View Full Version : Stomach ache and diarrhoea

cheesy pete
06-11-10, 22:48
Hey all,

Been really struggling for the last 3 days. Stomach hasn't felt great all week but since Thursday it's been a lot of worse. Been starving myself for most of the time and not sure if that is making it worse and my stomach hurt more. Only been to the loo once today (wasn't as bad as Friday) but just eaten dry toast and probotic yoghurt. Is it the lack of food causing my stomach, the bug or what?

06-11-10, 22:59
Stick to bland food but do keep eating as you need nutrients etc.

cheesy pete
06-11-10, 23:11
Thanks Nicola i will do. Really missing my food so I have to eat something!

06-11-10, 23:16
Avoid greasy food for a while and too much sugar .Scrambled eggs are good for lining the stomach and are binding .Hope you feel better soon ..Sue x

cheesy pete
06-11-10, 23:24
Thanks Sue. I have been really good food wise recently as well. Off to consultant on Tuesday so we will see what they say then.

07-11-10, 00:09
Lack of food will just allow the stomach acid to build up? Well, I guess it'll have nowhere to go!

There's the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) which is always a good place to start when you have a dodgy stomach, but everyone is different. I like having eggs too Sue, and apples. Easiest things for me to digest. Oh and carrots.

07-11-10, 00:21
Mash potato is good when you can't eat much. An empty stomach is never a good thing. Acid loves it. Try and eat bland, but eat something if you can.

08-11-10, 15:55
Hope you are feeling better now.

Just wanted to say that I had the same symptoms for weeks. Normally my stomach is really tough but I had terrible cramps every afternoon, and diarrhoea 5 times a day.

Tried lots of things, ate bland foods etc. Finally figured out - the apples from the garden were irritating my stomach. Stopped eating them and no problems since.

So - is there anything new you are eating? Although veggies are healthy, sometimes they too can cause problems - my sister in law can't stomach brocolli, for example.

Try to not worry :hugs: