View Full Version : Got my appointment for the ENT

07-11-10, 11:17
Got a letter yesterday saying that my appointment is in late December, Bit frustrating that it's so far away but nothing i can do about it, I suppose there's a chance of a possible cancellation? I'm sure you can put your name down incase there's a cancellation can't you?

I presume i will have a Nasendoscopy when attending this appointment? I've read it only takes 1-2 minutes.

07-11-10, 11:32
hmm 1 to 2 minutes for the whole appointment? you may just be meeting with the doctor.
although that wouldn't make sense unless .......your going to be sedated for the procedure?

seriously thats not long at all to wait!
my friend who's been having bad tummy pains for the last month , has seen a few doctors is still waiting to get an appointment for that camera thing to look at her stomach.
so your pretty lucky it's in December! :-)

07-11-10, 11:35
hmm 1 to 2 minutes for the whole appointment? you may just be meeting with the doctor.
although that wouldn't make sense unless .......your going to be sedated for the procedure?

seriously thats not long at all to wait!
my friend who's been having bad tummy pains for the last month , has seen a few doctors is still waiting to get an appointment for that camera thing to look at her stomach.
so your pretty lucky it's in December! :-)

A Nasendoscopy is the camera that goes up the nose and down your throat and takes 1-2 minutes and requires no sedatives, Your thinking of an Endoscopy that goes down your Esophagus and into your Stomach.

Also your friend would be seeing a Gastroentrologist for stomach problems not an ENT as i have stomach problems too and i am seeing a Gastroentrologist as well as a ENT.

07-11-10, 11:36
I don't think any particular test is a given when you go to ENT. The dr will decide that based on your symptoms.

December isn't that far off now. You might be able to get a cancellation, but I suspect that would involve you ringing at the beginning of each week to ask if anyone has cancelled for that week. Hospitals don't tend to have lists of patients to contact if there is a cancellation, as they have too much to do already.

07-11-10, 11:38
I don't think any particular test is a given when you go to ENT. The dr will decide that based on your symptoms.

December isn't that far off now. You might be able to get a cancellation, but I suspect that would involve you ringing at the beginning of each week to ask if anyone has cancelled for that week. Hospitals don't tend to have lists of patients to contact if there is a cancellation, as they have too much to do already.

It's near the end of December though :weep:

As i am having throat pains and difficulty swallowing i think there's a very good chance of a Nasendoscopy being done especially as it only takes a minute or so to do.

Going home
07-11-10, 12:26
Well its only about 7 or 8 weeks away which is good for the nhs appointments, or if you can afford to go private maybe this would be quicker?

Anna x

paula lynne
07-11-10, 12:28
good luck with your appointment eggy :)

07-11-10, 12:29
Well its only about 7 or 8 weeks away which is good for the nhs appointments, or if you can afford to go private maybe this would be quicker?

Anna x

Yeah it's just over 7 weeks, I was referred on Tuesday and got the letter with the appointment yesterday.

07-11-10, 13:13
when i had an initial consulatation with the ent for sinus - i had a little tiny tube with a light on the end shoved up my nostrils plus my ears looked at but nothing painful at all and yes - it took less than a minute x

07-11-10, 13:20
when i had an initial consulatation with the ent for sinus - i had a little tiny tube with a light on the end shoved up my nostrils plus my ears looked at but nothing painful at all and yes - it took less than a minute x

Yep, I've seen a video on Youtube of it being done doesn't seem bad at all and is very quick, They will look at my throat too with me having throat problems but i'm looking forward to these things being done because it will rule things out..

07-11-10, 13:48
I had that done Eggy at an ENT appointment and whilst it is not painful at the time I felt like someone had broken my nose for several days afterwards.

Hopefully it will reassure you though.

07-11-10, 14:21
Seven weeks is nothing, I had to wait six months to see my back specialist.

But if it was really serious you would have been seen within 2 weeks, not 8.

05-12-10, 11:35
Only 2 and a half weeks now until I see the ENT.

05-12-10, 13:02
Good luck eggy. Ive seen an ENT, they will do a few examinations first then will see what it is you may need further. I had constant dizziness and the ENT doc couldnt find anything wrong, but refused to send me for MRI. The dizziness went soon after though so was probly just anxiety. How are ur MND fears?? u still thinking u might have it??

Hope alls well anyway :)

05-12-10, 13:06
Good luck eggy. Ive seen an ENT, they will do a few examinations first then will see what it is you may need further. I had constant dizziness and the ENT doc couldnt find anything wrong, but refused to send me for MRI. The dizziness went soon after though so was probly just anxiety. How are ur MND fears?? u still thinking u might have it??

Hope alls well anyway :)


I need to tell them about my facial pain and also about my throat pain and difficulty swallowing.

I am still worried about MND but I know an ENT can sometimes spot the type of MND that starts in your Mouth/Throat/Tongue.

05-12-10, 13:12
Hopefully they will be able to help figure out what is going on, it could be something so minor, so just keep as positive as you can :)

17-12-10, 21:51
Not long now until my appointment (another 6 days) Getting abit nervous about it now to be honest, I have so much going on that i am going to feel stupid when i have to tell them lots of things such as:-

The feeling of pressure in my nose and cheekbones
The pain in my nose and cheekbones
Neck ache/pain
Ear aches
Sore throats/pain in the throat,, difficulty swallowing and the feeling of something stuck in the throat.

17-12-10, 22:12
Not long now until my appointment (another 6 days) Getting abit nervous about it now to be honest, I have so much going on that i am going to feel stupid when i have to tell them lots of things such as:-

The feeling of pressure in my nose and cheekbones
The pain in my nose and cheekbones
Neck ache/pain
Ear aches
Sore throats/pain in the throat,, difficulty swallowing and the feeling of something stuck in the throat.
I really wouldnt get your hopes up to much eggy that they are going to a lot for you.
I went to ent with alot of those symptoms a few years back, all they did was stuck a tube up my nose to check my sinusis, i was told they were clear and a hearing test, they just said to go back to my doc.

18-12-10, 15:39
I really wouldnt get your hopes up to much eggy that they are going to a lot for you.
I went to ent with alot of those symptoms a few years back, all they did was stuck a tube up my nose to check my sinusis, i was told they were clear and a hearing test, they just said to go back to my doc.

I would expect them to do a few things otherwise there isnt going to be any reassurance.

18-12-10, 20:16
Unfortunately eggy these specialists arnt there to give reasurrence they do what they need to do to find the problem an if they do one test and send you away with the all clear then you'll just have to accept that an believe they know what they are talking about! They might not do any tests they may take history have a quick look an move you on if they think there is no problem!


22-12-10, 19:58
Well my appointment is in the morning, I am a bit nervous about it and don't know what to expect or what they might do.

I presume i should tell him about my headaches as well?

I have a lot to tell him.

22-12-10, 20:03
Of course tell him about the headaches Eggy. Have you written or printed out a list of the things you want to talk about? Good luck with the appt, I am sure we are all waiting to hear how you get on.

22-12-10, 20:10
I had an ENT appointment today and was very very surprised - it took 10 minutes at the very maximum.

He sprayed some anaesthetic up my nose, before first checking my throat with a normal light thing that normal doctors have then inserting a nasendoscope (I think that's what its called) up my nose so he could see all the way down me throat, he got me to say a couple different sounds, breath in and out before telling me my throat was perfect and not to worry. Also he said my tonsils would shrink naturally. Of course it was reassuring in the sense that I obviously don't have throat problems and the swallowing problems are reflux related, just the appointment was nothing like how I expected it, I had envisaged a variety of tests and the like and a serious going over. Having said that, I'm more than happy to take his word for it.

22-12-10, 20:57
Of course tell him about the headaches Eggy. Have you written or printed out a list of the things you want to talk about? Good luck with the appt, I am sure we are all waiting to hear how you get on.


I'm fed up with these headaches lately, Never had headaches much before but i seem to be getting them constantly along with the facial pain and the other problems.

22-12-10, 21:07
Make the most of your appointment eggy, its no good coming out of there saying that you forgot to tell them about this or that.
good luck!

22-12-10, 21:09
Hi Eggy

Make sure you tell him everything you are feeling and it might be a good idea to mention the anxiety too. Hopefully this will ensure he covers all the related issues you have at the moment.

I wish you all the luck in the world my love and please let us know how you get on tomorrow.


22-12-10, 21:32
Make the most of your appointment eggy, its no good coming out of there saying that you forgot to tell them about this or that.
good luck!

After waiting almost 2 months i need to make the most of the appointment, I want as much stuff as possible covered.

22-12-10, 21:35
Hi Eggy

Make sure you tell him everything you are feeling and it might be a good idea to mention the anxiety too. Hopefully this will ensure he covers all the related issues you have at the moment.

I wish you all the luck in the world my love and please let us know how you get on tomorrow.


I just want him to look into my facial/head/throat issues mainly but i have a lot going on, I don't just want him to have a really quick look then make me leave.

22-12-10, 22:02
I'm afraid that whatever time you have with them you cannot wholly monopolise their time Eggy with an extensive discussion of your complaints as there will be other patients with appointments to be seen who have also waited a long time for it to come around just as you did.

I have had recent appointments at my local hospital for a benign lump on my lip and breast lumps and both appointments were quick and to the point. After all, with respect, if we all went into the room and stayed for an age listing out problems how would they see the number of patients they do?

That is the way it is with the NHS, like it or not, and frankly I for one am grateful to be seen (free) at all.

22-12-10, 22:11
Hi effusion..using my mobile and only had a quick look through this post....so please forgive me if I'm wrong! But your ent consultant will only want to discuss problems that he specialised in and it seems you have many other problems. I have been lucky that I have private health care and even with that, the appointments are fairly quick and to the point. I do wish you luck and hope you get some reassurance x

22-12-10, 22:15
Effusion was meant to say eggy...damn predictive text!!

22-12-10, 22:43
Good luck tomorrow, Eggy. And remember to tell him all the symptoms you have from the neck up! The more he knows, the more he will know what tests to do. Write it down as a prompt, if needed.

Please let us know how you get on.


22-12-10, 22:44
Hi effusion..using my mobile and only had a quick look through this post....so please forgive me if I'm wrong! But your ent consultant will only want to discuss problems that he specialised in and it seems you have many other problems. I have been lucky that I have private health care and even with that, the appointments are fairly quick and to the point. I do wish you luck and hope you get some reassurance x

Headaches, Facial pain, Ear aches, Throat pain/sore throats etc are ENT issues though.

22-12-10, 22:48
Good luck tomorrow, Eggy. And remember to tell him all the symptoms you have from the neck up! The more he knows, the more he will know what tests to do. Write it down as a prompt, if needed.

Please let us know how you get on.


I will do and thank you Dahlia.

23-12-10, 12:11
Well.....I went to the hospital early this morning and said to the specialist about my neck ache/pain, facial pain, cheekbone and nose pain and ear pain as well as my throat problems.

I also mentioned that i have been getting a lot of headaches in the past few weeks.

He had a look in my ears first and then he had a look in my nose and then in my throat but then he said he would be putting a camera up my nose and into my throat and i chose to have the numbing spray so i had to wait outside for half an hour before going back in and then i had the camera up my nose and into my throat and they said my throat was inflamed and that i had reflux.

I was given a prescription for some Lanzaprazole, Nothing was said about my facial pain, neck aches or headaches, Obviously my sinuses must have been clear otherwise he would have said something.

I have to go back in 3 months time to see him.

23-12-10, 12:52
Well thats good then eggy.....i think....are you going to try and relax now to see if you aches and pains will resolve themselves?
Did you ask them why you should suffer such facial pain for no apparent reason?

Going home
23-12-10, 12:57
Eggy its good that you at least got some result out of it and some treatment, but I would've asked about the other aches and pains even if he didnt mention them, I would have asked anyway after waiting all that time to see him. But then I get headaches all the time and the pains you describe sounds like alot of tension...maybe you should book yourself in for some massages, they can work wonders on stressed muscles.

Anna x

23-12-10, 13:14
Good news, Eggy - I hope you're feeling a little better as it sounds like, as far as ENT problems go, the only one you have is acid reflux. Tumours etc are ruled out of the equation, which was one of your fears - so that must be a relief.

It's annoying not to know what is causing the other facial pain and headaches - but clearly there are no clinical signs from today's examination, which in a way is good news. I would look into a teeth shield for Bruxism, as I suspect it's causing the facial pain and probably the headaches too. It's worth a try, isn't it? You have nothing to lose - if it doesn't work, then you can cross that one off your list. The fact that you are anxious and on an SSRI means it's pretty likely. (Clenching teeth for 8 hours non-stop is gonna hurt, no?!)

I used to get lots of headaches and neck pain. Often neck pain can 'refer' to the head ie the actual problem is neck pain. Perhaps consider trying an osteopath? I went to see an osteopath when I had the terrible headaches/neck pain - and he said all the muscles in my back and neck were really tight, and my back was like a slab of concrete. He manipulated my soft tissue/muscles, which really helped. Good thing about my osteopath was, he knew a lot about the body and conditions, and whether something indicated a serious problem or not.

I think my back/neck was in such a state, because I was stressed and anxious, and constantly 'alert', which meant I was tensing every muscle. I have to admit, at the time, I thought there was something more wrong with me, it hurt so bloody much.

(Just something else to throw in - I used to get almost daily migraines for about a year. Long story short, it turned out to be aspartame (artificial sweetener) that was causing them. This is in lots of soft drinks. My GP confirmed it can definitely cause headaches. Caffeine is another one to watch out for).

How are you feeling after the appointment? Well done for getting through it.


23-12-10, 13:33
Have a look at this - bit expensive, but apparently they cost more from the dentist. Maybe just read people's reviews - so you can see how their symptoms match yours.


23-12-10, 15:06
Well thats good then eggy.....i think....are you going to try and relax now to see if you aches and pains will resolve themselves?
Did you ask them why you should suffer such facial pain for no apparent reason?

It's good that things like Throat problems or throat cancer have been ruled out definitely still worried about my facial pain and increasing headaches which are becoming more persistent.

23-12-10, 15:07
Eggy its good that you at least got some result out of it and some treatment, but I would've asked about the other aches and pains even if he didnt mention them, I would have asked anyway after waiting all that time to see him. But then I get headaches all the time and the pains you describe sounds like alot of tension...maybe you should book yourself in for some massages, they can work wonders on stressed muscles.

Anna x

Thanks Anna, Maybe i should have asked about the other aches and pains but i told him everything and didn't miss anything out, He wrote down all my symptoms/problems.

I am getting daily headaches now and i have had a couple of bad ones recently, I even woke up with one today which is unusual.

23-12-10, 15:13
Good news, Eggy - I hope you're feeling a little better as it sounds like, as far as ENT problems go, the only one you have is acid reflux. Tumours etc are ruled out of the equation, which was one of your fears - so that must be a relief.

It's annoying not to know what is causing the other facial pain and headaches - but clearly there are no clinical signs from today's examination, which in a way is good news. I would look into a teeth shield for Bruxism, as I suspect it's causing the facial pain and probably the headaches too. It's worth a try, isn't it? You have nothing to lose - if it doesn't work, then you can cross that one off your list. The fact that you are anxious and on an SSRI means it's pretty likely. (Clenching teeth for 8 hours non-stop is gonna hurt, no?!)

I used to get lots of headaches and neck pain. Often neck pain can 'refer' to the head ie the actual problem is neck pain. Perhaps consider trying an osteopath? I went to see an osteopath when I had the terrible headaches/neck pain - and he said all the muscles in my back and neck were really tight, and my back was like a slab of concrete. He manipulated my soft tissue/muscles, which really helped. Good thing about my osteopath was, he knew a lot about the body and conditions, and whether something indicated a serious problem or not.

I think my back/neck was in such a state, because I was stressed and anxious, and constantly 'alert', which meant I was tensing every muscle. I have to admit, at the time, I thought there was something more wrong with me, it hurt so bloody much.

(Just something else to throw in - I used to get almost daily migraines for about a year. Long story short, it turned out to be aspartame (artificial sweetener) that was causing them. This is in lots of soft drinks. My GP confirmed it can definitely cause headaches. Caffeine is another one to watch out for).

How are you feeling after the appointment? Well done for getting through it.


Hi Dahlia,

I am relieved that things have been ruled out like Throat Cancer.

It is very annoying that i don't know the cause of my headaches and facial pain, I have had the facial pain for quite a while now and my headaches are increasing in frequency and hurting quite a lot sometimes, Last night i had one for around 9 hours and i went to sleep and woke up with a headache, On Sunday night i had a really bad headache at the front and sides of my head and i am feeling quite dizzy recently.

I am feeling ok after the appointment thanks, It wasn't bad at all even the camera ended up being quite easy to get through and only last just over half a minute or so.

23-12-10, 21:09
Hi Eggy

I think you are doing really well - you are sounding a little more positive and I see from your other thread that you now have ruled out some of the the things you thought you may be suffering from. Well done you!

I really agree with previous posts that it would be good to try and sort the possible teeth grinding problem out and finding a way to relax if you can. Is there anything you find relaxes you at present? If so, try and do it at least once a day.

Keep up the good work Eggy - and try and have a good christmas!


23-12-10, 22:10
Hi Eggy!

Just a random thought :)! Do you ever clench or grind your teeth?

I was getting headaches and facial pain a lot and found out it was because I was clenching my teeth while i sleep!

Glad your appointment went ok :)

Merry Christmas xxx

Going home
24-12-10, 01:20
Eggy, for some years now ive been getting a one-sided headache, always on the same side and if my partner massages my neck on that side I can actually feel the pain in my head...I believe the docs call it referred pain. Sometimes the massage helps and sometimes it doesn't. I don't get it every day but at least once a week and it has everything to do with the way I 'hold' myself. I tend to have a round-shouldered posture and if I catch myself I can feel that I tend to hunch up a bit, especially when i'm on the computer because the desk its on isn't the best to be honest. But I hunch up when i'm walking too as if its me against the world.

Alot of anxious people do this and I remember a physiotherapist telling me that she can see the tension in anxious people when they walk through the door...it radiates from them. When we have spent so many years worrying about ourselves and being very introspective, living in our own fear bubble, well its got to have an impact on how we hold our bodies right? We sit hunched and anxious, depriving ourselves of oxygen which leads to an amazing amount of physical symptoms. We need to uncurl, stand straight and breathe deep.

Anna xx