View Full Version : Really Anxious - Please Help.

07-11-10, 01:54
Hi, I posted earlier in the week about one of my upper wisdom teeth hurting and i was gonna go to the dentist but then thurs and fri it started to feel a lot better but now its really hurting again, it's not really painful like toothache, its hurts when i move my jaw from side to side. i'm terrified its infected and i also read that cancers can develop in wisdom teeth growing in the wrong place or impacted wisdom teeth. i'm so scared now that i'm almost in tears. any ideas what could be wrong with me? i guess i will go to dentist on mon or tue hopefully but i'm terrified about going. you don't think it will be to late?

please reply ASAP

Love Louise XXXXX

07-11-10, 02:25
I'm sure you'll be fine Louise. I had pain off and on for months with my wisdom teeth before I had them out and came to no harm. If it is the tooth causing the pain, even if it's infected a quick course of antibiotics should sort it out, and I'm sure the cancer thing is a complete myth. Seeing the dentist at the beginning of the week will be fine, unless the pain is unbearable x

07-11-10, 03:46
Okay, you've let your irrational fears run away with you. The most common causes for pain in the area of the wisdom teeth is either due to mechanical impaction of the tooth itself or sinus inflammation of the cavity immediately proximal to the upper dental plate. Lastly, the remaining most common cause is bruxism, or grinding of the teeth at night. Subsequent lateral movement of the jaw can produce painful discomfort and although the origin is perceived to be the wisdom teeth, it is actually the surrounding musclulature which becomes fatigued as a result of the bruxism and tension.

In any event, you do not have a tumor and you are certainly not at some point in the process that will result in a "too-late" scenario. You have also grossly misinterpreted the medical aspects of tumors relating to dental abnormalities.

My suggestion is to merely make an appointment with your dentist and have the matter properly evaluated and treated, beyond which you'll be pleased to have learned that the problem was nowhere even close to what you have come to suspect.

Best regards,

Rutheford Rane, MD (ret.)

07-11-10, 03:48
Hi again, I just had a look at it and it looks like my wisdom has come through but it's got a bit of black on and it's cracked, I'm proper freaking out now. Any ideas? Anyone else had this? Plus I have an on and off sore throat could that be related?

Please reply ASAP
Love Louise XxX

07-11-10, 17:49
Could the black be decay? Could that be serious? Can anyone relate?

Please reply
love louise X

07-11-10, 17:51
It could be, but certainly not something to be scared about. You have had a filling before I would think. That's from a tooth getting decayed.

07-11-10, 18:25
I wonder if your pain could be to do with tension. My brother in law is a dentist and I had a lot of pain in my jaw and along my cheekbone etc. I saw him a lot and he checked everything out ( nothing there) and, after quite a long time of me going on about it (I was forever massaging my jaw and getting into a state) he told me that he was convinced it was tension. He made me a gum shield to wear at night (in case I was grinding my teeth, although there was no evidence that I was) and, miraciously, it all disappeared! I think that somehow I managed to accept that it was tension and then the tension went!

Whatever it is, I am sure it will be fine. Take care x

08-11-10, 06:13
have you made a dentist appointment? if it's infected they will give you antibiotics.
I always know hen I have an infection because the pain is unbearable and my gum swells up because of the pus.

I understand your fear , my wisdom teeth are killing me and i'm scared because i need to go to hospital to have them removed.....

08-11-10, 06:29
Awwww well I know how you feel, I am constantly worrying about my teeth and I get so anxious about going to dentist. I am going to ring dentist on tues morning and Hopefully they can get me in on wednesday. I've had this discomfort for a week so I keep thinking it's to late and it's gonna be really serious. My tooth looks decayed so I will deffo need it out I reckon.

Love louise

08-11-10, 08:05
My 19 year old son had an impacted wisdom tooth removed a few months back.... it really was so quick and easy..... he reckoned he timed it and the whole thing only took 20 seconds and didn't hurt at all!! Get down the dentist quick and have it checked!

08-11-10, 09:44
I had both of my upper wisdom teeth removed a few years ago. One of them had grown in sideways and they were both really rotten, as I'd had a phobia of the dentist for years and wouldn't get them sorted.

I managed to find a brilliant dentist though, and he dealt with them really easily. I'd heard loads of horror stories about having to have them taken out in hospital, but I didn't have any of this. OK, the procedure itself is slightly yukky, but it's over very quickly.

08-11-10, 17:24
I manAged to get an appointment for Wednesday so hopefully it will be ok till then. I'm so anxious at the moment and can't stop worrying.

Love louise