View Full Version : always have yellow coating tongue and

06-11-10, 16:48
When I brush it away it just comes back.
Any ideas what this could be?
& My tongue mouth, throat and stomach especially are always slightly burning. I have no idea, for months i've expected some kind of stomach inflammation

06-11-10, 16:54
Can you scrape it off?

06-11-10, 17:31
Try using antiseptic mouthwash or salt water and see if it helps. Have you mentioned this to your doctor?

06-11-10, 17:58
its all part of indigestion etc. i get it if i've been eating lots of rubbish too! x

07-11-10, 01:43
Well, my tongue looks kind of furry.
I can brush it off most of the time and yeah i can scrape it off with my teeth.
It's always worse after cups of tea, it just makes my mouth feel horrible!

07-11-10, 02:37
its all part of indigestion etc. i get it if i've been eating lots of rubbish too! x

Really? Tell us more Joanna.

07-11-10, 09:51
If you can scrape it off then it might be oral thrush. You can get a gel from the pharmacist that you can put on your tongue, however that will only deal with the candida it touches. It might be that the thrush is further down in your throat, so it will be worth popping to your doctor who can give you a pill to get rid of it.
I know it sounds worrying, but it's nothing to stress about.

07-11-10, 15:27
Yeah, probably, but I heard it's not something you get when you're healthy and can be a sign of aids or cancers.

07-11-10, 15:32
Yeah, probably, but I heard it's not something you get when you're healthy and can be a sign of aids or cancers.

Jesus MC - let's stick to the "indigestion" theory :winks:

It's very, very unlikely. Do you smoke? That can also cause discolouration along with teas/coffees.

Seriously, I wouldn't worry. Ask your GP if you're concerned.

07-11-10, 16:14

Well I quit smoking like 8 days ago for this one reason and it's still not gone anywhere :|
Sort of makes me think twice about quitting because I feel NO better in any way shape or form.
I'll ask my GP when I have my follow up appointment, mmhmm.

07-11-10, 16:19
Yes recurrent thrush infections are a sign of aids, but that's only if you keep treating it and it comes back fast.
I get recurrent thrush infections, and I'm relatively healthy, bar the anxiety that is!!
Candida is a fungus and it effects everyone regardless of their health. For instance you can get it down below if you wear man-made non breathable fabrics. Or you can get it if you have a poor diet, but otherwise healthy.
As I say it's nothing to worry about. It's just one of those things.

07-11-10, 16:31
A yellow furry tongue can be caused by rich and spicy foods, plus too much alcohol. Indigestion and stomach problems can cause it.I think dehydration can cause it as well as thrush type problems.
Its probably for the best though if you ask your gp what it is.

07-11-10, 16:47
Yeah, I'll be asking soon. Thanks guys.
Having done research I see that the burning I get can be a sign of Oral Thrush aswel.
I suspect I have something wrong with my stomach and I don't know if it's contributing.
I really feel I've got some kind of inflammation or something wrong, maybe chronic gastritis?
Probably caused by the nurofen I was taking whist on this sertraline.

07-11-10, 17:43
I have the yellowist tongue ever - and it is caused by tea for me. I would be surprised if it is an infection. Tea then mirror = very yellow tongue.

08-11-10, 09:30
my gp told me that when your stomach is over acid - (as in reflux etc) your tongue can end up being coated - don't ask me the medical know how but too much acid production can affect your digestive system end to end - mouth to bottom lol!

i am having an endoscopy on wednesday for 5 months of burning stomach/chest/abdominal pains/coated tongue etc.

and by rubbish lol i meant junk food/sweet stuff. i do generally eat healthily but if i eat a lot of sweet stuff - my tongue gets coated really easily due to the sugar etc.

it is also well known that long term use of ssris can upset your stomach and it is a no no to take asprin/neuerofen with them because they can similarly upset your stomach too xx

08-11-10, 23:44
Ok, it could be a yeast overgrowth. Thrush or candida. In actual fact, if you were to use and antibacterial mouthwash and this were the case, the bacteria would indeed be killed... along with the good bacteria. This would in turn, turn your mouth into a breeding ground for bacteria and make it worse. Ive had oral thrush. It leaves a white coating on your tongue. It also upsets your dicestion because it travels down your throat. SOmetimes it can feel uncomfortable when you swallow. Have you been on antibiotics lately? they cause thrush more often than not. Do not listen to the people that made the silly aids comment. I went down that route and it seriously is a route of paranoia. I had all the necessary conversations about it with many doctors who put me straight, but until then Id been so scared i ended up with AIDS tests. Thing is, AIDS is really quite rare when you look at it from a statistical point of view. As for the cancer theory, that is completely ill informed. The reason people have thrush symptoms with cancer is due to the cancer medication they are being treated with and not the cancer itself. I wouldnt fret too much. I had the same prob you describe for a year... for me it was due to iron deficiency from stress. Iron deficiency and anaemia also give you a white tongue, but it doen not brush off. Think about Occam's Rasor... "the simplest explanation is more likely the correct one." Easier said than done I know. Im currently fretting about my nose. Such is life. Trade your tongue prob for my nose? I could do with a change :) pm me if i can help at all x

09-11-10, 14:14
Hey MC :)
I often have a yellowy tongue. Mine tends to be because of alcohol, drinking black tea (mmm love it) or dehydration. I've noticed lots of people I know have the same thing. If I brush my tongue it takes the discolouration off but the furry bit is actually your tongue tissue so that doesn't come off!

According to a medical friend of mine on here Oral Thrush is very commonly caused by overuse of antibacterial mouthwashes. I know google likes to thrust nasty diagnoses in your face when you look up anything oral thrush related but remember that google talks a lot of total cr*p as I'm sure your Doctor will tell you :)

Take care and feel better soon.
Moonlight Xxxx