View Full Version : Swallowing issues

06-11-10, 20:04
About a fortnight ago I had a rather distressing case of not being able to swallow when having camomile tea in the evening - I went to see someone about it and they suggested it might be globus hystericus after examining me and taking my history etc, and I accepted this as I get very anxious lately. And the swallowing stuff died down after that though re-surfaced occasionally (usually when drinking tea). Today it's come back somewhat and I'm now feeling very panicky about it, I don't want to keep bothering doctors about it (god knows I've been to the GP enough over the last year) but swallowing is becoming an effort for much of today and there's a feeling of tightness in my throat. I have had a cold and sore throat over the last week and I wonder if this might the root of it (I hope it is in a way!) or if it's just anxiety acting up again or something worse.

Sorry just getting my thoughts down on screen, it's a bit messy!

06-11-10, 20:31
I have a cold and sinus throat thing myself now for a month.
Aside from that virus, I notice tea dries my throat out. And swallowing feels odd. My husband said that's why he doesn't drink tea much as it dries his throat too.
Chamomile is a relaxer. Maybe that is it.
Try not drinking tea for a while as see if there is a change.

Fly away Katie
07-11-10, 14:22
Yeah, Tea does dry your throat out, and leaves a dry plac on your tongue too which isnt very nice..
Ive also had the swallowing thing. Made my life hell, ive got something simalr now, I can swallow, but im so afraid of choking, that I dread every meal, cus two hours or so after every meal, my throats tight and i have the chokling feeling :(
xnx x

07-11-10, 17:28
i have had all sorts of swallowing issues in the past related to anxiety but now if it resurfaces i think - ahh - i know what you are and it only lasts a short while so try not to get worked up about it. for 3 weeks once - i felt that food was not going down - all anxiety related and as you have had it before - i am sure it is just anxiety playing its tricks on you!

07-11-10, 18:45
Thanks for the replies, it's still playing up somewhat today (I've dropped drinking tea for now), but I'm trying not to worry about it too much and just relax. It's a hard battle though every time I eat or drink to stop worrying, damn treacherous brain :(