View Full Version : Reaching menopause - panic attacks worse

06-11-10, 17:12
I'm so glad I found this forum. I'm 47 and in perimenopause and my panic attacks seem to be getting worse. All the things I could do before I'm now terrified of and it's ruining my life. I feel dizzy all the time, I'm nervous about speaking in public which I have to do as I'm studying for a Masters degree. Yesterday I made such a fool of myself (which is how I found this brilliant and reassuring site) at the dentist. I had to have a very tiny filling to prevent a future root canal or possible extraction. My dentist is great and promised me it would only take ten minutes. He also said it was small enough to do without anaesthetic as I'm terrified of that numb feeling (had loads of dental work before - didn't bother me). I agreed but as soon as he tipped the chair right back and my feet were higher than my head I got dizzy and panicked. He was really nice about it but I had to ask him not to continue. Now I have to return in December to do it all over again. I know he's right and it'll get worse but I really couldn't do it. Fifteen minutes later, in the safety of my car, I felt soooo foolish and embarrassed:blush: - and bad that I could have been sitting there with it all over.

I've been getting worse since this started about five years ago and am finding I can do less and less. I suffer badly with claustrophobia and can't go in lifts or aeroplanes or small toilet cubicles - those things I've managed to avoid without much disruption to my life but the dentist thing and other 'out of control' situations that I have coped with before has really upset me.

I've got a lovely and completely understanding husband :hugs:who totally supports me - but I still feel awful about my anxiety all the time.

I'm sorry for the rant but has anyone else got really angry with themselves once they were safely out of the 'panic situation' and felt so stupid. Is there any hope of recovering from this? How?

06-11-10, 17:13
Hi pegdog

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

06-11-10, 17:27
hi pegdog - I know what you mean- once the anxiety subsides you feel foolish and can't remember what was so difficult- I expect we all feel like that afterwards. I also have got worse with menopause (in my case, the hot flushes- out of my control- especially trigger panic). I envy you the understanding husband - mine has got fed up of it all, which I can truly understand, but which doesn't help. If you are considering medication then the prozac group of antidepressants has some anti-hot flush activity too- I think this has helped me a bit. good luck.