View Full Version : we are ALL brave strong people

06-11-10, 19:29
ive been through some shit in my life,, but i will say 1 thing anxiety/depression is one of the hardest , soul destroying, debiliatating things i have ever experienced,, and i wanted to say well done to every single person here who is going through the same stuff , sometimes you may feel like you cant cope but you do every single day and that makes you strong , dont ever think your not , dont ever let anyone make you feel like your not (not even your own mind).To live with these frightening symptoms every day is a major strain its almost as if we stare death in the face everyday(ok we dont really) but its how it feels! and we are all here trying to help each other even when we feel so bad ourselves... well done everyone keep up the good work xxxx laura xxxx

06-11-10, 20:13
Well said !!!!

Anxiety is very scary and i hate it, but i know i'm not the only person who has gone through this, although sometimes i feel like i'm going to die i know i won't x x

06-11-10, 21:06
I also think that anxiety and depression can help you grow as a person. I'm far more understanding and tolerant of other peoples needs and problems now. It makes you soul search and you learn so much about yourself. So yes it is a bad thing, but it has some good sides too :)
As much as I hate to say it, I have to thank my anxiety for putting me in the position I was in otherwise I wouldn't have met my husband. Or maybe I would have met him anyway, you never know :D

07-11-10, 09:23
I also think that anxiety and depression can help you grow as a person. I'm far more understanding and tolerant of other peoples needs and problems now. It makes you soul search and you learn so much about yourself. So yes it is a bad thing, but it has some good sides too :)
As much as I hate to say it, I have to thank my anxiety for putting me in the position I was in otherwise I wouldn't have met my husband. Or maybe I would have met him anyway, you never know :D

Totally agree with that I've become a much more pleasant and understanding person with a greater interest in lifevsnd everything around me because of my anxiety. Odd isn't it.

07-11-10, 13:24
What true words, its also kind of empowering. The struggle we have at getting through every day says a lot about us as people doesn't it?

Well said laura and hope it helps everyonex

paula lynne
07-11-10, 13:51
Good positive post Laura, so true x:)

07-11-10, 15:21
sometimes i like to say that anxiety is the best thing that has ever happened to me, surely most of you will probably think im insane, but it's the only thing that forced me to learn about myself and I am a much better person for it.

07-11-10, 15:40
sometimes i like to say that anxiety is the best thing that has ever happened to me, surely most of you will probably think im insane, but it's the only thing that forced me to learn about myself and I am a much better person for it.

I totally agree with this, sounds insane, but its true.

09-11-10, 15:12
thats such a good post for when someones feeling crap!! x

11-11-10, 06:30
I hope you say those words to YOURSELF every day too Laura.:hugs: