View Full Version : Lump of flem

Fly away Katie
06-11-10, 23:19
OK, a few days ago I got a cold. Which doesnt worrie me.

ALTHOUGH last night, I started to get that tight raw feeling you get in your throat, before a sore throat.

Infact I had a panic attack today because my airway felt so tight (I don't have asthma)

And today and right now I feel like theres a massive lump of flem in my throat. it feels absolutley horrible. WHen I swallow a drink, I can feel it :'(

Has anyone else had either of these? Im sitting here, trying to drink my tea, and every time I swallow it, it feels AWFUL... like the lump wont shift :'( TERRIFIED. Please help me someone, anyonne x

paula lynne
06-11-10, 23:24
hi hun, get some one to gently pat your back, take sips of water, you will continue to breathe so try not to worry about that. it wont hurt you ok. it will come up when its ready ok. it wont hurt you i promise..
if its discoloured when you finally cough it up, you may have a chest infection so see your gp ok hun. dont worry now, the more you get up tight the more it will feel like your throat is closing, so try to relax. get some diy physio on it-patting of the back. It will not stop you breathing ok love x i hope this makes some sense? brain not responding to me at mo x

06-11-10, 23:24
I'm no expert, but this sounds like 'globus hystericus' to me. It's nothing to be concerned about and is described as "a persistent sensation of having phlegm, a pill or some other sort of obstruction in the throat when there is none."

I've lost count of the number of times I've heard this in relation to anxiety, so it seems like just another symptom.

06-11-10, 23:26
I have had this with anxiety myself.
And also with a cold, like I have now.

Fly away Katie
06-11-10, 23:29
It feels SO restricting :'( xxxxxxxxxx

paula lynne
06-11-10, 23:31
calm down, its anxiety controlling you, but you can control IT...try the patting on the back, you will continue to breath ok

06-11-10, 23:35
You need to try and relax. The more you fight against it and get upset about it, the worse it's going to feel. I appreciate that it's easier said than done, however it's a sensation born out of anxiety. You can still breathe and you will be fine.

Fly away Katie
07-11-10, 10:37
Thank you guys I feel more reasurred now :)

paula lynne
07-11-10, 10:39
Morning Kate, glad you are a bit better now x:)

09-11-10, 14:16
Hi Katie, I get this occasionally. I've found it helps to make a nice mug of herbal tea and deeply inhale the steam, then take a few sips once it has cooled off. For me it seems to open up the airway and clear things out.