View Full Version : Hi all.

07-11-10, 04:52
Hi everyone.

:yahoo:My name is Sharon and I live in South Wales, Uk. I am married and we have one son and a 'young lady' who stays with us on such a regular basis that she may as well be our daughter as we think so much of her!!
I actually came across this web site by chance as I was originally looking for some advice on a health issue. I am so glad that this site came up in my searches as everyone seems so helpfull and genuine, so I have decided to stay.
Hopefully, I will be able to be an active member of this forum and even though I would like some advice on a medical issue, I do hope that I can be of help to others in the future.
Well, in a nutshell, that is me. If anyone would like to know anything else, feel free to message me..............xxx

07-11-10, 04:58
Hi Shaza

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

07-11-10, 05:01
Hi Sharon, A BIG FAT :welcome: to NMP! x

Fly away Katie
07-11-10, 10:37
Helloooo and welcome to the forum x x x

paula lynne
07-11-10, 10:38
Hi Sharon and welcome aboard! Im Paula, live near Bridgend, 39, married 2 kids, and a gorgeous 1 year old grand-daughter. Nice to meet you x:welcome:

margaret jones
07-11-10, 12:06
Hi Sharon :welcome: to this fantastic site you will meet some great people and get lots of good advice .

07-11-10, 14:22
Thank you all for the lovely, warm welcomes. It has been great to read your messages and I am sure that I will enjoy being a member - thanks again.

:D :hugs:

paula lynne
07-11-10, 14:26
get your welsh flag up shaza! hope you are ok today and having a relaxed sunday x:)