfort in every day life, getting to work coming home etc... Heavenly Father I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.

08-12-10, 19:11

this is an update on Bea, girl I'm praying for:

Thank you for praying for Bea. God is good. Bea is home now and continueing her recovery. She is improving everyday. She is week from being immobile for a month but slowly she is gaining strength. Her one vocal cord is still paralyzed but it is slowly improving. Please continue to pray for her complete recovery. Thank you again for your prayers.


it's good to know that our prayers are helping. Praise God!.


10-12-10, 10:35
Heavenly Father thank you for Amber, Heavenly Father I pray that you are with Amber this evening, give her your strength and patience to enjoy herself this evening, to be at peace in her heart and peace in her mind. I place Amber into your hands Heavenly Father. I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.

11-12-10, 23:15
Heavenly Father thank you for no snow on the ground, Heavenly Father I ask you that my landlord will give me the extra time to get my place tidy, Father I ask for an extra week, one week is not enough Father, as I have just emptied my own dad''s place. I ask for this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.

Heavenly Father Thank you for good day today. Heavenly Father I pray that you put your healing hands on my leg, lift any pain, take away what ever it is. I pray this in your precious name Jesus Amen.

13-12-10, 22:55
Heavenly Father thank you for not a bad day today. Heavenly Father Im trading my sorrows with you. In your name Jesus. Amen.

14-12-10, 18:01
Heavenly Father thank you for JaneC your precious daughter. Heavenly Father I ask that you lift this horrible one thing happening after another, take this burden away, give JaneC your love, kindness and your patience. Heavenly Father I also ask that you fill her with your power of your holy spirit to give her peace of heart and peace in her mind. I pray this in your name Jesus. Amen.

15-12-10, 00:27
Heavenly Father thank you for hopers, Heavenly Father I ask that you give hopers your love and care and put your arms around hopers show hopers that you love hopers.
I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.

15-12-10, 10:33
Thankyou Yvonne, that means such a lot xxxx

15-12-10, 18:57
your very welcome JaneC.

15-12-10, 18:59
Heavenly Father Thank you for my friend Suzi & Roddy, Heavenly Father I pray that you are with them at this sad time, I put Roddy's Mom into your hands Father. Heavenly Father I pray that you give Roddy & Suzi your strength, wisdom and patience at this time, I also ask the you give them both peace of mind and peace in their hearts and to know that his Mom is now at peace. I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.

16-12-10, 12:12
For peace of mind and health.

For Yvonne, who gives so much of herself here for the sake of others and never asks anything in return.

For those who remembered me and have stayed by my side when I needed them most, showing true friendship and kindness.

Thank You

16-12-10, 19:50
For peace of mind and health.

For Yvonne, who gives so much of herself here for the sake of others and never asks anything in return.

For those who remembered me and have stayed by my side when I needed them most, showing true friendship and kindness.

Thank You

Hi Ladybird64,

Thank you for your kind words, very much appreciated, thanks.

Heavenly Father thank you for ladybird64, Heavenly Father I pray that you give ladybird64 your strength, peace, warm hugs and your guidance Father. I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.


17-12-10, 11:05
My wish is for the stress with work to end...

Also for Yvonne - to find the inner strength to get through this difficult time.

17-12-10, 11:42
I pray that you are all right today Yvonne. Please let us know how you are :hugs: xxx

17-12-10, 12:49
Yvonne has gone for a sleep, she is exhausted.

I hope that today will be a better day for her and we are all here for her and will do all we can to support her.

:hugs:for yvonne :hugs:

17-12-10, 12:58
thanks yvonne i must say i lost my faith a few years back was a full church goer till my pastor had an affair which broke me i still belive in god and talkt o him occastiionaly i no i shold more often thanks you for the prayer that was thortfull you must be a storg woman of faith xxxx

17-12-10, 13:02
My prayers and thoughts are with anyone who may be suffering in anyway, that you find peace, strength and renewed hope.
Love and prayers to all, Stephen .J. Hepburn

17-12-10, 17:34
Yvonne has gone for a sleep, she is exhausted.

I hope that today will be a better day for her and we are all here for her and will do all we can to support her.

:hugs:for yvonne :hugs:

Hi Diane007,

thank you for your kind words and encouragements, very much appreciated, thanks.

sorry I tried to get to sleep didnt work hopefully I will tonight. so tired.

Yvonne :hugs:

17-12-10, 17:45
thanks yvonne i must say i lost my faith a few years back was a full church goer till my pastor had an affair which broke me i still belive in god and talkt o him occastiionaly i no i shold more often thanks you for the prayer that was thortfull you must be a storg woman of faith xxxx

Hi Hopers,

thank you for your kind words, sorry to hear that your pastor had an affair, sorry to hear this disencouraged you, glad you still believe in Heavenly Father. yes I have a strong faith though kinda goes out the window when your feeling low. other than that my faith is very strong.


17-12-10, 17:46
Thank you Stephyuno and everyone for your prayers very much appreciated, thanks. :hugs:

18-12-10, 15:41
Heavenly Father thank you for Ali, Father I ask you to be with Ali at this sad time. Father give Ali you strength, wisdom and your guidance at this time. In you name Jesus. Amen.

Heavenly Father thank you for this cold snowy weather, Father I dont have enough strenth, I need your help heavenly father, I need more strength, guidance, your love and cuddles, need to feel your warmth. Heavenly father I so so exhausted, I dont know how much more I can take of this horrible feeling, Father I'm reaching out for your help. I say this in your name. Jesus. Amen.

18-12-10, 15:50
Dear Lord and Father please bless all those on nmp who need our prayers. Those members who are ill with depression, panic or anxiety. Please lay your healing hands on them. Please pray for our families our friends and neighbours who are sick anxious and depressed at Christmas Time. Please bless those who are sad or whose anniversaries fall at this time. Please pray for those who have lost loved ones at this time. In the name of Jesus Christ our Son who came into the world and died to save us all. EJ.

18-12-10, 16:24
Hi everyone, This is a request for Yvonne. Could you please say a little prayer for us,as God will not listen to me as I have been naughty and told someone off (well he deserved it,) I would like you to ask him if he could make it easier for us to get my daughter into our house in her wheelchair on Chritmas Day,Last year it was very difficult. My husband has made sort of a make-shift ramp and I am worried in case it does't work.
All the best to you and thank you for your help,and helping others with your prayers

18-12-10, 16:44
Dear Nellie God always listens to our prayers. Your request concerning your daughter is more difficult. Could a few people carry her into the house?

19-12-10, 12:09
thank you Heavenly Father for giving me strength, I very much needed it. Heavenly Father I ask that for today that I do not need to have this injection, that I can return the injection and safe box to the chemist. amen.

Thank you Heavenly Father for guiding the medical staff at the hospital making my inr 2.5 which is very good. I dont need the injection, all the glory and honor go to you Heavenly Father. Amen.

19-12-10, 15:31
Dear Elizabeth Jane,
I have just typed out a very long letter and I don't know where its gone. sorry I cannot do it again Sorry
All the Best

paula lynne
19-12-10, 16:05
Dear Father, please send your Holy Spirit to my friend Connie, who went in for a routine operation 2 weeks ago because of heavy periods, and has now found out she has advanced cancer, and about 3 weeks to live. Please help her be pain free, help her family, and be with her all the while.

Thank you for my family, and all the blessings in my life, thank you for my good friends on nmp and be with all those who are suffering tonight, who are hungry, lonley, desperate, and in need. Be with them. In Jesus name, Amen x

19-12-10, 16:44
Dear Father, please send your Holy Spirit to my friend Connie, who went in for a routine operation 2 weeks ago because of heavy periods, and has now found out she has advanced cancer, and about 3 weeks to live. Please help her be pain free, help her family, and be with her all the while.

Thank you for my family, and all the blessings in my life, thank you for my good friends on nmp and be with all those who are suffering tonight, who are hungry, lonley, desperate, and in need. Be with them. In Jesus name, Amen x

Hi Paula lynne,

so sorry to hear about your Friend Connie, my thoughts are with you and so are my prayers.

Heavenly Father thank you for Paula Lynne and Connie, Heavenly Father I ask that you are with Paula Lynne and Connie at this sad time, Father I pray that they both have enjoyment together, give them both your strength, guidance and wisdom. I pray this in your name Jesus. Amen.

hope you and your friend have some special quality time together.


Yvonne :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

paula lynne
19-12-10, 16:47
Yvonne, you are an angel here on earth i think x

19-12-10, 17:06
Hi Paula Lynne,

you are very welcome, thank you for your kind words, very much appreciated, thanks.


23-12-10, 22:30
Heavenly Father thank you for my cbt therapist, Heavenly Father I pray and place these horrible feelings, and these planning stages into your hands. I ask for your help to overcome all those horrible feelings. Heavenly Father I ask for your guidance and strength. I pray this in your precious name Jesus. Amen.

23-12-10, 22:49
Dear God, I pray you can help Yvonne find some peace in her heart this Christmas. I also pray that you are looking after Andy somewhere and that you can bring peace to his mum and dad and brothers this Christmas also. Amen.

23-12-10, 22:52
Thank you Jane C, very much appreciated, thanks.

Yes Father I also pray for Andy, also pray that you are with Andy's Mom & dad, give them peace in their hearts. I pray this in your name Jesus. Amen.

23-12-10, 22:56
Heavenly Father thank you for bottleblond, your precious daughter, Heavenly Father I pray that you are with Lisa's family at this time and give them peace of mind and take away this harsh shock that they are all going through. Heavenly Father I place all of Lisa family into your hands, Father you know what you want and what you are planning in doing to help and support Lisa's family, in your timing Father. Heavenly Father I pray that you give Lisa peace in her heart and peace in her mind and I ask that you send an Angel to be with Lisa, as this is all a shock to your system. I ask that you are with each one of Lisa family. I pray this in your precious Name Jesus. Amen.

24-12-10, 09:39
Yvonne thankyou for taking the time to pray for Andy and his family, especially when you have been feeling the way you do. Andy was my son's friend, he died when he was 14 and we all still feel his loss terribly.

I pray that God will allow you to find some joy in Christmas and that we all find time to remember what Christmas is really about in among all the madness xxx

24-12-10, 16:44
Hi JaneC,

you are very welcome. praying is very powerful, if someone needs prayer, I pray personally, and I come on here and pray. it's good to see what people say in their prayers too.

thank you for your kind words, very much appreciated, thanks.


24-12-10, 17:51
I'm trading my sorrow
I'm trading my shame
I'm laying it down for the joy of the Lord

I'm trading my sickness
I'm trading my pain
I'm laying it down for the joy of the Lord
And we say yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord
Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord
Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord Amen

I'm pressed but not crushed persecuted not abandoned
Struck down but not destroyed
I'm blessed beyond the curse for his promise will endure
And his joy's gonna be my strength

Though the sorrow may last for the night
His joy comes with the morning

24-12-10, 17:55
All things are possible

Almighty God my Redeemer, my hiding place, my strong refuge
No other name like Jesus, no power can stand against you
My feet are planted on this rock and I will not be shaken
My hope it comes from you alone, my Lord and my Salvation
Your praise is always on my lips, your Word is living in my heart
And I will praise you with a new song, my soul will bless you Lord

You fill my life with greater joy, as I delight myself in you
And I will praise you with a new, my soul will bless you Lord

My feet are planted on this rock and I will not be shaken
My hope it comes from you alone, my Lord and my Salvation
Your praise is always on my lips, your Word is living in my heart
And I will praise you with a new, my soul will be bless you Lord

You fill my life with greater joy, as I delight myself in you
And I will praise you with a new song, my soul will bless you Lord

When I am weak you make me strong,
When I'm poor, I know I'm rich for in the power of your name
All things are possible, all things are possible

Your praise is always on my lips, your Word is living in my heart
And I will praise you with a new song, my soul will be bless you Lord

You fill my life with greater joy, as I delight myself in you
And I will praise you with a new song, my soul will bless you Lord

When I am weak you make me strong,
When I'm poor, I know I'm rich for in the power of your name
All things are possible, all things are possible (...till fade)

24-12-10, 17:59
My Jesus my Savior
Lord there is none like You
All of my days I want to praise
The wonders of Your mighty love
My comfort my shelter
Tower of refuge and strength
Let every breath all that I am
Never cease to worship You

Shout to the Lord all the earth let us sing
Power and majesty praise to the King
Mountains bow down and the seas will roar
At the sound of Your Name
I'll sing for joy at the work of Your hands
Forever I'll love You
Forever I'll stand

Nothing compares to the promise I have in You
Nothing compares to the promise I have in You
Nothing compares to the promise I have in You

24-12-10, 18:06
Heavenly Father thank you for today, Heavenly Father I ask for the strength to continue in this fast and prayer for your comfort at this time. Father I pray that you help me get back to worhsiping you and keeping the sabbath holy. I pray this in your precious name. yehôshûa‛ (hebrew name) Jesus. Amen.

24-12-10, 22:04
Do you remember me?
Long ago on bended knee
I prayed to you
With childhood fantasy
Well I’m all grown up now
Can you still help somehow
I’m not a child
But my heart still can dream

Please hear my prayer tonight
And help me do what’s right
Not for myself
But for a world in need

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
And every man would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
This is my prayer for every year

May kindness rule our lives
Not just the strong survive
Sweet tears for all
A Thousand years gone by

This is the world I pray
We will share someday
Let me begin by reaching out my hand (my hand)

No more lives torn apart
That wars would never start
And time would heal all hearts
Every man would have a friend
And right would always win
And love would never end
This is my prayer for every year

What is this illusion called
The innocence of youth
Maybe only in their
Blind belief will we ever find the truth

No more lives torn apart (torn apart)
That wars would never start (never start)
And time would heal all hearts (hearts)
And every man would have a friend (have a friend)
And right would always win (always win)
And love would never end
This is my prayer for every year
This is the prayer I hope you hear
This is my prayer for every year

25-12-10, 06:25
Please pray for me, Yvonne or anyone, if you can.

I am a practicing Christian. But this week I have just lost my faith. I feel like God has abandoned me. Long story, but I am 31 weeks pregnant, and have been battling constant anxiety and depression (having CBT) alongside lots of real health problems. As soon as one resolves itself, anther comes along (pacemaker fitted in March, then 6 months of morning sickness, then swine flu, now a throat allergy). I just feel like I have lost my faith, and am about to give up.

Please pray for me to find my connection with God again, and for healing. I feel like if I could find some relief from the physical problems I could face my anxieties, but I just can't do both. And I need some help.

25-12-10, 11:18
Please pray for me, Yvonne or anyone, if you can.

I am a practicing Christian. But this week I have just lost my faith. I feel like God has abandoned me. Long story, but I am 31 weeks pregnant, and have been battling constant anxiety and depression (having CBT) alongside lots of real health problems. As soon as one resolves itself, anther comes along (pacemaker fitted in March, then 6 months of morning sickness, then swine flu, now a throat allergy). I just feel like I have lost my faith, and am about to give up.

Please pray for me to find my connection with God again, and for healing. I feel like if I could find some relief from the physical problems I could face my anxieties, but I just can't do both. And I need some help.

Hi Genie,

of course I pray for you. sorry your having a hard time of it. God loves you and will not forsake you. at this time walking on the sand there is only one set of footprints, Jesus, he is carrying you. though it may to feel like it Father God is with you.

Heavenly Father thank you for Genie your precious child. Father God I ask you to put your arms around Genie give Genie a loving heart felt hug, letting Genie know that they are loved. Father God I ask the your put your healing hands on Genie and lift those physical problems and help Genie to cope with anxieties. Father God Genie needs your guidance at this rough time. Father God I authorize Satan to leave Genie, In your Name Jesus of Nazareth Father God I ask you to fill Genie cup with more of your power holy spirit. in your precious name Jesus. Amen.

Satans having a right go at you, doing his best to kill your faith, dont let him do that. God loves you and so do I. Father God does not let you down. People have freedom to choose.

right now I'm being attacked with the devil, trying to pull me down, I'm fighting with my faith, because I want to be with my heavenly Father more than anything.

it's a constant battle. not easy. if it was easy everyone would be sailing home to Heavenly Father.

hope you feel better soon. May Heavenly Father Bless You Abundantly.


Yvonne :hugs:

25-12-10, 11:33
Im praying that im sober enough to dish the dinner up.
Its not looking too promising at the moment:D

25-12-10, 11:33
Heavenly Father thank you for good night sleep. Heavenly Father I pray that I'm trading my sorrow, my shame, I'm trading my sickness and my pain and leaving them at the foot of the cross. Heavenly Father I invite you into my life, into my heart. Heavenly Father I pray for all the people who do not know you, who do not walk the walk with you and have that personal relationship with you. I pray that through your guidance that they will ask you into their life's Father. Heavenly Father I also pray for all the people who do not know you that they will continue to show people, friends, family their love, compassion, kindness and that they have a wonderful heart. Heavenly Father whatever you want me to do, I will do for you. I pray all this in your precious name yehôshûa‛ (hebrew name) Jesus. Amen.

25-12-10, 11:40
Hi Genie,

Heavenly Father gave me this bible verse for you:

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 13:4.


25-12-10, 14:34
1 Timothy 2:3-6 (King James Version)

3For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
5For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
6Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

Matthew 7:13-14 (New International Version, ©2010)

The Narrow and Wide Gates

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Matthew 7:13-14 (King James Version)

13Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

25-12-10, 15:58
Power of your love

Lord I come to You
Let my heart be changed, renewed
Flowing from the grace
That i have found in You
And Lord I have come to know
The weakenesses I see in me
Will be stripped away
By the power of Your love

*Hold me close
Let Your love surround me
Bring me near
Draw me to Your side
And as I wait
I will rise up like the eagle
And I will soar with You
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love

2.Lord unveil my eyes
Let me see You face to face
The knowledge of Your love
As You live in me
And Lord renew my mind
As Your will unfolds in my life
In living every day
By the power of Your love

(repeat chorus twice)
And I will soar with You
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love

25-12-10, 22:12
A prayer please for the parents of missing woman Joanna Yeates now that a body has been found.

Christmas squabbles fade into insignificance when you hear about news like this-God give them peace now.

25-12-10, 23:21
A prayer please for the parents of missing woman Joanna Yeates now that a body has been found.

Christmas squabbles fade into insignificance when you hear about news like this-God give them peace now.

Heanvenly Father thank you for Joanna Yeates your precious daughter, Heavenly Father I ask you to be with her parents at this time, Father I put this family into your hands, Heavenly Father you know what to happen, Father I ask you to guide this family, give them strength and wisdom. in your precious name Jesus Amen.

27-12-10, 12:56
Heavenly Father I thank thee for this lovely day today, I forgive myself for being s, I release myself to you, ask you to cleanse my heart. create in me a clean heart. Heavenly father I want more than anything to follow you and your precious son Yahushua. I pray all this in Yahushua name Amen.

Heavenly father all the hounor and glory goes to you, all my praises and worship goes to you. thank you for accepting me for being me. Heavenly Father I pray for all the people who do not have you in their life's, I ask that through you they will find peace of mind and have lots of love and compassion towards one another. Heavenly father we need lots of people to have love and compassion for one another and for no one to lose this. amen.

27-12-10, 19:03
Hello Elizabeth Jane.Some one was listening to my prayer via yvonne all went well getting my daughter down the entry and through the back door in her wheelchair. My husband rigged up a ramp and it worked.No one could have carried her in as she is overweight.. I may have to ask for many prayers in the future
Kind regards

27-12-10, 19:40
Hi Helen,

it's good know that our prayers are answered, thank you for sharing, I'm glad your daughter can get in and out of the house much better.



29-12-10, 06:16
Thanks Yvonne for your prayers. I ended up in hospital yesterday with gasteroenteritis (had to go in to be rehydrated because of the baby). I ended up telling my husband that I though God couldn't exist, if I was suffering so much. Am home now, and feel terrible, just hoping God will forgive me.

Please keep me in your prayers. Your words seem just right for me, as if you know what I am going through. I am so grateful as I am just trying to keep my faith through all this.


29-12-10, 08:41
Hi Yvonne!

What an awesome post to come across!

Thank you for doing exactly what God asks of us. Standing in for others....

Would like to ask you to pray for me at the moment. Going through an "anxious patch" and feeling as if I am letting down God for being like this. I feel like I am slapping God in the face for not living in His light at times like these.

I ask that you pray for my health and clarity about my situation. The calm will naturally come!

God bless!


30-12-10, 14:13
Hi Yvonne!

What an awesome post to come across!

Thank you for doing exactly what God asks of us. Standing in for others....

Would like to ask you to pray for me at the moment. Going through an "anxious patch" and feeling as if I am letting down God for being like this. I feel like I am slapping God in the face for not living in His light at times like these.

I ask that you pray for my health and clarity about my situation. The calm will naturally come!

God bless!


Hi Phw,

thank you for the kind words, yes ofcourse I will pray for you. your not letting God down at all, that's why footprints, at this time he is carrying you.

Heavenly Father I forgive myself for being hard on myself, Heavenly Father I thank you for phw your precious child. Heavenly Father I pray that you give phw your guidance, clarity about phw situation, I put phw situation into your hands Father, as you know what your plans are for phw. Whatever you want phw to do Father I ask that through your guidance phw will know what you want phw to do. Heavenly Father I also ask that you put your healing hands on phw and lift any illnesses that may affect phw. I also ask Father that you help phw to feel at ease, less anxious and for nature to help keep the calmness feeling. I pray for all this in your precious name. Yahushua. Amen.


30-12-10, 14:22
Thanks Yvonne for your prayers. I ended up in hospital yesterday with gasteroenteritis (had to go in to be rehydrated because of the baby). I ended up telling my husband that I though God couldn't exist, if I was suffering so much. Am home now, and feel terrible, just hoping God will forgive me.

Please keep me in your prayers. Your words seem just right for me, as if you know what I am going through. I am so grateful as I am just trying to keep my faith through all this.


Hi Genie,

God loves you and so do I, Father God has forgiven you, he died on the cross for our sins. of course I will keep you in my prayers.

Heavenly Father is so sorry that his precious daughter was not feeling too good and felt that he has left her alone, Heavenly Father says when we walk on the sand together, when there is only one set of footprints it's is I who is carrying you in rough times. I am there with you, I will never forsake you.

Heavenly Father gave me this for you.

The Father's Love Letter to you:

My Child,

You may not know me,
but I know everything about you.
Psalm 139:1

I know when you sit down and when you rise up.
Psalm 139:2

I am familiar with all your ways.
Psalm 139:3

Even the very hairs on your head are numbered.
Matthew 10:29-31

For you were made in my image.
Genesis 1:27

In me you live and move and have your being.
Acts 17:28

For you are my offspring.
Acts 17:28

I knew you even before you were conceived.
Jeremiah 1:4-5

I chose you when I planned creation.
Ephesians 1:11-12

You were not a mistake,
for all your days are written in my book.
Psalm 139:15-16

I determined the exact time of your birth
and where you would live.
Acts 17:26

You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Psalm 139:14

I knit you together in your mother's womb.
Psalm 139:13

And brought you forth on the day you were born.
Psalm 71:6

I have been misrepresented
by those who don't know me.
John 8:41-44

I am not distant and angry,
but am the complete expression of love.
1 John 4:16

And it is my desire to lavish my love on you.
1 John 3:1

Simply because you are my child
and I am your Father.
1 John 3:1

I offer you more than your earthly father ever could.
Matthew 7:11

For I am the perfect father.
Matthew 5:48

Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand.
James 1:17

For I am your provider and I meet all your needs.
Matthew 6:31-33

My plan for your future has always been filled with hope.
Jeremiah 29:11

Because I love you with an everlasting love.
Jeremiah 31:3

My thoughts toward you are countless
as the sand on the seashore.
Psalms 139:17-18

And I rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17

I will never stop doing good to you.
Jeremiah 32:40

For you are my treasured possession.
Exodus 19:5

I desire to establish you
with all my heart and all my soul.
Jeremiah 32:41

And I want to show you great and marvelous things.
Jeremiah 33:3

If you seek me with all your heart,
you will find me.
Deuteronomy 4:29

Delight in me and I will give you
the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

For it is I who gave you those desires.
Philippians 2:13

I am able to do more for you
than you could possibly imagine.
Ephesians 3:20

For I am your greatest encourager.
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

I am also the Father who comforts you
in all your troubles.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4

When you are brokenhearted,
I am close to you.
Psalm 34:18

As a shepherd carries a lamb,
I have carried you close to my heart.
Isaiah 40:11

One day I will wipe away
every tear from your eyes.
Revelation 21:3-4

And I'll take away all the pain
you have suffered on this earth.
Revelation 21:3-4

I am your Father, and I love you
even as I love my son, Jesus.
John 17:23

For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed.
John 17:26

He is the exact representation of my being.
Hebrews 1:3

He came to demonstrate that I am for you,
not against you.
Romans 8:31

And to tell you that I am not counting your sins.
2 Corinthians 5:18-19

Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled.
2 Corinthians 5:18-19

His death was the ultimate expression
of my love for you.
1 John 4:10

I gave up everything I loved
that I might gain your love.
Romans 8:31-32

If you receive the gift of my son Jesus,
you receive me.
1 John 2:23

And nothing will ever separate you
from my love again.
Romans 8:38-39

Come home and I'll throw the biggest party
heaven has ever seen.
Luke 15:7

I have always been Father,
and will always be Father.
Ephesians 3:14-15

My question is…
Will you be my child?
John 1:12-13

I am waiting for you.
Luke 15:11-32

Love, Your Dad
Almighty God

here is the link you can listen to the father's love letter to you:




30-12-10, 14:30
Heavenly Father I forgive Genie for think you had forsaken her, Heavenly Father thank you for your precious daughter Genie, Heavenly Father I pray that you are with her every moment of the day. I pray that you lift this illness gasteroenteritis and put your healing hans on Genie. I also ask Father that you give Genie your guidance, strength to see each task through. Give her your warmth, love and kindess and patience. I pray this in your precious name Yahushua. Amen.

31-12-10, 04:25
Heavenly Father I thank you for ladybird, heavenly father I pray that you give ladybird your strength and courage to get through the whole day. I pray that you are with ladybird all day. I pray this in your precious name Yahushua. amen.

31-12-10, 04:30
Heavenly Father I forgive myself for arguing with my daughter Fiona, Heavenly Father I thank you for Fiona, Father I ask that you are with Fiona and give her your strength, courage and to be with her as this job hangs in the balance, I pray that you guide her boss to keeping Fiona on Father. I pray this in your precious name Yahushua, Amen.

Heavenly Father Thank you for helping me to get through to here today, Father I ask you help me get through today as this is my mom's anerversary of her passing 13 years ago. I think it much harder as my dad is no longer here either. I put myself into your hands Father. I pray this in your precious name Yahushua, Amen.

02-01-11, 01:55
Power of your love

Lord I come to You
Let my heart be changed, renewed
Flowing from the grace
That i have found in You
And Lord I have come to know
The weakenesses I see in me
Will be stripped away
By the power of Your love

*Hold me close
Let Your love surround me
Bring me near
Draw me to Your side
And as I wait
I will rise up like the eagle
And I will soar with You
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love

2.Lord unveil my eyes
Let me see You face to face
The knowledge of Your love
As You live in me
And Lord renew my mind
As Your will unfolds in my life
In living every day
By the power of Your love

(repeat chorus twice)
And I will soar with You
Your Spirit leads me on
In the power of Your love

03-01-11, 22:19
Heavenly Father thank you for PoppyC, Heavenly Father I pray that you are with PoppyC, give her your strength and guidance, patience, Heavenly Father i also ask that you give PoppyC Peace in her mind and Peace in her heart at this rough time, I also ask that you are with her father. I put all this situation into your hands heavenly Father. I pray this in your precious name Yahushua Amen.

04-01-11, 15:47
Above All

Above all powers
Above all kings
Above all nature
And all created things
Above all wisdom
And all the ways of man
You were here
Before the world began

Above all kingdoms
Above all thrones
Above all wonders
The world has ever known
Above all wealth
And treasures of the earth
There's no way to measure
What You're worth

Laid behind a stone
You lived to die
Rejected and alone
Like a rose
Trampled on the ground
You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all

Above all powers
Above all kings
Above all nature
And all created things
Above all wisdom
And all the ways of man
You were here
Before the world began

Above all kingdoms
Above all thrones
Above all wonders
The world has ever known
Above all wealth
And treasures of the earth
There's no way to measure
What You're worth

Laid behind a stone
You lived to die
Rejected and alone
Like a rose
Trampled on the ground
You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all

Laid behind a stone
You lived to die
Rejected and alone
Like a rose
Trampled on the ground
You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all

Like a rose
Trampled on the ground
You took the fall
And thought of me
Above all

04-01-11, 16:09
Heavenly Father I forgive myself for giving myself such a hard time, when I do something wrong. Heavenly Father Thank you for this beautiful place Paisley.
Heavenly Father I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ, that you are with them, give them guidance, and more of them come together and stand together put all our differences aside. Pray this in your precious name Yahushua. Amen.

Heavenly Father Thank you for No More Panic, and the Admin staff, Modaritors.
Heavenly Father I pray that you bless them each day through out the year ahead.
I pray this in your name Yahushua. Amen.

04-01-11, 22:33
Heavenly Father thank you for nmp, Heavenly Father I pray that your with all Admin staff, mods and their members, I pray that you give them all your strength,peace in thier hearts and peace in thier minds. Heavenly Father give them all your comfort and bless everyone abundantly with more of your power holy spirit. I pray this in your name Yahushua. Amen

04-01-11, 22:53

05-01-11, 16:53
Thinking of Jo Yeats' family and that justice is done for her terrible murder.

05-01-11, 21:43
Heavenly Father I forgive myself for thinking the horrible thoughts, that I think right now. Heaven Father thank you for Jo Yeats. Father I pray that you are with Jo Yeats family, I put this family into your hands. Heavenly Father I pray that you give this family strength and wisdom. I pray this in your name Yahushua, Amen.

paula lynne
05-01-11, 23:30
Hope you feel better soon Yvonne. With God on your side, you cant lose! Read your favourite scriptures.......youre in my thoughts love x

05-01-11, 23:44
Hope you feel better soon Yvonne. With God on your side, you cant lose! Read your favourite scriptures.......youre in my thoughts love x

Hi Paula lynne,

Thank you for your kind words and encouragments, very much appreciated, thanks.

I will read my favourite scriptures, go do that now, thanks.



05-01-11, 23:48
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed
he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.
For each scene he noticed two sets of
footprints in the sand: one belonging
to him, and the other to the LORD.


When the last scene of his life flashed before him,
he looked back at the footprints in the sand.

He noticed that many times along the path of
his life there was only one set of footprints.


He also noticed that it happened at the very
lowest and saddest times in his life.

This really bothered him and he
questioned the LORD about it:

"LORD, you said that once I decided to follow
you, you'd walk with me all the way.
But I have noticed that during the most
troublesome times in my life,
there is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why when
I needed you most you would leave me."


The LORD replied:

"My son, my precious child,
I love you and I would never leave you.
During your times of trial and suffering,
when you see only one set of footprints,
it was then that I carried you."


05-01-11, 23:50
the above is my fav, Footprints in the sand, I replace him with her and son with daughter. Thank you Ladybird64 for reminding me of my fav words that I use and are so true.

06-01-11, 00:19
Heavenly Father thank you for all the people who wrote beautiful poems, who turned them into songs with beautiful music. Heavenly Father I pray that you are with the people who do not have a roof over thier heads, who are out there in the cold. Heavenly father I pray that you are there with them carrying them through whatever troubles they have. I pray that you pour your power of your holy spirirt into thier hearts and keep them warm Father. I pray this in your precious name Yahushua Amen.

06-01-11, 10:42
Heavenly Father I forgive those people who harm animals. I release those people who harm animal into your hands Father. I pray that the air that animals breath will not affect anymore animals. I pray that animals of the sea will survive and not be poisioned with you know Heavenly Father what it is. I place all animals into your hands.in your precious name Yahushua, Amen.

06-01-11, 18:12
That's a really beautiful poem Yvonne. Thanks for sharing it.

The one thing that angers me the most is cruelty to helpless animals. I can't bear to see it and I doubt I'd have much mercy for the perpetrators :mad:

06-01-11, 18:28
Hi Mel,

thank you for your kind words, very much appreciated, thanks.

as for the animals, I cant stand it, it breaks my heart to think that people could be so cruel, I could say more, not going too.


06-01-11, 20:50
http://dl2.glitter-graphics.net/pub/874/874712vgdhk9dhdy.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/%3Ca%20href=)
[/URL][URL="http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/%3Ca%20href="]http://dl3.glitter-graphics.net/pub/450/450923x8bixe39se.jpg (http://www.glitter-works.org/)

06-01-11, 20:52
I just feel so much for these animals over thousands of animals lost thier lifes. how could anyone be so cruel.

06-01-11, 21:51
Philippians 13:4 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

07-01-11, 02:53
Heavenly Father thank you for Mishel, father I pray that you are with Mishel tonigh and for the whole month, give her strength, comfort to know that you are there and that Mishel is not all alone. I pray this in your precious name yahushua Amen.

07-01-11, 21:02
Thank You Yvonne, for the prayer for me. It means a lot.

07-01-11, 21:47
Thank You Yvonne, for the prayer for me. It means a lot.

Hi PoppyC,

you are very welcome,



07-01-11, 21:52
Heavenly Father I forgive myself for being upset with certain things. Heavenly Father thank you for all my freinds on no more panic who have prayed for me, Heavenly Father I ask that you bless each one on this website, all my friends, all the people who come on here for support, love and caring. I also ask that you bless all the ones who look after the running of this amazing website, bless admin staff, the mods, and the person who keeps the maintance of this website cause a lot of work goes into the up running of a website. Heavenly Father I do what it's like to keep an up running of a website. it's hard work. Father I ask that you giver everyone here your strength, patience and peace in thier hearts and thier minds. I pray this in you precious name. Yahushua Amen.

07-01-11, 21:57
Heavenly Father thank you for the snow which is not too heavy, which is good. I pray that it happens in the summer and not a sabbath, Father you know what this is, I place this into your hands. Father I also pray for my Uncle Franco & Aunt May, give them both more strength to see each day through, I place Franco & May into your hands Father. I ask that you fill them both with your power holy spirit and be there with them, as it is hard work being a carer, give Aunt May more strength to see each day through. I pray for this in your precious name Yahushua. Amen.

Heavenly Father just want to walk a closer walk with thee, thank you for carrying me and everyone when they go through rough times. you are always there heavenly father. I pray this in your name Yahushua. Amen.

07-01-11, 21:59
A closer walk with thee

I am weak but Thou art strong
Jesus keep me from all wrong
I'll be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to Thee

Just a closer walk with Thee
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
Daily walking close to Thee
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be

When my feeble life is o'er
Time for me shall be no more
Guide me gently, safely o'er
To Thy kingdom抯 shore, to Thy shore

When life's sun sinks in the west
Lord, may I have done my best
May I find sweet peace and rest
In that happy home of the blessed

07-01-11, 22:28
Heavenly Father I thank you for Sarah 85, Father I ask that you are with Sarah 85 at this sad time, father I also ask that your are with Sarah 85 friend too, and thier families, give them strength, peace in thier hearts, peace in thier minds and wisdom. Heavenly Father I put this sad time into your hands father, I also ask that you give them a comforting hug to let them know that you are there right beside them. I pray this in your precious name Yahushua Amen.

08-01-11, 11:54
Heavenly Father I forgive the weather for snowing, Heavenly Father thank you for Dsaundo2010, Heavenly Father I pray that you are with Dsundo2010 at this time of not knowing where Dsaundo2010 dad is, I pray the you put peace in dsaundo2010's heart and Peace in thier mind. I also pray that your are with dsaundo2010's dad and guide both of them together so that dad can be found, I place dad and dsaundo2010 into your hands. I pray this in your precious name. Yahushua. Amen.

08-01-11, 14:55
Heavenly Father thank you for strikeman, Heavenly Father I ask you to put your healing hands on strikeman and lift that chest infection. Heavenly Father I pray that you are with strikeman through each day and I place strikeman into your hands father. I pray father you give strkeman peace of heart and peace of mind. I pray this in your precious name. Yahushua. Amen.

08-01-11, 18:46
Lord thank you that your name is here on this forum.
I pray for every one on this forum
I pray for those that do not yet know you that they come to know you as the true and living God.
I pray for all those who are in pain, struggling, or hurt may they drew close to you
In Jesus name Amen

09-01-11, 23:32
Heavenly Father I forgive myslef for being panicky just going to the car and back. Heavenly Father I thank you for Paula lynne, Father I ask that you are with Paula Lynne at this time, Heavenly Father I place Paula Lynne and her dad into your hands. Father you know what the outcome is, Heavenly Father I pray that you give Paula Lynne strength, patience and peace of mind and peace in her heart. Father I also pray for Paula Lynne's sister, I ask that you are with her too, show the whole family that your are there with your care, love and kindness. Heavenly Father I pray that you pour your power of your holy spirit over Paula Lynne and put your arms around Paula Lynne she needs your hugs father. I pray this in your precius name Yehushua Amen.

10-01-11, 07:00
Heavenly Father I forgive my dad for saying all those words of negativity into my life, I releasse my dad into your hands. I also forgive my dad for passing on, at the right time. Heavenly Father I thank you for my dad, who in his own way showed his love and caring for me in ways you would not expect it. Heavenly Father I ask for peace of heart, comfort, your love, and patience and peace of mind. For your guidance in what to do next, whatever you want me to do Heavenly Father. I pray this in your precious name Yehushua Amen.

10-01-11, 07:42
You were not a mistake,
for all your days are written in my book.
Psalm 139:15-16

I am also the Father who comforts you
in all your troubles.
2 Corinthians 1:3-4

When you are brokenhearted,
I am close to you.
Psalm 34:18

One day I will wipe away
every tear from your eyes.
Revelation 21:3-4

And nothing will ever separate you
from my love again.
Romans 8:38-39

10-01-11, 09:13
Who is there like you

Who is there like You
And who else would give their life for me
Even suffering in my place
And who could repay You
All of creation looks to You
And You provide for all You have made

So I'm lifting up my hands
Lifting up my voice
Lifting up Your name
And in Your grace I rest
For Your love has come to me
And set me free
And I'm trusting in Your word
Trusting in Your cross
Trusting in Your blood
And all Your faithfulness
For Your power at work in me
Is changing me

10-01-11, 23:25
Heavenly Father thank you for PoppyC, Heavenly Father I pray that you are with PoppyC at this time of year. give her your strength, to see each day through. Heavenly Father I also pray that you carry PoppyC at this time, when only your footprints on the sand carrying PoppyC through this rough time. Father God give PoppyC your guidance, peace of mind and peace in her heart. I pray this in your precious name. Yehushua. Amen.

10-01-11, 23:29
Heavenly Father thank you for Mel, Heavenly Father I pray that you are with Mel through each day's up's and downs. Heavenly Father I also ask that you fill Mel's cup of more of your power of holy spirit to overflowing. I pray this in your precious name Yehushua. Amen.

paula lynne
10-01-11, 23:35
Yvonne, thank you for my prayer, youre such a special lady x:hugs:

11-01-11, 00:02
Something Inside So Strong

The higher you build your barriers
The taller I become
The farther you take my rights away
The faster I will run
You can deny me
You can decide to turn your face away
No matter, cos there's....

Something inside so strong
I know that I can make it
Tho' you're doing me wrong, so wrong
You thought that my pride was gone
Oh no, something inside so strong
Oh oh oh oh oh something inside so strong

The more you refuse to hear my voice
The louder I will sing
You hide behind walls of Jericho
Your lies will come tumbling
Deny my place in time
You squander wealth that's mine
My light will shine so brightly
It will blind you
Cos there's......

Something inside so strong
I know that I can make it
Tho' you're doing me wrong, so wrong
You thought that my pride was gone
Oh no, something inside so strong
Oh oh oh oh oh something inside so strong

Brothers and sisters
When they insist we're just not good enough
When we know better
Just look 'em in the eyes and say
I'm gonna do it anyway
I'm gonna do it anyway

Something inside so strong
And I know that I can make it
Tho' you're doing me wrong, so wrong
You thought that my pride was gone
Oh no, something inside so strong
Oh oh oh oh oh something inside so strong

Brothers and sisters
When they insist we're just good not enough
When we know better
Just look 'em in the eyes and say
I'm gonna do it anyway
I'm gonna do it anyway
I'm gonna do it anyway
I'm gonna do it anyway

Because there's something inside so strong
And I know that I can make it
Tho' you're doing me, so wrong
You thought that my pride was gone
Oh no, something inside so strong
Oh oh oh oh oh something inside so strong

Because there's something inside so strong
And I know that I can make it
Tho' you're doing me, so wrong
You thought that my pride was gone
Oh no, something inside so strong
Oh oh oh oh oh something inside so strong

11-01-11, 00:03
Yvonne, thank you for my prayer, youre such a special lady x:hugs:

Hi Paula Lynne,

you are very welcome, thank you for your kind words. very much appreciated, thanks.



11-01-11, 00:31
Heavenly Father I am not excusining what the shop keeper did, in order to move on Father I forgive the shop keeper for hurting my son. Father God I place into your hands this shop keeper. Father God you know what to do, and you know what the best way forward is. Father God I release this shop keeper into your hands. I pray this in your precious name Yehushua Amen.

11-01-11, 00:33
May I ask prayers for my best friend? MW has been my rock these last few years as I've struggled with anxiety. He is diabetic and has been taking oral medication to keep his blood sugar under control. Lately, it seems to have stopped working, with his glucose levels remaining very high two and three hours after consuming an intentionally low carb meal. He's attempting to secure an appointment with his doctor this week to see if he can get a prescription for something stronger and not have to go on insulin injections. Please pray that his doctor will be guided to provide the most appropriate treatment for my friend.

11-01-11, 00:39
May I ask prayers for my best friend? MW has been my rock these last few years as I've struggled with anxiety. He is diabetic and has been taking oral medication to keep his blood sugar under control. Lately, it seems to have stopped working, with his glucose levels remaining very high two and three hours after consuming an intentionally low carb meal. He's attempting to secure an appointment with his doctor this week to see if he can get a prescription for something stronger and not have to go on insulin injections. Please pray that his doctor will be guided to provide the most appropriate treatment for my friend.

Hi mtatum4496,

of course I will pray.

Heavenly Father I thank you for mtatum4496 and MW, Father God I pray that you are with MW and that you give him your strength, patience and peace of mind and peace of heart. Father I also pray that his doctor will be guided into doing the right thing for his patient, I put this situation into your hands father God. I pray this in your precious name Yehushua. Amen.

I hope your friend gets the treatement that he needs for is diabetic needs.


11-01-11, 00:51
Yvonne, thank you so much!:hugs:

11-01-11, 10:31
Hi mtatum4496,

your very welcome.

Yvonne :hugs:

11-01-11, 23:18
Heavenly Father I forgive myslef for thinking negative, and feeling not worth it. Heavenly Father thank you hard times to come, through you we will get through them.
Heavenly Father I pray for all those people who are affected by those floods, I put these people into your hands Father. I also pray that you are with those people's families, at such a sad and terrible time, help each person through these harsh times. I pray that you guide them to turn to you for help and support. I pray that people will receive support and help, through love and compassion from people who can help these people. I pray this in your precious name. Yehushua Amen.

11-01-11, 23:44
Heavenly Father thank you for good sleep. Heavenly Father I pray for all those people who are being employed by ATo's Healthcare system, I pray that they do not ignore any of the claimiants who are already on benefits and the ones to come onto benefits, those who really need it, will continue to recieve thier benefits. I pray that these people who do get full time employment with the 140 Ato's center's across the uk. that they will be full of understanding, caring, have compassion to see that there is more to this. I also put all this into your hands heavenly father. I pray this in your name Yehushua. Amen.

13-01-11, 00:53
Heavenly Father I forgive my nephew for driving me up the wall, Heavenly Father thank you for such a good day today. Heavenly Father I pray that I can wake up early tomorrow for my meeting and appointment. I also ask that the room our meeting is in will be lovely and warm and not freezing cold like last time. Father God I pray that I can take the accounts back and keep the accounts uptodate. Heavenly Father I also ask that you give me strength to meet the new guy who is going to support me with the accounts. I have met him once, though was panicky, I put this situation into your hands. Father God, I would like to cope when I have to hand over the accounts to be audited, that they are correctly up to date. now that the meets are back to once a month. Father God I ask you to be with me tomorrow, as I have to show them about A.R.K. Academy Schools, I put this situation into your hands. I pray this in your precious name Yehushua. Amen.

13-01-11, 00:57
Heavenly Father Thank you for the people at house group, Father God I pray that those who are ill, will feel better soon, and that house group will be back on next week. Heavenly Father I also ask that you pour your power of your holy spirit into thier hearts to be refreshed and well again. I pray this in your precious name Yehushua Amen.

13-01-11, 16:07
Heavenly Father Thank you for wonderful day today. Thank you for giving me something inside so strong, my confidence back. Heavenly Father all the honor goes to you father. I pray this in your precious name Yehushua. Amen.

13-01-11, 16:24
The 79-year-old lollipop lady at my kids' old primary school was knocked down today and is very ill. Please God, bring her though this and be with her and her family.

13-01-11, 16:30
The 79-year-old lollipop lady at my kids' old primary school was knocked down today and is very ill. Please God, bring her though this and be with her and her family.

sorry to hear that JaneC, I pray too.

heavenly Father thank you for lollypop lady who helps parents, children across the road, I pray that your put your healing hands on precious lollypop lady, Father God I put this lovely lollypop lady into your hands, you know what plans you have for this lovely lollypop lady who helps cross your children father. I pray this in your precious name Yehushua. Amen.


13-01-11, 16:43
Thankyou Yvonne xxxx

13-01-11, 19:08
Your very welcome JaneC.

13-01-11, 21:17
I have just found this thread and think it is absolutely wonderful and so so nice of u 2 do Yvonne. I wonder if I could ask 4 a request? My grampa had an operation 2day, and I just wish him a speedy recovery with no complications, also my mum is going into hospital tomorrow and I just hope that her procedure goes well and that nothing shows up. Thank u so much xx

13-01-11, 21:38
I have just found this thread and think it is absolutely wonderful and so so nice of u 2 do Yvonne. I wonder if I could ask 4 a request? My grampa had an operation 2day, and I just wish him a speedy recovery with no complications, also my mum is going into hospital tomorrow and I just hope that her procedure goes well and that nothing shows up. Thank u so much xx

Hi Emma,

of course I will pray for your mom and grampa.

Heavenly Father thank you for Emma, Father God I pray that Emma's Grampa operartion was succcessful and that he has a very good speedy recovery and I placy Emma's Grampa into your hands Father. Father God I also Ask that you are with Emma's mom through her time in the hospital, I place Emma's mom into your hands father. I pray that you give Emma strength to cope with all this, through you father your will be done. Father I also ask that you are with Emma's Grampa and mom through thier stay in hospital. I pray all this in your precious name Yehushua. Amen.

I hope your Grampa and mom feel better soon.



13-01-11, 22:12
Thank u so much :hugs:

13-01-11, 22:14
Hi Emma,

you are very welcome. :hugs:


13-01-11, 22:16
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii this is such a wonderful post xxxxx

could you please pray for my daughter kerrylouise she is still having a bad time with her bladder/urine infections and it is really getting her down (and me) xxxx

thank you so very very very much xxxxxx i do so appreciate if you can xxxxxxx

14-01-11, 17:41
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii this is such a wonderful post xxxxx

could you please pray for my daughter kerrylouise she is still having a bad time with her bladder/urine infections and it is really getting her down (and me) xxxx

thank you so very very very much xxxxxx i do so appreciate if you can xxxxxxx

Hi calm,

sure I pray for your daughter kerrylouise.

Heavenly father thank you for calm and daughter kerrylouise, Father God I put Kerrylouise into your hands, and I ask you to put your healing hands on Kerrylouise and lift any bladder pain, take away the urine infections. I also ask that you give Kerrylouise and Calm strength to see each day through. I pray this in your precious name Yehushua amen.


14-01-11, 17:44
Heavenly Father Thank you for Nicola your precious daughter, Heavenly Father I ask that you are with Nicola at this time, Father I place Nicola into your hands, Father you know your plans for Nicola, Heavenly father I ask you to close this door gently and open the new door and guide Nicola through the new openings that you have planned for her life and the new way forward. I also ask that you give Nicola strength to see each day through one at a time. Give her your guidance father and peace in her heart and peace in her mind. I pray this in your precious name Yehushua. Amen.

15-01-11, 16:37
http://s.bebo.com/img/vid.gifFootprints?.A New Version

Imagine you and the Lord Jesus are walking down the road together. For much of the way, the Lord?s footprints go along steadily, consistently, rarely varying the pace. But your footprints are a disorganised stream of zigzags, starts, stops, turnarounds, circles, departures and returns. For much of the way, it seems to go like this, but gradually your footprints come more in line with the Lord?s soon paralleling his consistently. You and Jesus are walking as true friends! This seems perfect, but then an interesting thing happens:
Your footprints that once etched the sand next to Jesus? are now walking precisely in his step. Inside his larger footprints are your smaller ones, you and Jesus are becoming one. This goes on for many miles, but gradually you notice another change. The footprints inside the larger footprints seem to grow larger. Eventually they disappear altogether. There is only one set of footprints ? they have become one. This goes on for a long time, but suddenly the second set of footprints are back. This time is seems even worse! Zigzags all over the place stops, starts, Gashes in the sand. A variable mess of prints. You are amazed and shocked. Your dream ends. Now you pray:
?Lord, I understand the first scene, with zigzags, and that fits. I was a new Christian; I was just learning. But you walked on through the storm and helped me learn to walk with you?
?That?s correct.?
?And when the smaller footprints were inside yours, I was actually learning to walk in your steps, following you very closely.?
?Very good? You have understood everything so far.?
?When the smaller footprints grew and filled in yours, I suppose that I was becoming like you in every way.?
?So, Lord, was there a regression or something? The footprints separated, and this time it was worse than at first.?
There is a pause as the Lord answers, with a smile in his voice.
?You didn?t know? It was then that we danced!?
To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.
A time to weep, a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance. Ecclesiastes 3:14.

Funny how you can sent a thousand ?jokes? through email and they spread like wildfire, but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing. Funny isn?t it? Are you laughing? Are you thinking? Spread the Word and give thanks to the Lord for he is good! Funny isn?t it, when you go to forward this message, how many on your list are not receiving it because you?re not sure they believe in anything? Sad. It?s not WHAT you have on your life but Whom you have in your life that counts? Think about that.


I asked for a flower,
He gave me a garden.
I asked for a tree,
He gave me a forest.
I asked for a river,
He gave me an ocean.
I asked for a friend,
He gave me ?YOU.?

Send this to whomever you think of as a friend??I did.

15-01-11, 16:42

God's Love is just a stone's throw away.

(An overheard conversation between God and one of His children)

Good Morning God.
Good Morning my child.
Is that harp music I am hearing?
Sure is.
Do you mean to tell me that there is really harp music in Heaven?
Yes there certainly is. And we have all kinds of other beautiful music, as well as majestic mountains, and it's full of My peace and joy wherever you go. All the people as well as My angels are kind to one another and love one another. It's actually quite lovely if I don't say so Myself. So, what's on your mind today?
Well, I was wondering if You could help me with something.
Sure, with what?
Why are you asking me? I thought You knew everything already?
Don't You have every hair on my head numbered, and You know when every sparrow falls, and don't you say in Your word that you know what I have need of before I ask You?
I do
Okay, then You tell me what it is I want from You.
You want me to help you reach out to those who don?t believe in ME.
That's it! How did You know?
I am God
Oh yeah! I forget sometimes.
So do others at times...so continue.
God, it seems there are so many out there losing their faith in You or who don't believe in Your Son. I even have friends and family that I care about that don't even believe You exist, and I want to do something about it. I want them to go to heaven.
I know you do, I appreciate that about you, and I already have an answer for you.
Great, what is it?
If I tell you, will you do something with it?
Sure I will. Remember I'm the one who asked you.
Ok then I'll tell you, here it is, it is really quite simple. Are you ready?
I want you to throw a rock.
Throw a rock? I don?t get it. I thought you were against all the violence in our world.
That's what people did when Your Son walked the earth and He said, "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone". Why would You tell me to throw a stone when You told others back then- not to?
I don?t mean throw a stone at those who don?t believe in me. Killing, Judging, or causing injury to others doesn't help anyone. It completely goes against everything that My kingdom stands for and just causes those who don?t believe in me to stumble even more in their doubt and unbelief.
Ok, so what do You mean by, "throw a stone"?
I'm glad you asked. But first let me ask you a question. What happens when you throw a stone in a body of water?
It skips. As a matter of fact-I once skipped a rock 22 times.
Yes, a stone may skip, depending on how you throw it. But that is not what I'm talking about. I mean if you just toss a stone in the water. What occurs?
A big splash?
Yes, this is true, and what if you throw in a small pebble?
A little splash?
Yes, but that is still not exactly the answer I'm looking for
What is the result that is made after you throw it in?
Ummm...let me see, oh now I get it?.it makes waves and ripples
Congratulations, now you've got it.
Ok, but what does that have to do with me reaching the lost. You're the One that told me to do my best to reach them, and to be honest with you I'm having quite a difficult time.
As you know, I came to seek and save the lost. As any good shepherd, I sometimes leave the 99 since they already have each other, and go after the one who is lost and alone. I try to convince them through others to come home before the wolf tries to grab them.
Yes, I know, and that is why I want to have a part in helping You.
You do help me.
Well, I don?t feel like I'm making much of an impact.
That is why I told you to throw a rock. You see my child, if you'll do your little part by throwing the rock.
I will make the waves and ripples.
Big ones and small ones.
Ok, so how do I do it?
You just did it!
What do you mean?
If even one person is reading our conversation then your one rock throw has already been very effective. Even now I'm speaking to many and touching their heart, and giving them reasons to believe that I love them.
I never thought of it that way.
Well it's about time you did. For every rock you throw - I will use it to build up my kingdom. If everyone begins to throw all the rocks that I give them, very soon my house will be completely built.
Wow, I guess every little thing we do for you in love does have an impact. I guess it doesn't matter how small or how big as long as we throw the rock?
You're getting it, but remember, it never does any good if it doesn't leave your hand, no rock - no ripples.
So now what do you want me to do with this new revelation?
It's not exactly new. As a matter of truth, it is as old as time itself. Simply go throw a few rocks of kindness to others, go encourage someone, give something away, share my word with those you meet. And most importantly tell them about my Son and His love for them...and then ask them to share the same. Remember - you just throw the rock
- I'll make the waves.
Thanks Dad
You're welcome my child, anything else?
Let me think about it and I'll get back with You.
Deal. By the way; you skipped that rock 17 times?
You're awesome God.
,... and so are you.
I love you God.
My Child..I love you too! Talk to you soon.

Copyright 2007 Bart Druckenmillerhttp://s.bebo.com/img/vid.gif

15-01-11, 17:40
Heavenly Father thank you for long lie in, Heavenly Father I pray that I get up tomorrow morning for church. Heavenly father I also pray that you bless my daughters and my sons, give them your guidance through whatever it is they are going through, heavenly father you know what it is in thier hearts, what plans you have for them. Heavenly father I put my children into your hands. I ask you to pour more of your power of your holy spirit into thier hearts. I pray this in your precious name Yehushua amen.

16-01-11, 08:09
Heavenly Father I forgive myself for goiing to delete the gratitude for attitude thread. I release myself to you Father and any anger, bitterness or revenge I may have towards myself. I place myself into your hands Father. I ask for your forgiveness, and to cleans me from all un pure stuff. Father God I ask that through you I get this personal appointment with you and the two counsellors to help me through this time. Through your guidance father. I pray all this in your precious name Yehushua. Amen.

17-01-11, 09:45
Heavenly Father thank you for helping me to wake up this morning. Heavenly Father I pray that you are with me in my driving test, I also ask that you give me peace in my heart and peace in my mind. Father God I hope I do all the right things at the right time, and no mistakes, no big major mistakes. I leave all this in your hands Father God, with your guidance I will get through today. I pray that the examiner is though strict, and easying going. which makes the difference. I pray this in your name Yehushua. Amen.

17-01-11, 09:50
Heavenly Father I also pray that I dont become ill during my test today. I dont want what happened last time. cause it affects your judgement not being well. I put any illness into your hands, that I wont have any of it. I pray this in your precious name. Yehusua. Amen.

17-01-11, 11:00
Please God, be with Yvonne this afternoon and give her strength for her test.

17-01-11, 11:50
Thank you JaneC, very sweet. I very much appreciate, this thanks.

17-01-11, 13:43
this is so wonderfull and very relaxing to read, can i ask when you pray do you have to speak out loud , im not a prayer but have know so many to turn to it. im like the rest on here panic anxiety agroaphobia, but i feel selfish to ask for prayer as there others that need it most, i feel it shouldnt be me that has one as i should try and put my children first as they have a crap life as i cant take them out ect,, they go out with there dad or nan. so maybe a prayer for them just to have a wonderfull life and i dont restict them.

17-01-11, 17:01
this is so wonderfull and very relaxing to read, can i ask when you pray do you have to speak out loud , im not a prayer but have know so many to turn to it. im like the rest on here panic anxiety agroaphobia, but i feel selfish to ask for prayer as there others that need it most, i feel it shouldnt be me that has one as i should try and put my children first as they have a crap life as i cant take them out ect,, they go out with there dad or nan. so maybe a prayer for them just to have a wonderfull life and i dont restict them.

Hi Bomberbeamish,

when I pray in a group of people I pray out loud, if I'm praying in a personal prayer, I do it in silence, not out loud, just between heavenly father and I.

please dont feel selfish to ask for prayers if you need it, ask. no harm in asking. all I can say is yes or no. not a problem, though would be good if I knew thier names. it's ok. I do my best.

Heavenly Father thank you for bomberbeamish, Heavenly father I pray that bomberbeamish children have a wonderful life, with love, caring, patiencee,tolarance, peace in thier hearts, peace in thier young minds and your guidance heavenly father, I also pray that you are with thier mother bomberbeamish give her strength and courage to give courage to her children. I pray this in your precious name. Yehushua. Amen.



18-01-11, 08:51
Hi Bomberbeamish,

when I pray in a group of people I pray out loud, if I'm praying in a personal prayer, I do it in silence, not out loud, just between heavenly father and I.

please dont feel selfish to ask for prayers if you need it, ask. no harm in asking. all I can say is yes or no. not a problem, though would be good if I knew thier names. it's ok. I do my best.

Heavenly Father thank you for bomberbeamish, Heavenly father I pray that bomberbeamish children have a wonderful life, with love, caring, patiencee,tolarance, peace in thier hearts, peace in thier young minds and your guidance heavenly father, I also pray that you are with thier mother bomberbeamish give her strength and courage to give courage to her children. I pray this in your precious name. Yehushua. Amen.



thank you so much,, my name is lucy and my girls are called jordan and teagan xxxx

18-01-11, 16:17
thank you so much,, my name is lucy and my girls are called jordan and teagan xxxx

Hi Lucy,

thank you for your beautiful daughter names, they are absolutley beautiful names.

Heavenly Father I thank you for Lucy your precious daughter. Father God i pray that you are there for Jordan & Teagan your precious daughters, I also ask Father that Jordan & Teagan have laughter, enjoyment, peace in thier hearts, and peace in thier minds, that they will be encourged through life, and will be able to take each day in thier strides. Father God I also Ask that you give Lucy your guidance and love. Through you Father God this beautiful family with have a great and wonderful time going to life's mysteriees. I pray this in your precious name Yehushua. Amen.



18-01-11, 16:20
Heavenly Father thank you for my daughter Charlene, Heavenly Father I pray that Charlene finally sees that she has a Gift at Art now that her protrait is going into the Museum & Art Gallieries. Father God I pray that Charlene will have the strength, peace in her heart and peace in her mind, that she will enjoy the launch of her Art work being displayed for all to see. I pray that you are with her on that day, and that she will know that you are with her. I pray this in your name Yehushua Amen.

20-01-11, 17:28
> Installing Love very clever.
> Tech Support: Yes, how can I help you?
> Customer: Well , after much consideration, I've decided to install Love.
> Can you guide me through the process?
> Tech Support: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?
> Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready. What do I
> do first?
> Tech Support: The first step is to open your Heart. Have you located your
> Heart?
> Customer: Yes, but there are several other programs running now. Is it okay
> to install Love while they are Running?
> Tech Support: What programs are running?
> Customer: Let's see, I have Past Hurt, Low Self-Esteem, Grudge and
> Resentment running right now.
> TechSupport: No problem, Love will gradually erase Past Hurt from your
> current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory but it will
> no longer Disrupt other programs. Love will eventually override Low
> Self-Esteem with a module of its own called High Self-Esteem. However, you
> have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment. Those programs prevent
> Love from being properly installed. Can you turn those off?
> Customer: I don't Know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how?
> Tech Support: With pleasure. Go to your start menu and invoke Forgiveness.
> Do this as many times as necessary until Grudge and Resentment have been
> completely erased.
> I loved this!
> Customer: Okay, done! Love has started installing itself. Is that normal?
> Tech Support: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program. You
> need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order to get the upgrades.
> Customer: Oops! I have an error message already. It says, "Error - Program
> not running on internal components." What should I do?
> Tech Support: Don't worry. It means that the Love program is set up to run
> on Internal Hearts, but has not yet been run on your Heart. In non-technical
> terms, it simply means you have to Love yourself before you can Love others.
> Customer: So, what should I do?
> Tech Support: Pull down Self-Acceptance; then click on the following
> files: Forgive-Self; Realize Your Worth; and Acknowledge your Limitations.
> Customer: Okay, done.
> Tech Support: Now, copy them to the "My Heart" directory. The system will
> overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming.
> Also, you need to delete Verbose Self-Criticism from all directories and
> empty your Recycle Bin to make sure it is completely gone and never comes
> back.
> Customer: Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with new files. Smile is
> playing on my monitor and Peace and Contentment are copying themselves all
> over My Heart. Is this normal?
> Tech Support: Sometimes. For others it takes awhile, but eventually
> everything gets it at the proper time. So Love is installed and running.
> One more thing before We hang up. Love is Freeware. Be sure to give it and
> its various modules toeveryone you meet. They will in turn share it with
> others and return some cool modules back to you.
> Customer: Thank you, God.
> Forward on to get LOVE flowing in every HEART.
> The world will be a beautiful place once again - HEAVEN on EARTH.

20-01-11, 18:27
that's brill Yvonne! x